I've had too many dreams of GOD יהוה and His Son ישוע to recount all of them.
But one of the most significant dreams I had about Him was one time when I was on a race track, a horse race track, and I was given by someone a winning horse, a black beauty, which for some reason, I refused to take in a dream when My victory of being the champion was certain.
Anyhow, they respected My decision, and the Horse was given to someone else.
But in return, I saw Myself in a different scene.
I was outside the Earth, high above the clouds of Heaven, riding on A White Horse on Yeshua's, Jesus' right side.
This time unlike the one on Earth, the Horse wasn't offered to Me. I just saw Myself sitting on it, with armies, like thousands and myriads on white horses, behind us.
Then as we prepared to descend from Heaven to take possession of the planet, a world enveloped in darkness, with the kings and armies of men, under the Beast hostile against us, I saw a bright light that proceeded out of Yeshua's Mouth, More like a Beam of Light from A Sharp Sword? that in a way Baptist vaporized the wicked. All of them.
When we came down, the Earth was as it was in the beginning, empty and void; everything was a mess, with structures torn down, buildings, houses, and all.
As it is written in the Scripture, He causes war to cease, He burns the chariots with fire, and in another Scripture, come and see the works of The Lord and the desolation He has wrought upon the Earth.
Then I saw His troops, and I started to renovate the planet as His Millennial Reign began. The scene was quick, and after the restoration of all things, I saw Myself walking towards a presidential? Palace and when I reached the stage, His Majesty Yeshua came and gave Me a crown on My head and told Me to govern the nation? On Earth, as He watches from Heaven. End of dream.
Although I was inspired by the dream, I didn't take it seriously UNTIL several years later, when a young child, a relative, shared HIS dream with me:
He saw Me riding with Jesus on A White Horse, while all the forces of nature, in Heaven and on Earth was unleashing their full fury, with people hiding on Earth because of dread. After that, he told Me there was peace, worldwide peace, and children began talking about My Marriage.
So I guess that's One Way My Heavenly Father and yours tells Me not to doubt the dream He sent (by repeating the same account "from the mouth of babes).
Since then, dreams about GOD and His Son, Yeshua, have become more recurrent.
There was a time when I was called to approach GOD The King in His Throne Room, with A Wounded Lamb laying On His Right.
I instinctively knew Who that One was. The Morning after the dream was given, יהוה led Me to a passage in Scripture, Jeremiah 30:21.
I don't know, but it seems as if the dreams and revelations sent from Adonai have perfect synchronicity with each other because the saints are called to rule and reign with Christ on the Earth and beyond, the New Heavens and New Earth. (2 Timothy 2:12 & Revelations 20:6)
Besides these dreams, I also dreamt of a dragon on one old Roman amphitheater, waiting to devour Me, and in that dream, I slashed its head with A Cross by The Sword of The Archangel Michael, and it was defeated.
On other dreams, I saw Myself on the shore with many royal chariots charging to destroy Me with their swords and spears, in full battle armor, while I was clothed with laborers clothing, barefoot BUT wielding A-Rod of Iron on My right and I smashed each of them to pieces.
This dream reminds Me of these passages:
Rai: Philippines
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Message Of Jesus
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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802