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Mal: Australia
My daughter had a dream about me being taken up into the sky, and she called out saying it’s not time, then she heard the loudest clap of thunder, and I descended back to the ground.
Around 4 AM, I think. I was halfway between awake and dreaming.
I was at home, and a young woman I recognized showed up at my door, pregnant and terrified that her mean boyfriend was chasing her and was crazy.
Well, he did arrive and seemed to be demon-possessed, so on my front porch, I began sternly casting out the demon in Jesus name and proclaiming Jesus is Lord. The demon left the man, and he calmed down.
At that moment, I felt an overwhelming tingling and chills throughout my whole body, and it was a very emotional experience. I woke and began to cry and felt the urge to thank Jesus for what I felt was being touched by the Holy Spirit.
I have been a born again Christian for over 30 years, and nothing like this feeling has ever happened before. Still trying to process it.
Was it just my own emotions from having a dream, or did something spiritual happen that night?
Victoria: United States
Just a little background - I have started to read my Bible to help me understand and build my relationship with God.
I have had several dreams where I am praying over people and casting out demons from their lives. This morning at 4:40 AM, I had a dream of casting out demons from people by praying over them.
One person I prayed over, I saw a glimpse of Jesus on the cross, and a bright light that looked like the light from the burning bush, and then all these weird markings appeared; they were bright blue as bright as a fluorescent light.
After seeing that, I continued praying over people and casting out demons in Jesus Christ's holy name, my family, and others I didn't know.
Can anyone please help me please to interpret my dream ??
Teresa: United States
I dreamt a pastor said to me; you will receive your miracles!
I fell under the anointing, crying, and warm all over when he touched my face!
Rose: United States
I healed someone in my sleep last night. God healed through me. I was so overjoyed by being the conduit for this I leaped in the air much higher than one can while awake and spun around. I was literally glowing with joy.
I have no idea who was healed, but I have a feeling that they truly were in waking life as well. As if the dream was REAL. I have never had a dream like this.
Karif: United States
Morning at 11:00 Am, I was only half awake lying on my bed, when I had this dream.
I dreamed about laying in bed looking at up at the ceiling. A white Bright vibrate Dove appeared and flew in circles above me until it finally made eye contact.
It flew towards me, but I tried to push it away. I put my hand forward and felt a force pushing back. I gave up, and the bird flew into the center of my mind.
I woke up and ran outside, but there was no Dove.
Soon mental disorders such as my intense anxiety disappeared and has not returned since July 10- Aug 17. It will take time, but those who don't believe will one day believe. GOD
Marie: United States
I had a dream the other night: I started floating up in the area; then all of a sudden this sparking stream of golden light moved through the room. The golden light passed through me and filled my being.
I remember there was a part of me that was in awe at what was happening and a part that wasn't scared. It was like this was supposed to happen eventually.
Then I remember as the light was still feeling me, there was another person. I couldn't see who they were or even if they were a man or a woman, but somehow I knew I was meant/supposed to heal them.
As the golden light was still flowing around me and filling me, I reached out my hand towards this other person's back. The golden light left my hand and wrapped around this other person healing them.
Helen: United States
I've had several scary and a few beautiful dreams, but none as frightening as the one I had in Balad Iraq. It was about 7 pm, ready to sleep. I had just pulled a red blanket up to my chin, took a deep breath, and closed my eyes.
Immediately, I felt a strong vacuum from under the trailer door as something "flew" in and developed into a black, brown blob; texture and color were like Jabba the Hut. But the body shape was three segments like snowman shape - no nose a long sad mouth from cheek to cheek large holes for eyes, no ears.
As it stood next to me, about 4-5 inches to my waist, examining me from top of my head to tip of the toe, 3-4 times. As it happened I was not able to breath or flinch a muscle, couldn't speak. I was paralyzed with fear. This thing was pure evil. My thought was if I didn't inhale, I would die.
At what I believed to be my last breath, I uttered, "Jesus!" It collapsed and vacuumed out the bottom of the door, and my regular breathing resumed.
Years later, I was talking about it to my friend, he said around that time he was told by the spirit to "pray for Helen, they want to take her to Hell." He said he prayed the Rosary daily until I returned. Has anyone experienced that?
Faith: Uganda
I dreamt that I was healed, and I thanked God for healing me.
Willie: United States
I had a live vision in the church. I saw green balls floating in the air. I saw approximately four groups. A prophet was talking about congregation been blessed, no lack, no need, money supernaturally going into bank accounts.
Tonny: Uganda
Brethren praise the lord one day I was sleeping I ask Jesus to heal me hepatitis b, and I got a dream I saw Jesus in white gown. He called me and touched me and said to me be treated and free instantly I saw three demons come out from my body...and I woke up. Brethren am now free from hepatitis.. I thank the lord for his touch glory and honor back to Jesus
Ruth: United States
Forty years ago I was recently saved. I dreamed a small sheer cloth about the size of a blanket was purple and blue with gold threads all thru it. As is floated down from above it landed on my head then securely snug over my head and shoulders and upper arms.
When I woke up, there was a severe storm going on with lots of thunder and lightning, and I spoke in tongues for the 1st time.
It was such a humbling yet joyous moment!
Evan: United States
A face in the sky formed from clouds and spoke without moving; I was engulfed in red light, my body riveted. I felt love pulsing through my body
Kira: United States
In my dream, Jesus saved me while I was dying in the hospital and brought me to heaven.
Delaila: Philippines
I dream about evil soul want to hurt me, but I pray to god to protect us and guide us, the bad soul disappeared.
Gift: South Africa
In my dream, I was driving on a highway; suddenly I fell asleep while driving and couldn't get my eyes to open. I knew that I would be in an accident any moment because I couldn't control the car as I was asleep. Suddenly; I felt a very strong hand holding me tight and lifting me up. Then I woke up; safely parked on the side of the road. I knew God's own hand saved me.
Angela: United Kingdom
Last night I dream that I was at a hotel as I was at a church conference and saw most of my church brothers and sisters.
A bishop was praying for everyone in the hotel until someone came running for the bishop to pray, and two men with a light on their heads came with him. He also prayed for a garment then dropped it on the ground, and a bright light leaped up from the ground.
The bishop and the other two men were praying for everyone.
Brenda: United States
I dreamt of a fall from high up and realized I was going to die. I called out, Jesus! and He saved me.
Babes: Philippines
In my dream, I saw three boxes which were nearly empty. when the boxes were empty, I prayed to Jesus to fill up the boxes. Then lo and behold I saw Jesus with both hands lifted up and filling the boxes one by one. I can't remember what was inside the boxes though. I cried after I saw Jesus perform this miracle, then woke up feeling so happy and full of hope and positivity. What does this dream mean?
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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