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"Sateesh's Christian Testimony"
Peace in the Family

I am giving this testimony because of God's grace.  

My Name is Satish am from Andhra Pradesh, a state in the south-eastern coastal region of India - Wikipedia)

After 7 Years of my parent's marriage, I came into the world/ My family background is Hindu, but by God's grace, My mother believed in Jesus. We were a small family, didn't have any problems, and life was going very smoothly. 

Suddenly, when I was ten years old, I lost my parents. Nobody was with me, and I had lost everything, Joy, love, and was crying.

I was at a very young age and didn't know what was going on; all doors closed in my life, even my education.

I left my place, came to the city, and started working a small hotel helper job where students could work serving food. Others my age enjoyed life, but I was working.

Every night I prayed to God, Dear Father, please help me. I need you. I lost everything. I was alone. 

By God's grace, he helped to restart my education while working. I faced so many troubles, anyway, by God's grace, I finished my graduation.

After that, I came to Banglore and joined a learning institute for two years for coaching. I ate food only one time daily. Because of financial issues, I could not afford a good Hostel. Anyway, I finished my coaching and joined a company. 

I left God's hands and started to enjoy life in Sin. When I first went to God, I didn't have anything, even food, but now I have everything; I forgot this and all that God had given me.

Slowly I became addicted to Drinks and GirlFriends; I didn't know at that moment that God was watching me and even carrying me; I completely turned to the world.

One day I faced some health issues and didn't recognize what God was saying in my life, "he needs to come again to God's hands."

One day I got married; even after being married, I didn't leave my friends and drinks; every day, my wife cried so much in front of God, and we lost peace in the family with all problems. 

She got pregnant and aborted. Even then, I didn't change my behavior, and after six months, she got a second pregnancy that was also aborted. 

My wife was becoming sick because I was living in my own little world and not taking care of her as a husband, but I did not understand her pain. 

There was so much fighting in our home that we decided to divorce. Then, I decided I didn't want a divorce and said, I'll kill myself, which was the same thing my wife was thinking; anyway, we both desired to kill ourselves.

At this moment, a Pastor Brother called and spoke normally to me; how are you? How is the new family going? 

At that moment, I told the pastor what was going on in my life, and he said, don't do anything wrong, kneel down first and ask God to please forgive my sins.

I took a holiday from my office and started fasting and praying. I cried and admitted all my sins to God, "Oh my god, please forgive me," I asked for three days.

After that, my wife also join me, and we both started praying, "Dear God, help me protect my family, please forgive all of my sins; I will stand and share my testimony." 

Every day we prayed like that, and after one month, our life completely changed. God had forgiven my sins. We both decided to take baptism, and by God's grace, we were baptized. When we turned to God, we found peace in our family, and we're so happy to pray to God.

My wife is now pregnant for the 3rd time and is in her 4th month (plz pray for her till Delivery). God has to take care of her, and I got the job also when we came close to God started working in my family.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, this is my testimony; please pray and remember to say a personal prayer for my family.


Sateesh: India

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Satish's Christian Testimony

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