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"Evangelist Sterry Ks
Christian Testimony"

Sterry was born on November 6th, 2000, in a middle‑class Christian family in Fort Kochi, India. His father was a businessman, and his mother was a beautician. He is the oldest son in his family, with a younger sister born after him.

Though being born Christian, his family wasn't saved and lived a nominal life around witchcraft practitioners. At the age of 6, his mother left her family and went abroad to work for their financial sustainability. 

With her being distant from him, he longed for a relationship with his father. But all he received was much more isolation from love and drowned in rage and pain. Neither his father nor the God that he prayed for answered for his agony.

With his desire to be loved growing cold, he met a stranger who narrated Sterry's life as if he knew him from the beginning and left him after giving him a box. 

Sterry wore a seven-coloured bracelet and a scary ring and met the devil in his room that night and was offered comfort and power through a covenant with the devil.

He was captivated by that fearful hope for power and love and sold his soul to the devil; he called the devil Lucifer, his father. The people would call him the "Son of Satan". 

He was already into witchcraft and mentalism, for his father was a mentalist and practised witchcraft, so it wasn't a tough decision for him to choose that path. He learned that he wasn't the only one pledged to the devil in his lineage but his great grandfather and father. 

As a diligent son, from the age of 14, he educated himself on the devil's principalities, ceremonies, witchcraft, astral projection, and most of the demonic kingdom. He met many people like him; some were senior to him, namely witches and warlocks. 

He also met the demons or evil spirits and partnered with them. After leaving Satan's Church, he became a member of the "Night terrors" secret society gang. Two years later, Sterry and his gang were selected as Brotherhood of the Temple of Set. He quickly rose to become their Warlord.

Contrary to the path he chose, he was warned many times by an unknown voice that made him think about his actions but was taken aback by the fear he had of the devil. 

While all his days were flooded with serving the devil, his family began living for Christ, whom he had heard about, for he was a Christian before becoming an atheist. He was welcomed to the church and prayer meetings. 

The devil permitted him to attend to them but not to believe in God, so with no attentive motives, he attended. 

Unlike the impression he was given by the devil about God, he was moved by the gospel of Jesus and the love those Christians showed him. He finally found that the God they worshipped, Jesus, was the only hope he longed for and the God whom the devil had hidden from him.

He found the truth, but the weight of his chains kept him in bondage to the devil. He realized he wasn't a child but a slave to satan. He began knowing Jesus and believing in Him. 

Meanwhile, he was mentally and physically tormented by the devil with fear and bruises for the betrayal. He was led to commit suicide twice in the early days of 2020 to end his miserable life. But he was miraculously saved. He was once taken to hell and exposed to the devil's true nature, who was ruling his life. 

At the same moment, that once unknown voice now known as Jesus spoke to him, asking, "Will you be my child?" and he replied, "Yes!". The answer broke all the chains and defeated the devil with no authority over him anymore.

Through the cross, Jesus led him out of hell to life. After the encounter, he destroyed all the books, occult objects, and everything from his past life. Satan visited him again on March 17th to destroy him, but this time, he was not the boy he had so easily manipulated but the man who is now the child of God. 

Sterry rebuked the devil with the truth he found in Jesus, and the devil fled from him. On the same night, he encountered Jesus in a dream and was revealed to be the love of Jesus for him. He was given new life and everlasting love. The bruised heart started rejoicing with the love he received from Jesus.

Now, he is fighting to expose the devil's lies and the truth of Jesus Christ as an Evangelist. He penned his story in his upcoming book called, "At the Age of 19 I Found My Father's Love" and through his powerful book called "Break the Chain: In Jesus' name". 

Additionally, he was publicizing the word of God on YouTube and other social media platforms, through which the devil is spreading his wickedness. The one who destroyed lives is now helping others to build their everlasting lives with Jesus...

Thank You,

Evangelist Sterry Ks: India

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Evangelist Sterry Ks Christian Testimony

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