It was a little after twelve in the afternoon on a Sunday at my father-in-law's, it was his birthday, and he was busy cooking up his self-proclaimed famous brisket.
My wife was inside finishing up the potato salad while I was occupied helping my uncle with the TV. The food was about ready so all of the kids rushed outside with their grandma and grandpa.
Now let me just say, we are the type to never let our children out of our eyesight and at the risk of causing more pain, what happened, happened.
I’ve always heard of horrific accidents in other families but NEVER would I have thought it could happen to us.
While working on my uncles T.V. the door comes flying open, Noah’s grandmother was hysterically crying saying, “Noah fell in the pond!”
My heart was in my throat as I barreled around the corner. Everything felt as though it was in slow motion. I screamed for my baby boy “Noah, Noah!”
While rounding the corner, I notice a crowd of people knelt down surrounding him. My boy was lifeless and grey; I watched as his little body bounced on the dirt as my father-in-law pressed on his tiny bare chest.
To give credit to my wife, I learned later that she was able to evacuate the water from his lungs and get a pulse before I saw him, but chest compression had to continue because he wasn’t breathing on his own.
I have seen miracles and did not doubt the power of God, but I have to be honest, until that day I had never physically felt the presence of God, at least not enough to know for sure. I had spent a good part of two years crying out to God, “Lord, where you are?”
As a boy I was rejected by my own father, so I figured that this was no different, I wasn’t sure I would ever get an answer.
I collapsed down in front of the scene. At first, I had the most natural reaction, a denial of impending doom for my son.
Suddenly, an indescribable peace came over me, now I can’t tell you why I did what I did, but these words poured from my lips,
“Thank you, Father God for giving him back to us!”
I was claiming victory! But at the same time, my earthly self-was asking, “What are you saying, he’s dead and your thanking God?”
Once More, “Thank you Father God for breathing your breath of life into him in Jesus name!”
It was at that moment Noah gasped for air. It was if God was showing me, “do you see, I’ve been here this whole time?”
Never again will I accept that God has rejected a personal relationship with me. Through the entirety of Noah’s recovery, God has given us an overwhelming peace. After the first day, doctors were unsure of any brain damage.
Through the next few nights, it was a combination of rebuking the devil of his lies that Noah wouldn’t be the same and praising God for his continued victory. By the third day, Noah was back to his old smiling self, full of energy.
Joshua: United States
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Message Of Jesus
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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802