Does God exist?
There is not a shred of doubt in my mind to that answer. Know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
If someone had told me that I would go on an all-consuming search for the truth of planet earth I would have said: “You are off ya trolley, mate”! But I did, and I found it, (with some help).
I awoke one night covered in sweat, puffing as though I’d just sprinted around the block, holding my stomach in pain. I had a nightmare that I was shot in the guts.
Two nights later, the same dream, same pain, and fear, ( I actually felt it ).
Two nights after that dream, on Christmas eve, I strolled around to my mad mate’s place, and then it happened, a shotgun went off, and I was peppered, hands, legs, face, and guts, just like I dreamt.
A race to the hospital was on with my life just hanging. The doctors couldn’t understand how I survived; my aorta was nicked and weeping blood, and they said it should have burst.
The doctor said it was lucky that I was fairly fit. ( I had been playing football in the winter for money to buy alcohol and grew dope in the summer to feed both the alcohol and the dope habit.
But I can see clearly now; there was an unseen hand involved.
Laying in hospital, I was thinking, “What’s going on, who or what showed me I was going to get shot; was it prophesy, premonition, or perhaps my subconscious?
Being the country lad that I was and trying not to get too complicated I just thought it was the aliens. You know, “Beam me up, Scotty.”
I started in Nostradamus thinking he had seen the future, then all sorts of psychics, channelers and fortune tellers. I was reading all the new age mags and looking into the UFO stuff for answers.
I answered an ad in a magazine that asked, “do you want to know the secrets of the Universe” and I thought, “This is it.” I sent away for the Rosicrucian stuff (an offshoot of Freemasonry).
It came back with some instructions on how to set up a little altar, a mirror, light some candles and incense in a dark room and say a prayer to the Divine Essence of the Cosmos (God of the World) (Bible calls him Satan), and ask him to infuse my being. So, stoned off my head I did it.
Halfway through the prayer, I started shaking all over and thought, “Wow, this is really weird; what’s going on here.” I was in a state to receive and receive I did but little did I know.
The very next day, I felt different, and after a couple of days, I had noticed that my thought patterns were different, they had become very prideful. I kept on the search and got into the occult even more. A spiritual force now drove me.
This mob taught reincarnation, meditation techniques, candle and mirror gazing, all leading to soul travel, (astral projection). I was also looking into Eastern religions, and this is precisely what they teach.
After a while, I could see that they were all about self, you are God, and everything is God. I knew this was crap, though. I thought, if I’m god, then we’re all in trouble.
I kept up the search which was intensifying with lots of dowsing with rods (I learned to do that on the farm growing up) There were pendulums, tarot cards, numerology, astrology, ley lines, auras, and more.
I found that there were lots of results and things happening that were not natural but there were still no answers. By this time I was going a little crazy.
With all the psychics and channellers saying that total disasters were coming upon the earth I was experiencing it in my own life also, Burying food; so I was prepared and living every day like it was coming tomorrow and this had started to take a toll on me.
I was given a book by Barry Smith (Second warning then Better than Nostradamus) about what was going on in Freemasonry and the New World Order, and I could recognize a lot of familiar stuff in it.
He also gave me the bottom line where others couldn’t. God the Creator is in charge, and Satan is stuffing everything up. Then it was like a light was turned on. I started to read more Christian prophecy.
When the date-setters were continually wrong, I decided to quit all this new age fairy crap that was leading nowhere and start to learn about Jesus.
I did not want anything to do with God after growing up as a Catholic altar boy and seeing all the hypocrisy that surrounded it. It put me right off anything to do with God. So Jesus was last on my list, but I thought, what have I got to lose?
Almost immediately, tormenting voices and thoughts started in my head, and there was guilt, shame, anxiety, depression, fear and paranoia, and destruction. I was plagued with suicidal thoughts, and the noise in my head was deafening.
I suffered full-on nightmares every night and could not read a book or even watch TV and concentrate, so I just stayed drunk and stoned and let the demons drive. It was easier that way.
I was on the verge of a complete mental breakdown. One night I played an occult game where you empty your mind and ask a question, then wait for an answer. I asked, “What time is it?”
A voice spoke loudly and said 4:17. I thought it strange because it was only around 3:30 am.
I asked the same question again and the voice said clearly the word “Matthew.” I thought Matthew 4;17 is in the Bible.
In the morning I got up and looked in the Bible (which I never read anything but the prophecy stuff), and it said, From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, Repent! For the kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
I thought God must be trying to tell me something, so my girlfriend and I got really stoned and went to church.
After three months I was asked to the front to say a prayer to invite Jesus to be my Lord and Saviour. I had already said sorry to God for making a mess of everything and for doing things I knew weren’t right. (I was sorry for the mess I was in).
During the prayer, a voice was screaming in my head “No, No, you can’t do this,” but I kept going and started shaking again and thought, “here we go again.” When it was over, I felt relief.
The next day I awoke and had not had any nightmares, the noise had stopped in my head, and I was at total peace. I had never experienced anything like this in all my life. It was then I knew that Jesus was who He said He was and all that I had heard about Him being able to set you free was true.
I felt like I was floating, and it was the best time of my life. I was Born Again. And this absolute bliss lasted about three months.
Then the voices started coming back and trying to torment me, but they were on the outside and not coming from within.
An Evangelist prayed for me and rebuked these spirits, and they left.
After this, I had a revelation of the spiritual powers that had been causing all the trouble. I wasn’t going insane, and it wasn’t mental or chemical imbalances that were causing the problems, it was my excursion, through the occult, into a world where the Bible forbids men to go.
The spiritual forces had their own agenda and plans and purposes and when I decided to follow Jesus Christ, they wanted me dead. They do not want anybody to follow Jesus Christ because they hate mankind and want to see their destruction.
The Bible says that the thief (Satan) comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. He will dangle a carrot and fill you with false promises, then chew you up and spit you out.
Now I have the Holy Spirit to be my Guide from within. He never lies, He always wants the best for me, and He keeps me and protects me from evil. If I stay repentant, humble, and forgiving, then the enemy of the human race has little to stand on.
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit Jesus received when He was baptized in the Jordan river. It is the Spirit of God Himself; the Creator of the Heavens, the Earth and Seas and all that is in them.
It is life itself, joy and peace that you will not find in any other place, any technique or so-called religion.
The world cannot offer you this; it will continue to offer you empty promises. Jesus is who He said He was. The Way, the Truth, and the Life. The Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
Jesus died on the cross for our sins. And when your sins are washed away then, YAHOO!!! The burdens we carry are gone.
Just say sorry to God for the things you know are wrong, ask Jesus for some help, and you will experience this abundant life that is available for all.
I am a real person, I get nothing from this but to know that someone somewhere will read this and experience the truth as I have. That is my reward, to see others find this freedom.
Peter: Australia
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Pete McMasters
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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