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  7. My Train Rapture Dream

"My Train Rapture Dream
and an Alien Train"

I had a Rapture dream for the first time last year (March 23, 2019), and it was so surreal! I still remember the exact date of my dream because that's how intentional I was in remembering that night. I had to take note of the date, and I have been meaning to share it with the public.

The Train

It started off like this: I was on a train (LRT) with my mom and my friend Jean. We were all standing and holding the bar. It was the daytime. Then all of a sudden, there was a commotion on the left side of the train we're on. Another train which came out from the clouds collided and attacked our train! We found out that this train was an ALIEN! The noise and commotion of all the people on the train become louder and louder. We already knew it was RAPTURE!

I also realized that the train we were on was quite high from the ground, and it seemed like we were in the clouds for quite a while...

When the Alien train collided on our train, it also caused our train to break in half! That was really really so strange and scary and at the same time excited because finally it was Rapture time!

My dream ended on that. I am still praying to God that He would give me more vision of His second coming....

I now look back into that dream and trying to see the relevance of that dream into what's going on in the world now with coronavirus. I believe that the alien train refers to covid19 and was trying to attack our train, which represents the body of Christ, the Christian in the entire world. 

Looking Back

As long as we are still on this earth, we are constantly on a journey, and that train, I think, also pertains to what you call the "Bridge." Jesus is the only Bridge to God. 

The enemy, the alien train, came out of nowhere in the clouds and tried to destroy the train, the body of Christ! We were also riding on the train, and quite high from the ground, and also in the clouds. The clouds represent the presence of God in the Old Testament.

Looking back, I believe that alien train is the enemy of our souls, and a year after that actually came to life in the form of this coronavirus. A human body becomes ill once it feels that there's an alien component that irritates the internal system. This alien component is none other than a virus. And in my dream, that threat by this alien train to attack our train, the body of Christ was quite symbolic, I would say.

Are You Ready?

As strange and scary as it may sound, the fact that the rapture was the same incident in my dream, I believe there's nothing to worry about as long as we know we belong to Christ, then we should all the more celebrate and rejoice. 

We may lose our lives here, but we get to live with Him! We are all crossing over sooner or later. But the question is, are we all ready? You are ready when you have accepted in your heart that Jesus is the only way to God and that He died for your sins, and on the third day rose again from the dead for us. 

If you believe in your heart that He is the only way to Salvation, and you have this personal relationship with Him, then you know that you are saved... God bless you all...

Sten: Canada

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Train Rapture Dream

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Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

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Samuel L Mills
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Maryville, TN 37802