Trinity: United States
Hey, so I had a dream last night .. & I woke up so scared and in tears. I knew this was the rapture once I woke up.. it started with me grabbing money out of my pocket and my mom randomly went crazy (no one else in my family was in the house btw.) And told me I had to give it to her..and was just going on making no sense spazzing AMD crying and I just felt this overwhelming need to leave, so I tried, and she wouldn't let me. And my boyfriend came to the door, and I ran out ..And told him we had to go.. And then a couple of. My neighbors came out of the house .. wandering aimlessly, and so we're running, and we go to the cut towards his home, but we couldn't get through because the woods were on fire. The whole time he was telling me, "come on we're gonna make it, " and we were crawling through these knocked down trees trying to get through, and I woke up..terrified.
Scott: United States
I looked out my window and saw white, misty, foggy clouds running towards my house as though they had legs. I ran outside and realized I was at my old family home. An old man with bright white hair drove up in a pickup and pointed to the clouds. I sensed that this was the Rapture and said, oh my God it's happening! I raised my hands up and saw them begin to glitter and become transparent. I woke up in tears of joy and realized it was a dream.
Georgina: United Kingdom
I was laying awake as I sometimes do and I fell asleep I woke up in the early hours in tears rolling down my face. The father had spoken to me because I asked the question why haven’t you returned we need you, he replied because nothing will change the people are not yet ready to receive me. The words continued if I returned I would be treated no different to how I was treated when I was crucified it would just be modern-day crucifixion this is why I have not returned, and I awoke in tears
James: South Africa
I saw a round cloud, and in it were Jesus Christ and horses coming down to earth, the people in the cloud were of royalty. I shouted Jesus, the cloud was coming down on me, suddenly the cloud covered me, and a red horse stood on my right hand. This happened on 31 December 2018
Gregory: Country
I had a dream that I was working in an office building, and the sky began to change and on the edge of the clouds was Our Lord Jesus, he was silhouetted in black, and I could clearly see there was a crown atop his head. I was beyond excited because of His return, and I knew I had to get to the lower or ground floor to take part in the rapture. As I got to the lower level, I began to float up, but then I felt myself not going high, as I needed to rise all the way up.
This dream makes me nervous as I believe and I do have personal struggles maybe someone can help me with it.
Maggie: United States
I had a dream today around 1 pm 12/27/18. I don’t remember much of the first part honestly, but I do remember the sky being red with like purple clouds. I was with my mom in the living room of a house that I didn’t recognize, and everything was crazy outside, people were running around screaming, planes were falling out of the sky, and I started freaking out, and I could tell it was the rapture. My mom was perfectly calm and said to me that she wasn’t scared that she knew she was going to heaven. She sat down on the couch and told me to sit beside her, so I did, and I turned and looked out the window behind us and saw a plane heading straight for the house. My mom saw it too and didn’t even flinch, she just looked at me and held my hand, and I said I love you thinking we were about to die. The plane crashed into the house and took out the part of the couch we weren’t sitting on, half of the house caught on fire, and we were left unscathed. We went outside, and for some reason, the people going to Heaven were glowing green and then beaming up. My mom burned green and beamed up, and then I got scared wondering if I was going to get to go to Heaven or not and I had a phone like I was waiting for a phone call from God to let me know?? But then I instantly felt like my soul was about to leave my body, and I looked up, and then I woke up. It felt so real, and it took me about half an hour to snap back into reality. I don’t know exactly what it means but I really feel like the Lord is coming and it’s going to happen in my lifetime. I just want to be ready for him! I want to see His Glory and fall to my knees in praise and feel nothing but pure happiness and peace!
Raymond: United States
I had a dream last night about being left behind in the rapture. It’s not the first time though. It’s just that now I understand it. I’m not sure how the dream started off but I remember sitting in a room.. out of nowhere the sky turned a weird color and I just felt emptiness and heaviness. I had a feeling what it was but I wanted to make sure if I was just exaggerating. So I went to look for my parents and my nieces. All gone. I couldn’t find any one of them. And then I knew. I cried and prayed and repented, but I felt nothing. The Holy Spirit has risen and I was left behind. My only thoughts were what can I do next? I need to really live NOW for God. Even without the Holy Spirit. I need to praise Him and repent daily and share the gospel with others. I refuse to succumb to my temptations. I’m thinking it’s not too late, it’s just harder now because I have to bear my own cross. Still panicking, and crying, and looking for God... I found nothing but heaviness on my chest and can literally feel the doorway to God and the Holy Spirit gone. So I wonder, do we get a second chance after the rapture/during the tribulation? Or is this day right here right now our Only chance to glorify God and be allowed in his presence... I don’t wanna be the scared little boy in my recent dream. Gods calling
Realtoltek: Czech Republic
Holy Spirit gave me a real white stone. In last vision, Jesus told me, he will return in 2 years. I had a vision at 18.9.2017. That means he will return at 2018 or 2019. I believe 09/2019 and I will go to old Jerusalem wait for him.
I love GOD, and I want to be his angel. GOD show it to me and show me my future "body" of an angel.
Angelique: United States
My name is Angelique, and I am 16 years old. From a young age my parents and grandparents taught me the things of God, I feel like I have strayed away a little bit. Lately I have been feeling like I need to get closer to God. I just woke up from a dream about the rapture. I believe the dream was a warning telling me that I need to repent and go to the fire of Jesus Christ. Here is the dream.
I was in my house and my grandparents, uncle, aunt and cousins were visiting. It started to storm outside and here in Texas, it starts to flood very quickly. it was a very heavy thunderstorm with lightning. I noticed a laser like thing reach a certain spot outside and then it created a small crater and I first assumed it was a meteor shower. more and more of those meteors were hitting and they were very hot. They started coming into my house! Everyone was calm, and I started to have an anxiety/panic attack. my family was trying to calm me down, but it was not working. The meteors and lasers kept coming into my house in random spots and I was terrified. Suddenly a wave of voices came over my house very loudly. It said, “evil will be forgotten” “evil will quiver before him, Jesus Christ is preaching and I knew the Rapture was here so I fell down on my knees and screamed I’m sorry God I am repenting for all of my sins, please accept me into the gates of Heaven” and then I woke up.
Alice: United States
I was looking up to a starry sky and saw a bright arrow that was pointed left. The arrow was a bright white thick and looked like the kind used on traffic signs.
Below the arrow in finer lines a beautiful lions head.
I called my only child over, my 37 year old daughter and she got excited too.
There was also strange writing that disappeared quickly.
I remember saying that Jesus must be coming.
I am widowed and my daughter had a stroke in January but recovered fast Praise God.
We have many financial issues and Sarah would love to still marry and have a baby.
Just giving this personal info in case it could help.
Hello Gary,
I had a dream of the rapture a couple of days ago. In the dream, I was driving on a road or highway as I looked up I seen a bright shining light and started seeing people being pulled up into the light. People were in trees holding on trying not to be pulled into the light. In the dream, I was feeling scared but before I awoke I felt I was ready to be pulled into the light.
Rose: United States
I had a dream I was in a car and going somewhere, and fires were breaking out, bombs going off and I heard the trumpet sounding and said Jesus is coming! And people said nope nothing is going on and I want to listen to my music, the sky lit up with angels, and they took people who were ready very fast! I woke up and thought it was happening! It will happen so very fast!
Judi: United States
Last night I dreamed I was standing outside and looked to the sky and saw people in the sky and I immediately knew it was the rapture. In my dream, I raised my hands towards the sky waiting to be lifted up, and at that moment I felt myself being raised up into the air and then suddenly woke up.
Tamm: Country
10/9/18 @ 4:16: I woke up from a dream. In my dream was several media personnel in CT witnessing the end of the world. There were Angels in firms of clouds blowing trumpets. There were amazing lights in the sky. The oceans were turning with mega waves. There were those who were frightened and those who felt at peace. Christ is coming.
Anekwu: Nigeria
It all happened on the 7th of October 2018. I was asleep and was having an amazing dream, with my friends at my house. I didn't realize it was a dream; everything just seemed real
My friends and I were talking about how we are going to lift a Barbell weight lift. Suddenly I looked at the cloud and saw something weird happening. It looks like someone was drawing a face on the cloud and to my surprise, I saw a giant face and the cloud changed, and a heavy, loud voice was spoken. At that moment I felt it was the rapture. I tried to hide and pray to God but I couldn't it seems like the judgment day spares no one and I shouted Jesus Jesus Jesus, and I woke up and thank my Father it was a dream. Now I have seen the revelation of Christ coming. I will be prepared, and I urge everyone to be prepared because when that day comes, you will be so afraid that it is too late for God to forgive you. I pray That God Helps us fight these sins.
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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