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"Ricky's Rapture Dream came the Night Before Easter"

Ricky's Rapture Dream on the night before Easter: It was vivid and surreal; I saw souls entering one by one. I hope I am chosen, and my dream is not a reality.

Today is Easter, April 12, 2020. Last night I had a rapture dream so vivid it's surreal. I usually never remember my dreams, but this one was clear as day. I believe the setting was summer. 

There was a portal (or gate), and I say portal because this entrance looked like a portal but outlined with great detail of pillars and oddly shaped

Were We Being Left Out?

At first, angels and the dead were entering; it seemed that those who were still alive would come into the portal after the deceased. We just stood, anxiously staring as the souls enter one by one in a line into this portal in the sky. (This was mid-day and still bright outside). 

Some time passes, and it is now getting closer to dark, and those around me have not ascended into the sky to enter this godly portal. I was starting to feel down as if no one around me or myself would be getting called/summoned into the portal. The portal remained open until night came upon the earth. 

I Hope to Be One of the Chosen

During this time, my sister's dog ran out the door, and I went chasing her. An admin man with a gun was walking down the street and was threatening to shoot my sister's dog because he was close, I pleaded not too.

He forgave the dog and let me take her, and I quickly ran back into the house. (I'm not sure what that meant in my dream, it was odd to me when I was reflecting, especially the fact that he was Asian.)

As soon as night struck, the moon was nowhere to be found; it was as if God took all the light away. The night sky looked ominous and scary as I peered into it, but there seemed to be movement within it, a feeling of evil. The clouds had a purple violet tent to them, which scared me. 

I quickly told my family to lock every entrance into the house and prepare for what's to come. I started seeing insects gather together like never before and trying to enter the house. THAT'S when my dream ended. 

I felt like I needed to share this because I have never had a religious dream before, and the fact that it's the night before Easter is even more crazy. 

I just hope I am chosen along with my family and friends when the rapture comes, rather than letting my dream become a reality.

Ricky: United States

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Ricky's Rapture Dream

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