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"The Fall"
 A Poem Inspired by a Tumble

Introduction to my poem, The Fall:

The Dr's tell me that I have a condition that causes my bones to be "fragile, like a honeycomb." And yet, I trust wholly in God’s Word that says, "He keepeth all my bones and not one of them is broken," and I have never had a broken bone.

I recently had a serious fall on my front porch. It was beginning to get dark. I had been talking to a neighbor and was a little tired. I started up the steps to my house but My feet slipped, and because my hands are weak I was unable to break my fall.

My knees took the extent of the fall as I slammed onto the concrete porch. The first thing I did was to check my kneecaps and found that they were not broken, what a relief that was. Then I got up and went into my house, and recovered in only two days.

When I shared this with a cashier at our local Dollar General, she told me that she had also fallen and that, as she put it, her kneecaps crumbled, and it was three months before she recovered.

I realized this was a confirmation of God’s protection and was able to share with this lady how that it was God’s way of letting me know that He protects us when we put our trust in Him and His Heavenly Host of Angelic beings.

We must remind ourselves each day that though we are in this World, we are not here to stay. When we give ourselves to Jesus as our Savior and Lord, we become new creations of His love.

We now walk with Him in sweet accord. Granted glorious access to our Father’s great Throne we can come into His presence With a song in our hearts, into His Courts with praise, that should never depart. I thank God for it all. Without God, we can do nothing, but with Him, we can do all things.

Expressing myself through poetry allows me to hang onto the precious memories of my children, grandchildren, and friends. I find great pleasure in reading the poems while reminiscing about days gone by. And I would also like to think that my poems bring pleasure to those who view them. 

Ruth Byrge

"The Fall"

Yes, it’s true I took a fall on that concrete slab and all that. I didn’t catch myself but found myself on the floor of my front porch, and there I sat.

I prayed to God that my angel would assist me there and I knew He would because that’s part of His glorious care.

I reached out to the limb that was before me and pulled myself straight and entered my home. By that time, an I just couldn’t wait!

I took an assessment of my knees because that’s how I hit. My kneecaps were all bruised and hurt badly that’s true, but not broken one bit.

How could that be considering the force I went down, because of the Kingdom of God and His angels camping about me all around.

Poetry by Ruth Byrge

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Maryville, TN 37802