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"A Valuable Lesson"
How to Love Myself

In 2017 I had a dream, a dream where Jesus was present. I was outside on a nice day playing around with some friends. At the time, I was 19, headed into a pivotal point of my life.

In the dream, I remembered being outside playing with friends. Then I started to hear Holy music coming from the skies. I looked up, and a huge cloud was forming in the sky; I was very confused. 

Next, I remember myself and others (not the people close to me) beginning to be pulled towards the cloud as if gravity was drawing us. After a short time of floating, everything went dark. 

I opened my eyes and noticed I was now on the cloud with others in a kneeling position. To my right was a guy; I looked about 50ft ahead, and there was a bright light, an essence. The music was much louder now, as if it was coming from that direction. 

I looked back to the right and asked a guy I had never seen before, "yo, what's going on?" He looked at me and said that's Jesus over there. I became silent and realized that I was being called to the light. 

 The next I remember was heading towards the light and having a conversation. I never saw a face and don't remember the conversation. But I know we had one.

I became very spiritual during the next few months and started spreading God's Word. I had the opportunity to do something amazing with my life. But satan came at me hard through a married woman. 

I fell into temptation and destroyed the life I was building. I was broken down and quit on myself, and it took me years to recover.

Once I got back on my feet, I found it on myself to forgive myself for the people I hurt and then fell for another woman. After falling for her beauty, her games, and loving her more than myself, I realized that. I was putting her before God in ways and losing myself. 

I took a stand in the relationship and chose to stand for love, self-love, and respect. Once I made the transition, the woman couldn't take it. She left me, and who knows what she is doing now.

Through this pain, I've realized I'm an empath, a Male empath. I thought my value was determined by how much I gave myself to others, even at the expense of myself. 

I've noticed God has been trying to teach me a valuable lesson for a while, love yourself first. I gave so much to people who were hurting and seeing them feel better made me feel worthwhile. But after I drain myself, it leaves me weak, and I depend on a return to be able to function. 

I'm very codependent, and it was the only love I knew. I've pushed so many people away with my needy behavior in life. I don't have any friends right now, but I'm standing strong in self-love as the girl is tempting me to come back and fall for her lies. 

I'm suffering lonely nights, days, and withdrawal from a codependent toxic relationship.

I look at what I'm going thru today and think back on my experiences right after the dream. The temptation I fell for was for the same reason; I didn't love myself first. I hope my testimony can help someone else due to boredom.

Love yourself ❤

Demetra: United States

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A Valuable Lesson

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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Message Of Jesus

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802