Kassandra: United States
I just had a dream that I was at home and walked out the front door. Then an image of Jesus appeared as a gigantic cloud figure. As I stared at it, the brightness of a thousand sunrises began illuminating the figure, and the trumpets started playing, and the clouds began to part. My daughter and I were suddenly rising into the sky. Then I landed in the sky, on white clouds, and I knew it was judgment day. I woke up before I could see my God. It felt so real, and I was greatly disappointed to realize that it was a dream. I know the rapture will be upon us soon and we all need to prepare and reach out to any and everyone.
Amy: United States
I dreamed I along with other people were in a room with a big window. I said look! It’s Jesus coming in The sky. But they couldn’t see him. I cried out can’t you see him it’s Jesus, but they couldn’t see him. Some were Christians. But they couldn’t see him. But when I awakened I could hear the scriptures to those who are looking for me will I appear without sin unto salvation.
Keiairrah: United States
I had a dream Jesus Returned, yall. I was in the house, and I was looking out the storm door and all of a sudden it was Cloudy. Then I heard Trumpets, and the trumpets were loud, and it felt so real. No one was outside, but me and my heart was racing !!!! So next thing you know I heard the angels singing He's coming, the Lord is coming, and it was like they were singing faster and faster and then the sky opened up like a portal from heaven. In the middle of the air there was a bright rainbow color I have never seen before; then to the left corner of my eyes, I saw Jesus walking in the sky. He was walking, but I could only see his shadow. As soon as he walked to the opening a big ball of light came and disappeared. I woke up in disbelief. Man. I never had a dream like that I honestly think it's getting closer and closer till Jesus returns. I just hope my family and I can get through those pearly gates
Mary: United States
I saw the second coming in my dream
Allan: Uganda
Last night I dreamt about the end time. In my dream my brother and I were driving along a high way when suddenly I saw diff clouds forming, I saw different moons and saw another bigger brighter moon and some activity was taking place in it. So immediately we stopped the car and came out, but to my surprise, the earth had vanished. it's the third time dreaming of end times, so brethren let's not be caught unprepared n lacking we need to repent.
Lexi: United States
I had a dream where I was at my church walking down the steps to leave from church on a Sunday Morning, after going to Sunday School and Church service. So, I was walking down with this man, and I don’t remember who he was or anything about him. So we walked, and I heard thunder. I was like what? It’s not supposed to rain today... So, I looked up, and then... I saw it. I saw lightning and bright lights, and I saw Jesus Christ splitting the Eastern Sky. I thought in my mind in the dream, I don’t know if I should be afraid or joyful... and I couldn’t speak... my mouth opened, but no words came out. I was frozen, happy, terrified, sad, and just FULL of emotions. Then, the guy next to me said, “The Rapture.” And I woke up
Lita: Australia
I need to share this.
I had a dream last night 10/07/18 My vision was so vivid, I remember it so clearly.
At the beginning of my dream, I saw my sister coming home with a couple of friends from having a night out, and they were all drunk, but they went downstairs in the garage to drink more.
I saw that they were getting more and more drunk as if they were aiming to get passed out.
In my dream I went outside to the balcony, but it was different, much bigger, dark and cloudy there were no stars in the sky, and there were so many people just talking and being friendly as if I just walked in on a bible study group.
I have never seen anyone of these people and didn’t at all recognize any of them.
All of a Sudden I stared up into the sky (it was night time) and I saw these two bright circle lights that were like magnetic about to touch together. As soon as they touched a ripple effect happened (like how you drop a stone in a river) and the clouds that covered the sky opened up, and there was a beautiful massive full moon.
Every person that was on the balcony saw it, and we all knew in our heads it was Jesus Christ giving us a sign that he is here.
Everyone on the balcony including myself just jumped up with excitement, we were all so happy and shouted so much praise to our Lord.
It was that moment, I turned around, and I saw the stairs leading down to the garage in my house. I Remembered my sister and her friends were drinking and getting drunk they didn’t see what had happened.
I felt so overwhelmed with sadness for my sister, I cried.
When I woke up from my dream, I was still crying so much. I knew what that meant.
Jane: United States
In my dream, I was outside with my husband. There was a blue sky and a rolling hill to my right. We noticed birds in the sky. They became very noisy. A great chatter. They were flying in small groups of five or six. The small groups of birds were flying in circular motions. I noticed a group of birds fly over the rolling hill to my right and then they came up and encircled a child and they flew upward. Then there were more birds, and they were coming close to us. A group of birds circled my husband, and they were taking him upward. I looked, and my husband was clothed in a long flowing white-silvery gown. Then I was encircled with birds, and when my feet left the earth everything was in slow motion, and I felt such relief and great joy. I started hooting and hollering and did a backflip as the birds flew around me as we went up into the sky. It was glorious!
Adelino: Zimbabwe
Hi, I would like to add my testimony to those who have dreamt about the coming of the Jesus Christ. l have received the same vision of the coming of Jesus Christ twice in my lifetime. Ever since l was a child l have been blessed with the gift of accurately dreaming things and events. Having dreamt the same dream twice, l sometimes feel like the Savior will come during my lifetime.
My first dream of the Saviors coming was when l was young. It was during the night and there commence to be a huge commotion with big stones and lighting coming from heaven with people running everywhere trying to hide saying, Jesus is coming. During the confusion and having the courage to look up to heaven praying in my heart, and l beheld Jesus coming from the east accompanied by many angels.
It may sound just like an ordinary dream but in the dream, it won't be a pleasant situation; it's very very scary because of the earthquake and sounds of heavy lightning and thunderstorms coming from heaven.
It's a dream that always leaves me with my heart pounding very hard.
So repent guys because the end is near. Remember that Jesus will come like a thief. AMEN
Leslie: United States
I don't know if this is the rapture or not, but my dream was...
I was in a white truck, and we were rushing because it was getting dark. So these ladies, who were my best friends family, left me in the corner of my neighborhood like a block away from my house. I ran because I was scared, and I had my little brother and my other brother I was trying to get to my house like crazy. so I ran with them, and suddenly I see this girl with papers and with her phone saying "it is coming to the wave it is coming" and I was like "what wave, what are you talking about?" So suddenly the wind blows stronger and I started running everything was gone, and the house has broken down. I ran trying not to pay attention, and I ran to the very last block not even noticing that I missed my home. The block and trumpets started to be heard, and I see people doing drugs so I go back and I finally found the street where I live. I still have my two brothers running with me in total fear...while running I hear, but suddenly a beaming sphere like a bright meteor comes down and impacts with the ground and a bright wave of light travels I screamed!! I was scared, so I made it to my house with my 2 brothers. When I got home my grandma, and my mom had a lot of dogs. She told me she gathered them because she didn't want them to get hurt..so I turn to my truck and gather my stuff, my clothes and phone. As I was going inside, I wake up ... I don't know what that dream is, but I'm scared I don't know if I should be scared or not please let me know what it means
Lynetu: Philippines
Last year I dreamed about the coming of Jesus. I saw Jupiter and some planets appearing in our sky. Then, when I look down outside because I'm at the 7th building, I saw all the people looking up at the sky. Then it started to become dark, then, I saw the air open, and the bright light appears and the angels holding trumpets. I'm so sad because I know that I'm a sinner and I'm not ready for it. I woke up at that point......then this year 2018 I dreamed again of the second coming of Jesus Christ. He showed me the sky, the sign that he is nearly coming....now I decided to follow Jesus with wholeheartedly with faith....planning to have my baptismal if I will have my vacation. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME
Sumpi: India
I have a dream that I was thrown by 3 helicopters to where there was no home no people only Forrest and I was trying to find someone's house. At last, I found a small clean river with a different kind of fish. While looking at those fish, I heard the trumpet noise from above and when I looked up Jesus was coming with the angels. At the same time on another side of the river I saw a grave, and from there some of them were flying to the sky to lord savior Jesus Christ, and I was worrying, am I not going to be with them? At that moment I woke up from my dream. The first and second dreams were before going to India from my country, and the third was from India...so please help me. I want to know. I believe my lord savior Jesus Christ want me to know something... Help me in Jesus name I pray.
Jasper: Philippines
I had a dream about the rapture and a dragon.
Will: United States
So I had a dream one night, about a bright white light in the sky and a voice clearly saying we are waiting for the final trumpet to be sounded and I woke up. Can anybody help me figure out what this means?
Response: (The very short and incomplete version)
When speaking of the last trumpet to blow I believe is speaking of the seven trumpets in Revelations.
Many of those who study Eschatology consider the first six trumpets to be calls to the sinners for repentance with each succeeding trumpet bringing a still worse disaster than the one before.
The seventh trumpet does not bring any disasters or plagues but glorifies God and announces His kingdom.
Many believe the Rapture will come before the Tribulation period which could possibly be said to be the first trumpet to sound.
However, others believe the Rapture will come after the tribulation, and that the seventh trumpet to sound will be at the Rapture.
Lisa: United States
Shaking ground earthquake very straight road elderly all around rumbling dark swirl clouds lots fast stars coming straight for me, then I'm gone.
Sarah: United States
My dream is a bit scary honestly, but it felt insanely real. The dream started with me standing by an old rustic vehicle it was dark outside, and I could feel a sense of panic around me. I started walking towards a field when my mother immediately approached me from behind, walking hastily pass me. I was completely thrown off by her urgency, however, mimicking her steps I began to ask her "what was going on?" She turned around still focused on her destination she told me I wasn't going where I had thought I was going. Based on the life I was living I was going to hell. Being that I am a believer in God, I began to panic. I then saw Jesus standing alone. I ran to him and began crying. I asked him if what my mother had told me was true. He stood quietly. With every second of silence, I started to slowly die inside. I then realized at that very moment we were officially at the end of days! I turned around and noticed everyone was staring at the sky all of them on their knees, praying. I began crying harder, and Jesus walked with me to a huge crowd of people standing in a field and stood by my side. I cried to him and asked him where it was that I was going. He looked over at me and told me you would see. And I fell on my knees shut my eyes to begin praying and immediately my eyes shot open, and I had woken up.
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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