My Name is MGK. I live in Virginia, originally from calif. I presently attend an AG church, but was brought up in another denomination (Lutheran), in calif; graduated from WHS in the '70s and eventually went into the military after the Vietnam era.
Over the yrs of talking to the family (my mom), she had repeatedly asked me to find two WHS graduates that we knew. I said, okay, (as, alright I will look). But I kept putting this off because I thought it couldn't be done. Well, our Lord helped me along the journey, and this is the story:
There was a brother & sister duo (D&B)who had babysat us kids when Mom & Dad went to couples group at church (once a month); this was at a Lutheran church in Westminister, CA. But over the yrs, we lost track of one another.
I graduated from HS in the early '70s, and both D&B had graduated in the late 60s. I would occasionally see the parents at football games, but that was all. As again, everyone had their daily lives.
Once in a while, Mom would ask me to find D&B, and I kept putting it off, thinking it would take too long; nevertheless, I finally got started, and little did I know how quickly it would go.
I came to work one morning (early), got on the computer, and my journey to find these friends began.
First, I went to the Lutheran Church database (of that synod) to find D as we knew he was a minister. Well shocker, #1 he wasn't at the Lutheran synod. He & some other ministers had left.
I got his phone# & location and called him. Well, it so happened that D hadn't heard from his sister in a while, plus; that was the next task, but where was BW?; that question would be answered sooner than later.
I got back on the internet and started looking for BW. I saw a BW in Alabama and called that number.
This phone# was their MIL. She had the first name as the daughter. As their mom had passed and their father remarried & then passed away, and now stepmom was the only one living.
So I was talking to her on the phone and almost hung up, thinking I had the wrong person. In our conversation, she mentioned a brother by the same name.
I stopped in my tracks & said, I know where the brother is, let me tell you my name. Then I told her where the son was, and she, in turn, gave me Beth's (the daughter's) location & where she was. I eventually called the son back & told him.
A few months later, I found that Beth had passed away from severe diabetes; But this had been the answer I needed to bring a brother & sister together, if even for a short time.
If you have talents, use them for our Lord, and see what great things He will have you do with those talents.
This is a bit of a tearjerker, but it's true.
Use your God-given talents and see where God will take you.
Mgk: Virginia
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Message Of Jesus
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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802