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"The Lord's Doing"
Beyond Comprehension

We keep hearing the verse, " The Lord will never leave you or forsake you" (Deut 31:6). But it actually only touches you on a personal level when you are standing alone, and Christ becomes your father, mother, friend and everything.

God had been helping me relieve myself and my family from the influence of certain toxic people and that He would honour me. But humanly, I thought I needed these influential people for some favours in my life.

Then on constant prodding from My heavenly Father, I gathered up the courage to move away from the people God did not want me nor my family to have friendships with. It's been 5 yrs now, and God has been so true to His promises.

11th Admission

It was the 2020 covid peak time during the 1st wave, our son had written his 10th board exams, and we were waiting for his results to apply in various schools, including the school in which he was currently doing his 10th.

The only application form we had in hand was his school's application form which God enabled us to get in Jan 2020.

To our surprise, even before the results were published, we got a call from our son's school telling us to come in to process his 11th std application for commerce group if we were still interested in enrolling him in his current school.

We immediately identified it as "The Lord's Doing".. without any second thought, we proceeded with it. Thank you, Jesus.


As our son was going to complete his schooling, I, as a mother, wanted him to receive confirmation classes and start taking The Holy Communion.

I knew this was the only way he can self analyze and be in a close relationship with our Lord and Saviour especially as he steps out into the real world where we know that as parents we have our limitations. Only our Lord can be His guide in every walk of his life.

While this was my prayer, God enabled us to move to a new church for our spiritual growth. As we were speaking to our Pastor for membership, he suddenly mentioned that we were taking enrolments for confirmation classes and that we could enroll our son.

I was totally taken aback by God's leading. At that moment, I knew that God was assuring me that when I take a stand for Him, He will surely do wonders that are way beyond our comprehension. Our son received his 1st communion on October 31st, 2021. Thank you, Jesus.

College Admission

This was again a miraculous situation wherein we had no one to turn to for advice or recommendation.

I remember that on 2018 July 8th, I went forward to the altar and committed our son into God's hands as I felt I was messing up his life with my human capabilities and that only God can take care of him n his future in a way that no one else can.

I knew I was placing our son into trusted hands; believe me, I have not regretted this commitment all these 4 yrs and 6 months.

The history of miracles repeated itself in our son's life by getting him admission to one of the best institutions for his most desired course, even before his 12th cbse results were declared. Thank you, Jesus.

Now life is all about pleasing God and listening to Him talk by sitting at His feet and studying His Word. God is being very loving and patient as He sees me making efforts to walk with Him. I fall as I'm weak in the flesh, and He helps me get back on track; this is an ongoing, lifetime process.

I've shared this testimony only because I thought people like me might feel intimidated by toxic people or just scared to stand alone, ending up desperate with wrong relationships.

If I can, with the help of Jesus, so can everyone else.
"On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand."

From India

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The Lord's Doing

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

Sharing the
Message Of Jesus

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802