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"Miracle Property Taxes"

TaxesMiracle Property Taxes

During a particularly busy time in my life, I was going to church, part of a prayer group and seeking God concerning some financial matters. My family was with me at this time, so I fixed up an empty room downstairs. This is where I would go to study and to pray.

Sometimes I would just go there after a really hard day just to feel his presence and to ask him to put his arms around me. It seemed as though all I would have to do was to talk to him about something, and I would have the answer.

One day I was extremely burdened about the $6000.00 we were behind on in our property taxes. My husband didn't seem to be concerned when I talked to him about it, but it was pretty serious to me.

So this day I went into my prayer room and reminded God that I didn't want to be put in this position, and that it was not a very good testimony on my part; that a Christian should be able to pay the debts they owe.

The answer came right away. I heard a voice, not audibly, but inside my spirit. He said, "take it one day at a time; you will be out of debt in a year." He told me how to put money back each day. I didn't tell my husband right away; I just began to do as God had told me.

But the devil is always there to come against anything that is of God. Charles began to hold back money from me. He had never done this before. So, I just confessed that God is my source and took the money I had put away and began to use it for household expenses. I didn't even ask Charles for any money.

Finally, around December of that year, I shared with him what God had told me. Not long afterward Charles got a commercial job which would bring in a lot of money. I continually paid on the taxes, and exactly a year in May all our bills were paid, and we were out of debt, and God has continually provided.

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802