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"What Does God Know?"
Whatever He Chooses!

Scripture tells us that God is the Great All-Knowing, "I AM." Therefore, how much He Knows is not a philosophical question, (Rev 1:8).

Instead of learning about God then trusting and obeying some attempt to compare God's powers and intelligence to their own, then decide how much ability and knowledge they will assign to Him.

They wrongly assume that if God is aware of the problems and painful conditions of the world He would surely do something about it, and therefore cannot be omniscient. 

One can understand how those who worship false gods can reach that conclusion, but it is not true for our living all-knowing God. Trying to learn of His powers through mankind’s knowledge is an act of futility.

God welcomes honest questions but does not suggest that we are to doubt His ability and knowledge; to do so indicates a lack of personal knowledge of Him.

A Bible teacher friend of mine recently said to his class, "Some in the Church doubt the omniscience of God," then asked, "do you believe God is all-knowing?"

• Some did not have any idea
• Others doubted that He is all knowing
• A few were sure that He has all knowledge. 

"According to Scripture God is omniscient and can know anything He chooses to know."

“Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account,” (Heb 4:13).

He determines the number of the stars; he gives to all of them their names. Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure, (Psa 147:4-5).

We Are Not to Evaluate God's Capabilities

How can anyone have the biblical concept of God and yet question His authority. It seems that some of those who doubt God's capabilities are church leaders.

Unfortunately, it is possible to be a  Bible Scholar and yet not believe what the scriptures say."

Is it not a pathetic lack of understanding to question the Word and knowledge of the One who spoke the earth and entire universe into existence?  

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,(Gen 1:1).

God created humanity in His likeness and gave them a spirit, soul, mind, and intelligent speech, and later, gave His life to make it possible for them to have eternal life. 

God's powers are beyond our ability to understand or define.  

“Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!” (Rom 11:33).

James 1:5 tells us: “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God”.  

God is the source of wisdom and knowledge..

According to Scripture

  • God knows our thoughts and next words, (Psa 139). 
  • He knows our needs before we ask, (Matt 6:8), 
  • He knows every sparrow that falls, (Matt 10:29)
  • The hairs of your head are all numbered, (Matt 10:30). 

Scripture declares that God is Infinitely Holy, Incalculable, immeasurable, and unalterable in all His ways.

There are deep Bible mysteries, but they should be appreciated, not exploited in ignorance and misconception. Many of these will be explained through fulfilled prophecy in God's own time. 

The secrets of God are a part of His superiority over humanity. His ways are higher than our ways and beyond the ability of humans to understand.  

It is spiritually unhealthy to question God at any level; Christians should not accept unproven ideas and theories. We are to find our answers in God's Word, not unlearned spiritually confused opinions.

Some are innocently, but  ignorantly attempting to find answers by their own abilities, but others are viciously trying to discredit God and His Word.

It is best to stay away from anyone who is continually trying to find something wrong with God and His Word. Following them can only lead to Spiritual confusion and pain. 

Regardless of the source of information, it should be verified by Scripture. Read it with your own eyes; then you will need no ones opinion, and the Truth will remain indelibly etched in your heart and mind. 

In Summary

God is beyond understanding. He has unlimited power, authority, infinite knowledge, and is not limited by time or space.

We did not create God; He created us. We are not capable of determining His wisdom and knowledge. Rather than challenging Him on matters beyond our ability we should search and believe the Bible, and trust and obey. 

Accept only His Word as the final authority; then allow His Promises to come alive in your life. He is the One who offers infinite wisdom, joy, hope, and Everlasting life. 

Samuel Mills

A beautiful Song of Commitment, on YouTube:

"I have Decided to Follow Jesus no turning back"
(Click Back to Return)

More Scriptures:

  • "Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding" (Prov 23:

  • "Can you solve the mysteries of God? Can you discover everything about the Almighty?" (Job 11:7, NLT)

  • ''Call to Me, I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know," (Jer 33:3).

  • "Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite," (Psalm 147:5).

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802