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"Tiffany's Dream,
Be Ready at Any Time"

Today is June 30th, 2020.

A few days ago, I dreamt that I was running through a field at night with my husband. There was an urgency to get somewhere. I yelled, "hurry, come on!" to my husband.

All of a sudden, there was a huge stone, and a beam of bright white and blue-colored light burst out from it towards the heavens. I grabbed my husband's hand, and I knew we both thought of our two young girls in a slight moment of hesitation, but I squeezed his hand, and in my mind, I knew I must have faith that they would be taken care of; I yelled "Lord! Lord! Do not leave us!"

At that moment, as we were running, we jumped into the beam of light and were immediately shot up into the heavens. I could feel the force of the movement so strong that it should've ripped us apart, but it didn't. And at that moment, there was complete surrender, and all worries left me.

I know the meaning of my dream:

  • I am the spiritual leader of my home; it symbolizes my  taking the lead as we ran through the field. Us running means there is a sense of urgency not just for us, but everyone, to tell everyone.

  • The stone represents God's promise. In the Bible, stones are often referred to as markers of God's faithfulness. 

  • The light breaking forth from the stone represents the Rapture or salvation. 

We can not hesitate anymore to witness to others about the Good News. We must forfeit our lives and remember to have faith that God will keep His promises. We cannot cling to this world, our family, friends, and belongings. We must continue the work no matter our capacity.

I happen to be an art teacher and teach over 800 kids, and I have had an overwhelming push in my spirit to tell the children about God.

I am also a portrait artist and regularly talk about the uniqueness of all people and how we are made in God's image....I have had a sense that we are all focusing on things that don't matter.

Use the platforms you have to tell others about God's goodness, not to stir trouble. Don't get involved in discussions about politics....it is a distraction. Even if the Rapture is postponed, none of us are guaranteed tomorrow. Be ready to go at any time!

Tiffany: United States

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Tiffany's Dream, Be Ready at Any Time

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802