According to many reports there is an:
Emerging Global Food Shortage
Below is my Response (I use the Amplified Bible).
In our hurting and hurtful world, time is running out fast – God, our Father, is waiting for all people to call out, "Help me!"
I know that He is waiting to hear our call …. I learned this in late 1989:
I had been in agonising pain for about nine months with back/body pain. The doctors wanted to operate on me .. they also advised me that I may end up a cripple.
So I went home, looked up and pleaded, "Help me!" Within 15 minutes, a friend arrived with a self-help book on pain treatment.
I thought, "WOW, that was quick!" I used the guides in the book for 3 days .... all pain disappeared, and I haven't had a twinge of pain since." – over 32 years.
I then asked, "What else do you have for me?" A few weeks later, I made my life commitment to Lord Jesus.
Soon after, I was taught the power of forgiveness. I asked God to remind me of anyone that I had not forgiven (I thought I had forgiven everyone).
He gave me a long list of names starting in my early childhood (including myself a few times).
One by one, I forgave them …. I have now made forgiveness a policy of my life, and I have not had even a headache or a cold since, nor do I need to wear spectacles.
"Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of this world will go strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace"
In your time of trouble, He will deliver you; the joy of the Lord is your strength.
Father, You expressed Your love to me
by giving me this poem. It is a
poem to everyone on earth!
"Thank You, Father, for loving me and accepting me unconditionally.
You cared enough to give Your Son, and You give this love to me.
You do not ask that I strive and toil or seek a victory,
You simply accept me as I am, and You give Your love to me.
All You ask is that I love You, and trust with all my heart,
because You sent Your Spirit, to shield me and direct my path.
Thank You Father for always being there, to hear my praise or plea,
to listen to my every word. Thank You for loving me.
Thank You Father for loving me, I know on You I can rely,
so I let your love envelop me, knowing You value me so high.
And with Your love inside of me, to others I can pass on,
that they too can know Your love, because You sent Your Son.
Thank You Father for loving me, and accepting me unconditionally.
You cared enough to give Your Son, and You give this love to me."
Received from my Father, a poem/prayer from Him and back to Him. Brian McMichan 1996
I highly recommend frequent, prayerful reading of 1 John...
John (the only Apostle to live to an old age), wrote his epistles shortly before Lord Jesus gave him Revelation, so he was truly and specially used by Lord Jesus and Father.
He has freed the captives! All can turn to Him and receive their freed spirit.
The world needs to know that God loved everyone so much that He gave His only begotten Son to free mankind from the burdens, influences, deceptions, and controls of this world's Prince.
Satan (the devil, Lucifer who encourages, tempts man to rely on self, others and possessions .. this is sin .. or separation from God Who loves us.)
Jesus' life on earth was sinless – He totally relied on God and was One with Him. His death was the sacrifice and full payment for all human sin … believe in Him and His payment, and you are freed!
(This was not only for those living at the time of Christ Jesus' crucifixion but for whoever lives on earth up to the time of His return .... which, due to the horrible state of our world, relying on self, etc., may not be too far away).
Christ Jesus' closing words at His crucifixion were, "It is finished!" (John 19:30) … He had achieved what He advised was His purpose of being sent to earth … to spiritually free mankind and give spiritual sight!
As Paul said in (Gal 2:20)
You, or anyone, can say that … all it takes is "whosoever believes" and takes the step of faith to be (spiritually) born again *** ... the benefits being...
As God so greatly loved and deeply prized the world that He even gave His only begotten Son, His desire is that all people realise that spiritual freedom is available.
Father is aware of all people's circumstances and will "seek their attention" when a person comes to that "point" in life and the time is right. (It will likely be "When things are tough!"
Rather than keep seeking the world's solution, simply look up and plead, "Help me! You may even hear Him say, "Ah! I finally have your attention!"
In John 6:44 Christ Jesus said: "
God, being a loving God, gives people a choice about turning to the Light! ... and often it is after many years of suffering before they look up and call out "Help me!"
All that is required is for anyone to turn from the darkness of the world to Jesus Christ, the Light, so they can realise that their spirits have been set free. God is waiting to hear your call – Simply call out, "Help me!"
Today, over 7 billion people are on earth, and most are still looking into the darkness.
So, as soon as any person understands that and believes and takes that step of faith, they become new spiritual creations and become a child of God and are cared for by Him.
*** This step of faith is available for anyone when they believe ....baptism .. be it in a river, a pond, a lake ... or even under a shower.
God knows their faith and sees them taking the step of faith! (The Greek word for baptism is "baptidzo", which literally means to "dip" or to "immerse".)
Brian McMichan - Queensland, Australia.
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Message Of Jesus
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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802