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  7. The Rapture and Creatures from the Sky

"The Rapture and Creatures from the Sky" by Laura

I had a very vivid dream about the Rapture. 

I was driving in a car with my fiance. It was a nice day out, but I looked up and notice the moon and sun were in the sky at the same time, and both were turning black, like an eclipse. 

Then in the distance, I heard a loud siren-like a tornado warning siren. I arrived home and went inside. I was talking about going on vacation when all the sudden, the sound of trumpets were coming from the sky, and I knew it was Jesus. 

I felt nervous and scared. I looked at my family and said, "I'm sorry we didn't have enough time here on Earth." I hugged my 2 older children and told them how much I loved them and to not be afraid for we will be in heaven.

Enormous Circular Aircraft

I peaked out my window and saw an enormous circular aircraft with large glass doors that looked like angel wings, and people were being lifted into them. A bright light was shining down on many of these alien-looking aircraft. 

Then all the sudden I was outside all alone. I noticed my family was lifted up, the crafts were rising higher into the sky and disappeared, and so did the light that was beaming from it. 

Then I saw the creature's coming from the sky; they were coming down forcefully and ready to disperse massive destruction on Earth. I ran into what I think was a gray looking chapel that looked damaged from an earthquake.

Consumed with Fear

I looked for a place to hide and found a door that seemed to be under a staircase; I opened it and quickly went in and saw the damage all around me. 

And a few others were also in there trying to hide.

I covered myself with a jacket or blanket; then I heard the creature's in the building and was consumed with fear.

Then I woke up.

Laura: United States

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The Rapture and Creatures from the Sky

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