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"Short Christian Articles"
In-Depth Articles
For Guidance Inspiration and Hope

These Short Christian articles embrace some of Scripture's most profound and complex Passages and Godly principles.

Every effort has been made to reflect the intended message of the original Old and New Testament writers.

Though respected, the opinions of others and denominational views are not considered.

Attempting to build a future based upon anything other than the Word of God is like building on quicksand.

Living the Christian Life
"Trust and Obey"

Only One Way to Heaven

Finding Forgiveness

God's Healing Power of Love

Do You Ever Think
About Heaven?

God's Plan for 
Your Life

Loyalty - Faithfulness

God's Special Care 

Store'front Christians

Faith and Works

Planted by the Waters

In Jesus' Name


New Man in Christ

Take up Your Cross

To Tithe or Not to Tithe

A Hindu and Christian Discuss Jesus

Encouragement for 
Single Parents

Safe From Coronavirus

Basic Money Skills

Inspirational Stories


Finding Hope

Hope Scriptures


'Jesus Heals the Sick

Healing Scriptures

"About Jesus"

Who is Jesus?

Jesus' Influence on History

The Cross of Jesus

The Names of Jesus

Commands of Jesus 

Miracles of Jesus

Parables of Jesus

"About God"

The Trinity of God

The Names of God

Greatness of God

How Much Does 
God Know?

"The Holy Spirit"

Your Friend the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit - FAQ

Power of the Spirit 

Led by the Spirit

Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit

"The Throne of God"

Approaching the Throne of God, the Holy of Holies

"New Covenant"

The New Covenant

Law and Christianity

Day of Worship

"Old Covenant"

The Old Testament Law

Ten Commandments

"About Angels"



"Demons and Curses"

Demon Possession

Generational Curses

"Religious Freedom"

Freedom of Religion

Christians, Please Stand Up!

Freedom of Expression

"Bible Studies" 

Day of Worship?

Creation - Evolution

Levels of Faith

"For the Seasons"


The Birth of Jesus from Scripture

The True Message of Christmas

Christmas is the Greatest Gift of All  
(A Poem)

My First Christmas Saved
(A Poem)

Good Friday

Message for Easter

Study of Easter

By Samuel L. Mills 

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Christian Articles

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

Sharing the
Message Of Jesus

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Valentina: United States

God bless each and every one of you. Brother and sister, may you cherish and blossom. I am trying to get on the right track, and with God's help, the impossible becomes possible. You are loved.

Anna: United States

I'm compelled to tell you how much I've enjoyed this website. Solid word teaching. May the Lord God of heaven add more years and blessings to your life.

Recent Articles

  1. Prayer Requests

    Mar 23, 25 02:48 PM

    God answers prayer. Submit your prayer requests and have other Spirit Filled Christians pray for you

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  2. Dreams From Heaven Supernatural and Glorious

    Mar 17, 25 10:27 AM

    Dream Interpretation Banner
    Large collection of mysterious, fascinating Christian visions and dreams. Please Submit your dream.

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  3. Daniel Cahill

    Mar 13, 25 04:14 PM

    Daniel Cahill is a devoted Christian who shares his Christian insight and love with those who live on the streets of New York City, Miami, and the world.

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  4. Visitor Articles at Trusting in Jesus Ministry

    Mar 06, 25 03:52 PM

    Visitor articles: These Christian articles were written by visitors to the Trusting in Jesus website

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  5. Most Recent Articles from the Trusting in Jesus Website

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    These are some of the most recent articles from the Trusting in Jesus website; hope and encouragement for every aspect of life.

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Samuel, Kenya

"My name is Samuel in Nairobi Kenya. I have just been led of the Spirit to your
site. I Love the Lord Jesus for He loved me first. I am happy to see and learn of the edifying word of God in this site.
Thank you my brother.

Eliakim: Kenya"

"Thank you very much for the scripture, its helpful to me. God bless you so much. Support me with scriptures please, with thanks.  

Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802