It all started when I was about 14 years old. I kept having repeated dreams of the Rapture and seeing the Lord.
One of my first dreams was of me giving birth to a child in a hospital somewhere. After I gave birth, I started feeling very light and knew I was dying. I started crying and looked at the ceiling, but it wasn't there.
Instead, I saw a cloudy sky full of white clouds, and far beyond, I saw three figures, all like men. It was like my heart knew who the figure who stood in the middle. He had a white robe and a halo of very bright golden light that I could see from afar.
Suddenly, I heard crying and screams, and he disappeared. I looked below, and there I saw smoke and the smell of burning flesh but no dead bodies, just black shadows.
It was the soul of the sinners who did seek God. I woke up crying and trembling from all the screaming of millions.
It has been months since I had another dream, and I was getting worried if that was because I am getting farther away from God. I stopped attending church because of COVID-19 and only read the Bible when I felt like it. Yesterday's dream was the first I've had in months, and it was like no other.
I was on the beach taking a walk during the evening. Many people were drinking and dancing and doing inappropriate things.
Then I heard a loud trumpet, and as I looked at the sky where the sun was setting, I saw a very bright light. It was like the sky was cracking, and golden light was pouring out.
I knew it was the Rapture. I cried out and asked myself, why am I crying? I felt guilty; I felt unprepared for the coming of Christ. I started weeping, "O lord, forgive me!"
The people started running and screaming all over the place like wild animals. I saw Angels, millions, like little ants. It was so beautiful, but I knew I wouldn't go with them.
I had forgotten the Lord like many, and it was too late now the time is up.
I looked around me and saw my mother and father. They were old, and I held them, one on each arm, and carried them. I started telling my mother how I loved her and would miss her. I did the same with my father.
I saw the numbers 666 written on the people's foreheads, and the number was on my palm as well, and I couldn't rub it off. It felt so horrible I tried reassuring myself that this is all a dream.
I couldn't see the Lord. I couldn't go in front of him and hear him send me to the depths of hell. But he did. All the sinners were thrown by a force so hard into a huge hole, and an angel came and opened a jar filled with fire and poured it on us. The people screamed, but I didn't feel anything.
I look up at the hole entrance and saw a white robe just above the ankle of a man. I saw his feet, and I knew it was the Lord who was watching us. I didn't know how I got to the top, but I did, and I touched this man's feet and wept and wept.
I cried, "oh, forgive me, Lord. Please do not leave me! I want to be with you. Take me, please!" And his hand touched mine, and I woke up crying.
For some reason, all my dreams stop when the Lord judges the people. I have only dreamed of him coming down in the sky but never had I dreamt of him judging the people and casting them to the pit of hell.
It was a message from God. Just by the way, I didn't feel pain in the pit. The pit was blazing with fire, but I wasn't burning although I was in it. Everyone felt it but me. I know that he is giving me a chance to be with him despite me forsaking him and abandoning him.
I've decided to change my life and get baptized very soon and to repent of my sins.
Darina: Belize
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Message Of Jesus
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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802