A Dream of Deliverance
I was at someplace, lakeside area, and the lake had flooded after a heavy pour. All of a sudden, I heard a woman crying and knew someone had drowned. I ran and jumped in with my clothes and found guys carrying a boy and helped them out.
We took the boy to some Cliff and started on first Aid. Some guy wanted to do CPR, but I stopped him because I had to examine the kid first.
During the examination, I found that he was still breathing. I cleared his throat and put him in a recovery position, and within minutes, he recovered completely...I felt like a surgeon from a successful brain transport.
I stood up to look at the many people clapping behind us who gathered to see the boy and was accidentally pushed back in the water from off the cliff by guys playfully jumping back into the water,
I started swimming but noticed that something was pulling me away and Deeper into the water.
I went under to see what it was and noticed that a fishing net had caught up in my toes... I tried to untie it, but it was just impossible.
I came up to breathe and noticed it had pulled me far away from the shore, some guys asked me what was wrong, and I told them what was happening.
I took a long breath and went back under to free myself; I knew all the tricks, but none worked. I was very, very calm and didn't panic at any moment.
As I kept trying to bite the net, I went deeper and deeper, and the net string kept on moving, each time I would chew a new area, and nothing would break.
At that moment, I wanted to wake-up (I do it a lot in dreams, I can wake up any time when things are getting worse), but I stayed with the mentality of getting through as a winner.
So the dream continued... I realized I couldn't do anything on my own, and thank God I was not scared from the beginning even to that very moment; I remembered the verses: John 20-10-14, Mark 6:45, and luke 24:13-33.
Jesus is always around, and you can see him if you're not with the spirit of fear, sadness, or sorrow." At that moment, I knew I was going to win. All the air I inhaled was gone, and I was too deep; I knew for sure I couldn't survive on my own even if I tore the net and set myself free.
I looked up through the water, and in my mind, I said it's only You, God.
That very second, something I can't explain happened. I was not in control of my body, and I was not breathing, and there was no more air in me. Yet, I was so relaxed, as if sunbathing on the beaches of California.
I looked around to see Jesus physically, but he was not there, but spiritual he was; I could feel his presence.
I went back to my net, and with one bite, I tore the string and freed myself, then started swimming upwards till I began to seeing daylight (I was that deep). I swam and swam till I came out to the surface and inhaled huge for like 5 sec thru the nose for my mouth was blocked.
I started swimming to the shore, and after some time, I saw my sister, Tinah, and girlfriend Marion, at the shoreline and swam towards them, and they looked so happy to see me.
I started walking out of the water while pulling out the things which had blocked my throat and noticed it was the fishing net. Tina, Marion, and other people looked so scared, and I looked up to the sky, pointed up, and said (thought) it's only God.
I pulled the net and pulled and pulled, and people went away because it was disgusting to see, though I was smiling and praising God the whole time; to be honest, it was fun because I knew I had been delivered.
I was losing blood but wasn't bothered at all, then Tina asked me how much of the net was still inside me, and I touched below my chest and resumed. Two of my old friends came and left but, I continued pulling and wasn't close to giving up.
I removed the last of the net and then inhaled deeply through the mouth, my whole chest went up, and I felt air moving to all parts of my body.
I woke up during that beautiful moment and physically felt the air moving down my legs; it was, no doubt, the Holy Spirit.
Joseph: Uganda
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Message Of Jesus
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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802