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"About This Website" 
Trusting in Jesus

The "Trusting in Jesus" Ministry began in 2003 as "About the Cross of Jesus," and in 2007, the name became "Trusting in Jesus." 

The articles and studies on this website are based purely on God's Word and do not promote the opinions or beliefs of any particular Christian denomination.

We believe it will be helpful for people of all faiths; all religions are welcome. 

The Trusting in Jesus Ministry strives to present a message of hope and a solid foundation for Christian living through the Good News of Jesus.

God is love, and His love is the most powerful force in existence (1 Jn 4:7-21). The Father's love is unconditional; it forgives, heals, sets the captives free, and provides eternal life.

We pray that, above all, the Trusting in Jesus' ministry will help others find His kind of love. We want everyone to know that Jesus loves them.

No large churches or institutions are backing this website, but it has been blessed and now receives visitors from over 200 countries.

Everything on the Trusting in Jesus website is copyrighted, but it is all for His Glory and free to use by permission.

Please reference Trusting in Jesus Ministry for content directly copied to other websites. 

Jesus loves you,

Samuel Mills
P.O. Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802

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Visitor Comments

Haywood: United States
I love all your material, God Bless…

Danny: United States
Your website is a real blessing to me. The focus on the WORD, and the focus on the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit tell me that I am in the right place.
This has been a tremendous amount of effort, which is greatly appreciated. God Bless you and this awesome work.

Emmanuel: Nigeria
I thank God for discovering this site. I also have a plan to do such here in Africa.

Fe Delantar: Philippines 
Thank you for the article on faith. It is very enriching in understanding the kind of faith one should have. This is very helpful for me and is very good to share to others in the community too.

Denis Nyabuto: Kenya
I have visited your website and am blessed with your teachings and am here by requesting you to send me more through my email so as to teach in the church here in Kenya. Thank you and I hope that you will be in touch with us so we will grow in knowing the will of God.

Eric: United States
I want to thank you for your website and the good work you have done to show the glory of the Lord for healing. We are building a church in a new age infested community. I am shepherding a small flock to train them to be evangelists and salt and light. Thank you for equipping me for equipping them.

Jeremy: United States
Your study on john has been a miracle for me. Everyday i come home and read it and study. I wish you did a study on every book in the Bible.

Rhonda: Bolivia
"Hi, I am a missionary in Bolivia from the USA. I am teaching on this passage on Sunday and found your site while doing research. Really nice, concise study. Thank you so much for posting it. May God bless you greatly! Those of us on the mission field really appreciate the resource!"

Jama: Somalia
"I Am Jama Kasie from Somalia. I was a very strong Muslim and even memorized Koran when 12 years old. fortunately after i made studies and comparison between Christianity and Islam, I've gotten the truth of Jesus. I was baptized 2 years ago and i am committed to serve for the Lord.
I printed out the study of Gospel John on your site so, still am studying. thanks for providing us such study like this. God bless you."

Luma: Cameroon
Love your articles. I wish to be receiving these from time to time. thanks. God bless you.

Dear Samuel,
"Your emails are very encouraging to me. When I get down I read them over and over. I am so thankful I found this site and have added my prayers to yours for the requests. I have also told friends about it. I'm ready for VICTORY! God is Good! May He bless your work." Sincerely,

Many More Comments

Please remember to pray for the continued blessing of the Trusting in Jesus Ministry.

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About Us

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

Sharing the
Message Of Jesus

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802