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“Vaskar’s Christian Testimony”
Born in a Hindu Family, but God had a Plan

Hello, My name is Vaskar. This is my Christian testimony. 

I am from India. I was born in a Hindu family, but my family also followed other local religions, so it was all mixed up. It was wrong, and I knew it was but was led astray. 

When I became a teenager, I was led deeper into the road to hell. I developed a fascination with rock and pop music. Then it turned to rock, metal, and all other genres that would lead a person away from CHRIST. 

First, I thought what was so important about GOD, why should I not do what I want. However, now, I know that GOD comes first and that I should not do what is wrong because there are terrible consequences. 

What most people do not know is that rock music is dangerous. It is, and I am saying this with experience. When you listen to rock music and develop an addiction to it, (which you will eventually if you listen to it), all sorts of creepy things begin to happen. 

Your mind becomes restless, you have nightmares, you become dazed, confused, and short-tempered, you see dead people, and you just keep seeing them.

You decline in academics, you want to be alone, and you somehow hate the light. You hate people; you feel dark entities around you.

Demons attack and torment you, and it is difficult to let it go. Deep inside you want all these to stop, but you just can’t let it go. 

However, as I was going deeper and deeper, GOD prepared a plan for me, and he saved me.

One day I was surfing the internet for more rock songs when I came across an article which exposed the song, rock, “Stairway to Heaven.”  It was my favorite song before knowing the truth and is why I did my research on it. 

It was the start. Then I started doing more research and only then did I know about Satan's relation to rock and other music about how he deceives the world. It pretty much explained the sorrows and all that is happening in this world. 

Then I came across the wonderful testimony of 'Heaven and hell' by Angelica Zambrano, and a new light seemed to shine upon me.

I began to walk with the LORD, knowing that He had truly saved me. The LORD's plan, mercy, and love are wonderful and everlasting. I have never been the same

Thank you,

Vaskar: India

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Vaskar's Christian Testimony

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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