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"Jesus was Standing
Next to Me"

Years ago, something happened that I still can't explain. Yet the profound epiphany of it still sticks with me today.

I prayed before writing about it and ended up documenting an experience I am willing to share with anybody. If you look up God's Gift on YouTube, it is still there.

While writing a poem, lyric or just a psalm, I would pray for his hand as protection. After writing this particular passage, which came very fluently, I reread it, and that's when I noticed towards the middle, while still astonished by this piece I couldn't help but notice the writing took on a conversation- second-person style.

It was something I did not notice while actually writing it and I became overwhelmed by the very saturation of the piece.

This was not my hand, it could only have been through the Holy Spirit.

Then in what seemed to be only a few moments, I had a real sense of being transported from my living room, sitting on the floor, to a place I can only describe as a biblical chamber, an old clay, mud santuary large room.

As the thoughts going through my head were that God had written through me. I could see a crowd of people standing in front, shaking their fists in anger. Many were priests with gowns and tunics.

Then I sensed a wave of overwhelming anger and disdain directed towards me. Gnashing of teeth, all yelling how dare you type insults. It was then that I realized someone had been standing next to me for the last few moments.

I knew without a doubt that it was Jesus, and he was allowing me to feel all the hatred and anger coming from the crowd in full force.

As quick as the vision came, it left, and I was once again lying on the carpet in my front room. I was crying uncontrollably, looking down at what I had written, looking around, and wondering what had just happened. All alone but knowing it was totally real as my crying slowly subsided.

I have never questioned my sanity that day. That moment was an actual sensation and vision, the reasoning for which I have never fully grasped.

After looking into it further, there's no question in my mind that the scene was very much like that told in Scripture when Jesus preached in Nazareth, Luke 4:28.

I thank God for the vision. I also welcome any feedback that might help me understand. Thank you for the site to allow me to tell my story.

Brian: United States

"God's Gift"

Should you feel heat or the chill of snow,

the birth of the child will overshadow all climates.

For it is the time of year when that day shall dawn,

as it has for sometime past, to witness His holy birth.

Behold the son of God has been given to man.

Let all who can see, feel this child's spirit in their soul.

Rejoice ye now in His presence and not in his pain as a man.

Prepare tomorrow in Revalation and give thanks our era can review His life.

For now is the time to see, hear, touch, and be touched.

Let no sense of our bodies feel numb reliving His birth.

If there was ever a time and place, the Lord has given this moment to us.

His face as a child showing everlasting hope is a calling, an invitation from God.

Saying, Like the serenity in my son's eyes, so shall you feel in your rebirth.

I give this opportunity to you in full glory once a year in case you've been blinded to my glory in the past.

Rebirth & renewal by His grace comes to all who observes this time for what it is.

On this day, born to a virgin, Mary had not just a boy or a son, but a pure vision to behold.

Love, Hope, Mercy, Peace & Life for all humankind to have faith in.

So use this time wisely.

Forgive those you have not forgiven.

Love those that are in need of love.

Help those that are in need of help.

Bring a calm to those who are not at peace.

Whisper the breathe of a life that took place during this season to all who are willing to hear.

With each passing breath His life grows stronger within His believers.

A whisper alone is meek. Collectively, it's lowly roar calls to all people.

... On this day our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ was born.

By Higman

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Jesus was Standing Next to Me

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802