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"Rapture Dreams Page 19"

Megan: United States

Last night I had a dream that I was in my town a small town in the country where I was standing or the place I don't know, but I was alone and outside. All of a sudden the rapture started happening and I could hear people screaming all around me, and Jesus appeared from the sky. Everybody in a line started walking, and from nowhere the sky was black but in the distance the sky was like a sunset but fire red and orange. We followed Jesus onto a big golden bridge that went for miles into the beautiful sunset. While walking on this bridge, I looked back at the thousands of people behind me walking and the feeling of fear set in; this is real; this is my judgment day. I walked on this bridge then I somehow wound up from the bridge and sky overlooking the world into a very very bright white room with a table that was forever long you could not see an end to this table and one man sat at this table. I walked up to the man with great fear of not being accepted into heaven. I looked at him with his hands folded on the table and he looked at me. I said nothing he said nothing. I was way too ashamed of my life to even speak at this moment and so afraid..  then I woke up.

Trevo: United Kingdom

The coming of the Son of Man. 

I had a dream about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

In my dream, I was outside a building surrounded by many people, and it was during summer. Suddenly I saw people pointing up in the sky, and the clouds seemed to be getting darker and moving very fast and then suddenly the middle of the sky opened up, and I began to pray to ask God for forgiveness. People who were around me started screaming and shouting that it's too late to repent, time has run out, and then suddenly a bright light with shiny eye blinding rays of magnificent colors sinned straight at me. I began to scream and shout with fear and my left hand up to my wrist began to burn like some kind of radiation, and I began to scream and ask God for forgiveness then suddenly I awoke from the dream.

The End is near.. Jesus is coming Soon!

Andrea: United States

I had a dream That my son, and I were sitting in a friend's car; When we turned around we saw that a line of cars was on fire,  and the fire continued to spread out of control heading towards us. 

As the fire was getting closer, we got out of the car and started to run, and when we started to run our bodies were rising; then a small section of the sky opened up while we were rising up in the air. 

Suddenly the sky started to close back up; then my friend put her head on my shoulder crying saying the Rapture. That's when I woke up.

Bunnie: United States

I dreamed I was at an outside restaurant with a fire pit and TV with about 100 or so people. I saw a former classmate of mine and went to talk to her. She had her grandchildren hiding under a chair.

I also saw a male celebrity. I was wearing an army green jacket and hat; my hair was longer than it is now, it had maybe eight months growth

I finished my conversation and got up to gather my belongings. I saw a bright flash of light at the same time I heard a shout. I walked from under the patio to see the sky and started to rise into the air.

Standing on a building across from me was an angel (I’m guessing). It/she was 10 feet tall, had dark brown hair and was wearing a very plain white robe with a silver cord as a belt and a very plain silver tiara. I saw other angels also standing guard over other buildings equidistant away from the angel assigned to my quadrant.

As I rose into the air all of a sudden I knew my husband had been called to his heavenly duty (he’s a watchman) and I started flying to the right to get my children.

What struck me is just how few people were in the air with me, only 3 or so out of a group of hundreds. And it was a plain, ordinary day with people going about their business.

Nalaisha: United States

I've had multiple dreams of the coming of Christ but only recently are they becoming more real. Last night I had an idea I was doing what I usually do, waiting for the bus at the bus stop. When suddenly I look up at the sky and I see the light coming through the clouds, and I thought wow that's a pretty sunset. But then when I looked higher, there were rays of red lights coming through the clouds, and I could see a figure descending saying "And all the world will see the glory of God," and It was loud. Immediately everyone knelt to the ground and put their faces on the concrete. In my dream, I thought it had to be real.

Anthony: United States

I dreamed I was ascending to heaven and fell back to the earth.

Tom: United States

Note:: I have never had a dream I could vividly remember as much as this one.

 I was standing in a room, and I believe now that it may have been my kitchen, in which I was standing between two windows that showed the outside. I began to hear the words whispered, ¨Jesus, Jesus is coming!¨ being repeated. Out of nowhere, a slow, but fast, bright white light brighter than any light I had seen before, totally encompassed my view. I can vividly remember just only being able to see the light for a moment or two. With the light came a ringing noise, that sounded almost like a note of music but was a lower pitch than the one that someone has with ringing ears. The light was approaching, and blinding my view. Right afterward, I was in Heaven, but I cannot remember, or may not have seen what it looked like in my dream. I have been wondering about it as my parents told me that the Rapture was talked about the other night in church, but I was unable to go, nor was I informed of the topic. Today my girlfriend said that a co-worker of hers was listening to the radio in the car (the same day as my dream) and the topic was the Rapture as well. Just thought this was very interesting, as I have never had a dream like this before.

Anthony: United States

I had a dream where I was caught up in the rapture. It was a few nights ago, but it was VIVID and FELT REAL.

In my dream, I heard a trumpet, and at that moment there was this bright flash, I felt myself being lifted up and there were all these bright, vivid, beautiful colors, clouds, and my hands were outstretched to the sky as I was being pulled up with a rather quick force. I felt nothing but happiness, peace, love, mercy, and just all around I felt God's presence.

BETSY: United States

I've had three rapture dreams, but the last one was recently and felt more vivid and real than the other two. I felt the Holy Spirit in me as never before. The feeling of those living waters flowing through me was so powerful. He lifted both my arms up, and I began to rise up through His power in me at full speed. I passed the clouds above. Then the universe than I was taken to a room where only a few people were. To this He let me know that only a few will make it to the rapture.

In my previous dreams when I was taken up at full speed, I saw beautiful colors as I was taken up and at the end, I could see God's throne.

Charlotte: United States

I had a dream last night that I saw two images of Jesus. One was a statue like and the other one was alive. As both of them coming down from the sky I pointed and said: "See Jesus is coming back." The next thing I knew I was running and jumping on top of the roofs of buildings because they were collapsing and then I woke up.

Dawn: United States

I felt paralyzed and tingling starting from head to toe as I began to ascend through a gray area with faceless "souls" all rising at different levels around me. I tried to turn around to see if there was anyone I knew, but couldn't turn. I kept rising until I arrived at a bright city street with a loud chorus of "the King is Coming." I kept kind of floating but started to descend, this time the tingling in my body was in reverse order. I woke up, and the tingling was slowly leaving. My heart was racing! I rolled over and touched the back of my fiance and prayed over him and for everyone I knew. I felt an energy that was not my own. My mind was racing, but I still fell asleep while I was praying. The next morning he asked what I touched him with during the night, he said it burned. I looked at him kind of dumbfounded, and he asked me again... he said it was scorching hot. I told him my dream/ experience, and he commented that it made sense. He didn't really want to talk about it, but I was on an adrenaline rush for months. I told many people what happened, but nobody really wanted to talk about it. What does it mean? Was it a dream or something that truly happened?

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Rapture Dreams Page 19

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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