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"Rapture Dreams Page 22 "

Damilola: Nigeria

September 2, 2019

I saw the heavens become troubled, and massive formations could be clearly seen in the sky. People were running from one portion of the earth to another.

I knew something was about to happen. I saw a big 'big' hand in the sky, as though ready to collect people or something.

Then, the rapture happened. People started flying - not by their choice - but by force so external and great that one could neither decide for it or against it at that point. 

Unfortunately, only a few people flew, I mean very few people compared to the throngs of souls I saw remaining.

By God's grace, as I joined the company of the redeemed and flew past, I saw that many were even unconcerned about what was happening.

More unfortunate was that I saw a lady and a young man, supposedly going to church with Bibles in their hands - but they didn't make it - they didn't fly. It was troubling that they didn't seem to care, maybe they didn't just know what happened. I looked on at them and felt pity for them.

As I moved on, so intense it was - surprisingly, that tears of praise and gratitude to God filled me.

The two folks (lady and young man) that didn't make it, yet were 'Christians, might represent those in the church today.

Please let's all get it right with God. Every other thing won't matter after the trumpet sounds. It could sound anytime - just anytime.

For those of us who are saved by grace, wouldn't it be nice to talk to our neighbors and friends about Jesus? The more, the merrier, you know? Tell them Jesus loves them and has lots of beautiful homes for them (in Him) if they would accept His free gift of salvation and hold on till the end. 

Who rejects sweet yet free gifts, anyway?

Kaseria: United States

I was at school, as I was leaving I couldn’t get myself to move (I was walking). I had to keep pulling on people around me to push myself further. 

I got to the sidewalk, and there I saw a big dark shadow across the street, then another one. Then a big spider came at me rapidly, and it was huge. 

I was scared, but then Jesus came to me, he was in my room with me hovering over my bed. He reached his hand out, and I reached both of mine, and he was pulling

Me up, I was sinking. 

Then I had a vision in my right eye, but every time I would focus on it, it would bring me back to my room. Jesus was already gone.

Ebonee: United States

I had dreamed of being in a hardware store shopping for patio furniture. All of a sudden, I heard a very loud trumpet blowing, and the building started to shake. Other people and I began to run towards the windows and the door to see what was happening, but no one would dare go outside.

I managed to get outside and saw a man ahead of me kneeling on the parking lot of the store. The man lifted his hands in the air and darted up into the sky. When I saw this, I fell to my knees, raised my hands, and yelled out "Thank you Jesus"!! then I felt a powerful suction which caused me to go up into the sky. 

It was so fast. I remember having my phone in my hand, and my headphones in my ear and I dropped them as I was going up. That was the second dream I had. In the first one, I was at work, sitting at my desk when I heard the trumpets blow. 

On my job, there is a highway exit ramp behind me, and I noticed the sound of the trumpet caused the highway ramp and the building where I work to crumble and fall. Before everything started to go down, my feet lifted off of the ground, and I was out of there.

Lauren: United States

I had another rapture dream last night, but this time was way different. 

There was a motorcycle group, and they had a bunker and my family, and I went in it with them. To protect me from Satans demons that he had unleashed on the earth. I kept going in, and out of it in the dream moments. 

I was in heaven with God and all my family members, and the next second, I was on earth scared. 

Then the end that really scared me I was forced to get the mark of the beast. I felt them brand my back, and I felt my flesh burn. I woke up and made my boyfriend look to see if anything was there. 

I feel like it was a warning. I am going to continue to pray and strengthen my relationship with God. I pray for you brothers and sisters. He is coming back and may he have mercy on the people who don't believe in him, souls.

Leslie: United States

August 19-4:30 pm, 2019: 

In just a couple minutes of coming out of my sleep, I dreamed of my sister and me at the old house we grew up in. All of a sudden my little sister made lunch and for us both to go to work but I was surprised because I asked her, "are these for me" and she gave me that dumb look like, "duh, no they're not for you." 

So I laughed and grabbed one, but in the living room while looking outside the window, there was a change in the sky color; something a little tropical but very faint.

 I saw a tidal wave of water come crashing into my living room three times, opening up the whole living room out its looked gutted out, so as my sister and I was all wet. My dad came into the living room like "what the heck happened." 

A lady came running in with three big old gold chains wearing all white and told us to put these on. The pendant looks very different, but I can assure you it was not earthly, so we threw them on and went outside. 

All you could hear was a loud trumpet noise, like me, my sister,  and my dad rose immediately into the sky like a light lift, but it felt like a rollercoaster because we met up with him and everyone was dressed in white. The sky turned Scarlett I guess to let us know to not look down the earth is being doomed.

David: United States

 I had this dream one year ago (2018). It was during a very difficult time in my life. In the dream, I was in my car. I was on top of a high hill on a rocky island, and it was a night out. All around the island was the ocean for miles on end, and nothing else seemed to be in sight.

In front of me was a long narrow road that went down at a steep incline and at the bottom, the ground was flat dirt. This was the only road on this small, steep island. I drove down quickly, and while I was doing this, I suddenly realized at the end of the road was a docked super aircraft carrier. Once I reached the bottom, I immediately drove onto the deck of this immense warship. 

As I moved along forward, I saw other cars like mine, ordinary Cars, parked in rows. I did not see any people, just their cars. However, there weren't many cars. Maybe about 40.

At the center of this ship were small, two-story, wooden structures. They were done in french-village architecture. I did not see any people in the village or the windows.

I then became aware of two things; (1) To the immediate adjacent-right of this super aircraft carrier was a continent and (2) The captain of this ship needed to only "make the decision" and the ship would now be parked next to the mainland.

Interpretation: God sees our suffering (me alone on an island). We as Christians

are all pilgrims in this world (driving in my car [1 Peter 2:11-12]). Earth is not our home; God wants us to dwell with Him (super

aircraft carrier/ the other cars on the ship). The endearing village was made of wood 

(the wood comes from trees, and we must all bear our crosses and fellowship with one another [Luke 14:27]). The time is at hand; the Rapture is about to begin. The ship that we were on; it is less than a second away from Heaven (the "continent." 

[Hebrews 11:16]).

David: United States

I had this dream six years ago. In it, I was standing inside of an Egyptian Temple. It was night out, so it was dark inside the temple. In front of me, in the distance, were 4 Roman columns which led to the outside. I walked over to them and saw that in front of the temple was the Taj Mahal reflecting pool.

Then I looked up. The moon was full, but beside it was a golden cross as tall and wide as the earth. The cross was covered entirely in polished gemstones.

Interpretation: Jesus is about to come to earth like a thief in the "night" (Revelation 16:15). The enormous golden cross = Jesus. The gemstones = the Rapturd children of God. He will gather His children to Himself and fulfill the Rapture.

Yamiles: United States

I had a dream last night, July 29th, 2019. It was the coming of JESUS Christ Are Saviour. I just looked up into the skies & I saw him glowing in all white with angels around him singing, and he was also dancing. As soon as I saw him, I started crying, because I knew I had faith in him all along. My body just started rising into the skies, and next thing you know I was sitting inside an invisible glass chair that turned into a hot air balloon and sitting next to me was my mom and twin sister. But, some people were going up in a Ferris wheel-like rides going up to heaven. Then out of nowhere, it went from a beautiful dream to now I was in a room with family members trying to stab me. What does this dream mean? 

Harley: United States

So I had a very intense dream last night, and I woke up hands shaking crying, and my heart was racing. It was so real I couldn't believe what I had dreamed about. God came back, and the rapture was happening. I had to go one way or the other, I was stuck under 2 highway bridges, and one way was my niece and Rubens kids. They were in a field, and for some reasons, there were cartoon statues. The other way there was a field, and there was a silver box on top of a really long concrete pole holding it up.......Amilia turned to me and said she wanted to talk to her dad in the field and me. But she also wanted to inside the silver box. I started walking to the box, and two men ran up to me and told me not to go that way.....they both looked dead....they said if I go that way something terrible was going to happen. So I grabbed amilia and squeezed her really tight and started crying. Another said the bridges were going to fall, and that was our fate for the rapture. So I stood there with my eyes closed squeezing Amilia not knowing what to do...and when I opened them, I was at home in our other room....with two outfits in front of me. 1 outfit wad to put on to be with my kids....the other for hell...so I grabbed my gear to be with my kids and ran into my bedroom and I saw a flashing shiny light in the corner of my eyes coming from my closet, so I covered my face and laid on the bed and started yelling.....then I woke up crying and shaking and just so scared. In my dream, I had a vibe of a very evil presence with me. And as I walk towards my room now that I'm awake....my chest gets heavy, and I start feeling heavy and anxious.....

Leah: Australia

I had a dream on 28th July 2019. I looked up to the sky and saw what looked like comets or huge fireworks flying through our atmosphere and heading toward earth. I somehow knew that the comets wouldn't hit me. 

Then the stars turned from white into beautiful colors and started moving around the sky like they were dancing or swirling. 

I was suddenly lifted from the ground and floated upwards. I remember looking down at my mum and husband who weren't floating with me and felt sad that they weren't being raptured. 

I asked if I could return to earth and help them, so I went back down and taught them how to pray, how to affirm that Jesus is their Lord and Saviour, how to repent and cast away demons by saying, "in the name of Jesus I command you to leave." 

At this point, I remember looking up at the sky and could still see the colourful stars, so I knew Jesus hadn't left me on earth yet. I kept calling out to Jesus to lift me back up and take me with him, but I can't remember if it happened or not. 

I don't understand what the dream means. Do I need to get right with Jesus? Is this a warning that I need to make changes in my life? Or does it affirm that He will save me, but my job is to help my family be saved too? I wish I knew!! 


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Rapture Dreams Page 22

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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