I want so to give you something LORD
– that’s been battered, bent, and broken;
Tis precious to me
- though seems to be
- the brunt of someone’s jokin’.
I just can’t bring myself to trust this
- to anyone other than you;
Crudely hence
- it’s been mistreated
– depraved, broken, bitter and blue.
This life has been all guilty with sin,
- and on thus this depends
- hence the consequence;
Or would it presently appear
- this iniquity gathered here
- should descend to irrelevance.
Henceforth therefore and for this reason
- I’ve become concussed, you see;
Nevertheless tis Nonetheless,
- I must give this broken thing to thee.
So take this life
- therefore and forevermore
- your possession it is to be;
Repair and heal,
- so its appeal
- can be of use for your Deity.
It cannot be entrusted to me.
By: Mark K. Bouchard [June 2014]
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Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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