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"Our Small Shells"
A Lesson from the Simple Crab

If not for God's Word the human race may have been forced to learn their virtues from God's other creations. For instance, we may have learned faithfulness from a dog, perseverance from an ant, and creativity from the spider. 

Thankfully, we have God's Word, but we can still learn from His creations, even the simple crab. A crab does not grow like other animals. Although their body grows throughout their lifespan, their outer shell stops growing when it reaches a certain size. As the crab continues to grow, it is forced to find a bigger and better home

Why is it so natural for the crab to move on to something new and so difficult for humans? To continue growing, we must often step out of whatever is keeping us from continuing our growth. 

An excellent example of how difficult it is to leave our small shells is when the Children of Israel, though living in captivity and misery, were at first hesitant to leave the land of Egypt. 

Even after departing many of them wanted to go back. The Israelites were afraid of the unknown and apprehensive about how these changes would affect their future. 

Growth in following Christ often requires us to leave something very dear and meaningful behind, (Matt 19:29). The Israelites were required to have enough faith and determination to follow God regardless of the consequences. 

If not careful, we may find ourselves clinging to a stressful situation, such as a job, or personal relationship that is no longer working; and for the same reason as the Israelites, the fear of the unknown.

Perhaps we can learn to bravely climb out of our small shells and into the hands of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to guide comfort and lead us in the path of His choosing. 

The One who knows the number of hairs on your head and every sparrow that falls has a progressive and often changing plan for your life. Those who bravely step out in faith will find that His paths are always the most rewarding.

Regardless of your age or position in life, with Christ, it is always just the beginning. By letting go of the old and following His guidance you can discover a fresh new life filled with unique experiences, and no restraints. 

Samuel Mills

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Our Small Shells

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

Our Small Shells

Sharing the
Message Of Jesus

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802