Don't be left behind:
Invite Jesus into Your Life
The "Measure of Faith" is a gift from God to all of humanity; a faith that has not yet grown but is sufficient for belief in God and Salvation.
Allie: United States
I remember that when my dream started, I was outside with my best friend when all of a sudden, I heard a trumpet in the sky & it was in the evening.
It was dark & gray & there were bright lights, and lights like the northern lights shined in the sky. I knew it was Jesus.
I started to see souls lifting up to the sky & the soul of my best friend; as I started lifting upward, I felt an overwhelming peace.
Then, I fell back down to earth to go find my family, but hell was on the earth from natural disasters, monsters, murderers, fires, and explosions.
I made it to my family & was trying to save them from all the bad people, and then I woke up.
Stephanie: United Kingdom
Just a few hours ago, I had a dream. It was late at night, and we were doing all night with our online church. I heard a sound and looked outside the window, and it seemed quite early in the morning in the dream.
There was a hole in the clouds, and under the clouds, I could see little white things (I guess people going up). I was in shock.
I went around my house, and everyone was there and in their rooms as always; even the most religious person at my home was in the bathroom taking a shower.
I looked at the streets again, and there were clothes on the floor. I still couldn’t believe it. I was looking at the TV where the church was being broadcasted from, and I was like, this is a man of God; this can’t be the Rapture; why is it still playing?
Immediately I asked my dad to click the OK button on the TV and saw the live stream. When my dad fast-forwarded it to where it said “LIVE”, the video ended or stopped (suggesting it was not there anymore), and that’s when the realisation came. We had just missed the Rapture.
Then I opened my eyes, and the Rapture hadn’t happened. God has given me another opportunity, and I need to get right with Him.
Antoine: United States
My dream was so so real, as hundreds and thousands of people were ascending, but those who were not allowed to enter were falling so hard to earth that their bodies literally exploded into blood.
Others were turned away right when they thought they made it and began to crumble to dust.
All were expended in the air as I watched this happening.
I had this dream on Good Friday : (04/07/2023)
I dreamed I had committed an abominable act of sin with a woman. After committing this sin, I sat on my couch and looked at the sky.
As soon as I saw the sky, it was a shade of red my human eyes had never physically seen. I had apparently gone into the kitchen to look at the sky.
I saw four moons lined up, one behind the other; all were full moons. I remember one was a blood moon.
Beside the moons was a timer counting down, but I cannot recall the time. I may have never seen it, I just remember the time looked like a digital clock, and it was in green.
I saw the sky crack open, and the brightest light I had ever seen came through. Out of that crack, there were thousands of round robot-looking things. The bottom was silver, and the tops were purple, like a Pokémon ball; that’s the best way I can explain the shape.
I ran back into my living room screaming, “Jesus is back! Jesus is back! Jesus is back!” These robot things then went all over the Earth. I saw one come into my home and face the woman. It turned her into a bright white light.
I closed my eyes out of fear of not being taken and began to pray for Jesus to please take me. I then woke up.
I have been doing so much research and praying to the Holy Spirit to reveal the entirety of this dream to me. Please help me understand! Begin your comment with who Jesus is if you would like to help.
Beatrice: Tanzania
Hello, may the grace of God be with you.
In my dream, I saw myself with my late grandmother, and we were in a place; I don't know if it was a church or a house, but it was so dark.
Looking out the window, I saw a huge lightning strike outside, and I saw my late grandmother being taken by the lighting.
Then I ran outside and saw another person I knew being taken; that's when I knew deep down that this was a rapture and I was left behind.
After they had been taken, some of the people there were fellow church members, and we started to ask each other, did you see what happened? But we were left behind.
The fear that came because of being left behind was like an empty hole within, and you feel all alone.
Then I saw people living their lives without fear of the Lord. I saw families hate each other and people living as if nothing happened; there was this feeling that there was no hope in the world and God had left us. I woke up with so much pain and fear.
My friend, let's make it right with the Lord by repenting and accepting Jesus as our Savior, and may the grace of God guide us in the right direction.
Eva: United States
I’ve been terrified about the rapture lately and have been trying to deal with the anxiety of it. But this is the first time I have ever had a dream about the rapture.
Basically, I was near a little shack and heard a trumpet noise. It wasn’t terribly ear-bleedingly loud, but everyone around me looked up. For a brief second, I thought, “could it be?” And then I was like, “oh my goodness, it is!”
I and everyone else started running to this one area in a meadow. (We all knew where to go for some reason.) he was talking to some people, and they nodded their heads before ascending into heaven.
For some reason, Jesus didn't look like how he is described in the Bible. He was wearing very 'hippie-like clothes, and he had a haircut similar to an afro. (I have no idea why he looked like that. Perhaps this is just because dreams are strange like that.)
He turned to me while everyone else was ascending and told me, “You did not believe enough,” He ascended while I cried and woke up.
I don’t know if this is just something the devil put in my head because it is not how the rapture said it would happen in the Bible.
Noah: Uganda
Hi, I got this dream this very week. It started as I was with my friends, and it was during the day.
I saw a bright light in the sky, and when I got a clear view, it was a man floating in the sky 😭 wearing a very white garment or type of gown. His head shone like the sun, but I could not see His head.
He stretched out His hands and gave a loud thunderous clap, like when a race or an exam is about to start or stop. I knew it was Jesus, and I was caught unprepared.
I regretted not spending all my seconds in my life repenting, then I saw bright lights all over the sky moving, and those prepared went up, but I was left behind 😭😭😭 ( JESUS IS COMING BACK AGAIN).
Freda: United States
I am saved, yet last night I dreamed Jesus came, and I was left behind? I tried to hide then I tried looking for others. I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep.
Lamia: United States
I had a dream from the Lord.
My friends and I were in a parking lot outside my school. We were laughing and talking, then the sky got dark, and there were dark clouds.
It became nighttime, and I saw asteroids, giant rocks falling from the sky, and fire hitting the earth; wildfires were everywhere.
Then, I saw people in "Martial Law" type outfits pulling people out of their homes and throwing them in trucks.
They were pulling people away from their families, and everyone was running around looking for one another; it was crazy!
Accept the Lord and be born again so you won't be left behind📍
Brittany: United States
I had a dream or a vision of the rapture. I remember being inside my living room and going outside to look at my dog, and another big dog showed up, a brown pitbull that seemed playful.
As I walked outside, I looked up at the sky and saw beams of light coming down and people's spirits lifting up towards the sky. It was nighttime, and I remember thinking I was going to heaven with them.
I go to my mom and tell her that people are ascending to heaven, that it is time. I walk back outside, and I start ascending as well.
I felt my body lift above, and as I was floating up, I remember feeling life come out of me, like my breath was being taken away. I was not in pain, but I knew where I was going.
After that, I noticed I didn't make it to heaven, or so I don't think, because as I was ascending, I had a feeling and I thought I was going to see the bright light and God and Jesus, but I didn't; it stopped there, and God took me somewhere else.
I was with my family, my son, my daughter, and my husband, in some sort of cabin or home that I am not familiar with. I remember being next to him, my son, in the bed, going to sleep, and I was lying beside him.
It's like I was going back to the first dream when I was ascending to heaven, and I went back to that and saw people going back down to earth. I saw souls falling back down.
After seeing that, I went back to my son in bed; I woke up from a gasp of breathing as if I was going to die from ascending. It was like I was dreaming, and it felt real as I woke up next to my son.
I remember looking at my husband, and something was going on wrong; it was like it was the end of days where the mark of the beast happens and the military and all that starts happening.
We then began to pack my mom's things and leave them somewhere. As we were heading out, we tried to get out of the area we lived in, but we couldn't because we didn't have the money. The military then brought us back to some cabin.
As I was driving back to the cabin, I remember talking to my mother on the phone, asking her if she was OK. Throughout the conversation, I asked if everybody was fine and if my grandparents were there, and she said yes, everybody's here.
She said she had the same dream I had of the rapture and did not understand why this was happening. We all felt like we were left behind.
A: United States
Last night I dreamed a bunch of super random things similar to a dream I'd had in the past. They're all quite absurd, so I won't go into the details.
But later on, in what was probably a second dream (I didn't wake up, but it seemed different), I was either in the car or outside with my mom when all of a sudden something started happening in the sky, and my mind told me it was the second coming of Jesus.
My mom and I suddenly started screaming in general about it. I don't remember being afraid; I think it was a combination of relief and joy.
In the back of my mind, I remember being a bit terrified that I wasn't going to be going with Jesus. I've been unsure of my salvation for a while, so it's really got me messed up.
It makes me wonder if it's a sign that I better get sure soon.
Fredy Njige: Tanzania
I'm Tanzanian; in 2001, I went to Malawi to start Secondary school there; I was in Chitipa, and I will never forget the day.
God took me in a dream to Tanzania and my home village where I grew up. I remember that I was going somewhere in our village with my two friends following.
I don't remember where we were going, but suddenly, around 1500hr in a second, I saw the whole blue sky scattered like a draft, followed by great shouting and cries; people were running everywhere.
I was among those who had been left behind and experienced the greatest trouble anyone in the world has ever seen.
Syra: Philippines
So what I remembered was that I was on a hill. The sky was very dark, and some people were praying. On that hill were some long chairs, just like in churches but only a few. About six chairs or eight maybe.
My aunt and grandmother were very religious, and they were praying too. I was thinking, so it's the Rapture.
I was very scared because I knew that I'd sinned so badly and couldn't calm down. The winds are very strong, by the way.
Then I heard this man introduce everyone who was there. To my surprise, some of them are Muslims who believe in Allah, Egyptians, and Buddhists! They were along with my Christian aunt and grandmother. I suppose that man was a pastor or something.
I asked the man, "Do people like me go to heaven too?" hoping he'd reply yes. But what he said was, "These people had been worshipping God for decades, and they've worked so hard to reach this moment."
And I was like, oh my god, what have I done after all these years. Of course, I regretted not believing and trusting in him sooner, then a bolt of lightning struck.
The next thing I knew, everything was black, and I was scared and confused. But then I was at the hill again.
But those people who were with me before weren't there anymore. I heard everyone scream in horror, and the water raised up to me, and I was under the water immediately.
I prayed and prayed so hard. The next thing I was back to that dark place again. Nothing's there, only me.
I suppose that's hell. It wasn't the hell we all knew. Much worse than fire because you'll be on your own, in that dark place for eternity.
Nicole: United States
I recently had a dream that felt more like a nightmare. In the dream, my older sister and I were in a maze game where we knew exactly when Jesus was going to come back to take his church.
Both of us were supposed to meet in the middle of the maze at a certain time to go together. However, when I got to the specific spot, I was logged out from the game, and my room turned from bright colors to a neon blue, and it felt cold, like I was the only one there.
Then at that moment, I got on my knees and started crying out loud, asking Jesus: “why did you leave me behind, why did you abandon me, don’t you know I love you?” “Please take me with you; I want to be with you. Please don’t leave me, I beg you”.
It was so intense and terrifying to think that I was actually left behind and couldn’t go with Him. It was so heartbreaking that I immediately woke up crying.
I thanked the Lord once again because I felt like He has given me another chance. I believe Jesus is coming soon, and He’s trying to alert us so we can all be ready.
Hannah: United States
I had a rapture dream on August 28, 2021.
I am a Christian. I’m 27 years old, but I’ve never experienced a dream like this. I’ve always been into revelations, but I haven’t read revelations in at least six months, so this wasn’t something that was on my mind.
The majority of the dream consisted of my family and me being trapped in a city in some kind of major storm. The storm finally cleared, and it was nighttime. We were inside a skyscraper so we could see the whole town clearly.
We all saw a white light falling slowly from the sky. And everyone screamed that it was an angel. It fell to the earth. And this is the weird part, Jesus appeared, naked, and flew across the sky like Superman. Jesus was HUGE and took up almost the whole sky.
The sky turned to daytime, and it was so bright the room we were in turned white, and you could barely see anything. I felt the urge to scream out in victory that Jesus was back and felt overwhelmed to get on my knees and pray.
And then, suddenly, it was nighttime again, and it was as if NOTHING had happened. My family was gone, and I looked around the city to see if there was chaos from what had just happened, but it was still and quiet outside, and no one was phased. I woke up. Feeling as if God had left me behind.
Mari: United States
I had a very vivid dream of the rapture.
It was a normal day, and we noticed a giant wave coming to the city, so we ran as fast we could until we were safe.
Then I was with my family, including my husband and one year old, and we hear loud trumpet noise, and everyone around us, except us, was vanishing, and we knew it was rapture. It only lasted seconds, and then we were left behind.
I was scared and crying because we were left behind, including my one-year-old; I was frightened because my baby was left with us.
All I was thinking was, no way, I don't want my baby to go through what we are about to now that we are left behind. Then a giant animal wolf-looking creature super giant started to approach us.
I woke up after that so scared, and all day I couldn't get that dream off my head; it has me so down thinking why I had that dream.
Geoff: New Zealand
I woke at 3:42 am this morning from a dream of being left behind. The dream was in black and white, which indicates the absence of the Holy Spirit.
I was at a railway yard - had disembarked a train that was on a journey (my sense was, this is the Rapture). I was with another person who was dressed in black) and was distracting me by showing me earthly things?
THE TRAIN WAS MOVING, and when I looked around, it was too far away to run after it. I'm still comprehending it all, but understand time is of the essence, and the need to melt hardened hearts is urgent...
Meron: United States
So I was in my room sitting down on the floor with my best friend’s little sister and some other friends/family in my room/house, when all of a sudden, what felt like a freaking meteor just hit outside my house or powerful earthquake.
The vibration from it was so strong and loud (but there was no noise per se) I couldn’t hear really; my face was like flubbing back (like when your face is outside a car window). The force was so so strong, and I covered the ears of my friend’s sister.
I was scared, I was trying to look around to see the house everyone else was doing, but the force was so strong I couldn’t even turn my head.
Then all of a sudden, I hear a trumpet; my heart was racing, but like I’m scared, then I realize, oh snap, I think this is the rapture, but I’m scared to go, but then I’m like, no it’s okay I’ll be with God. Lol, so I’m sort of lifting myself like trying to feel him take me, but I don’t go.
Eventually, it’s over, and I’m shocked that I didn’t go. I run downstairs to my dad, who is a priest, and he’s still here too, everyone is, and I start telling him about it, but it was weird cause I was telling him like he didn’t just go through it too, and he didn’t seem like he did either or anyone for that matter.
And idk; everything after is kind of a blur, I did start to pray and bow down in worship, but that’s all I can remember.
Man, when I tell you how powerful that force was, that came out of nowhere.
Edem Sandra: Nigeria
In my dream this morning, June 20, 2021, I was standing outside my house talking with a friend; then, my friend tapped me on my shoulder gently but with speed telling me that rapture is going on.
I was like, RAPTURE! Then she turned me around, facing her side for me to see the sky wide open, and I saw heaven and God's feet. People were going through it like a long white light from earth to heaven.
I started singing and begging God, but the sky closed, and I didn't go. Then I ran into my house to see if my roommate had gone, but she was still there, so I checked on my neighbor, and he had not gone. I packed a few of my things told my little brother and my younger sister to carry her things and let's move because things aren't the same.
Immediately the sky closed, and everything changed; new currency, shops changed; our money was useless. That means they already knew the time, so they printed their money and just waited for God to come to take his own.
I cried and was saying, God, why didn't you come between 2003 to 2016 when I was really close to you? Then I woke up.
Alicia: New Zealand
July 17, 2021
On Thursday, or was it Wednesday night, I received a word as I was sitting in my room. I had typed it on my phone. Here.
Thursday night, I had a dream that woke me up in the night to cry, and I was afraid.
A Rapture Dream.
It began with my sister and me. Randomly doing something on the road, hand on each other's shoulder talking to a man with a coat. Then the moon changed. It caught our attention. Seeing the ring around the moon so bright n fiery. The ring became complete around the moon, and the moon was so close to earth it looks so scarily big.
When the ring was complete, I panicked. I saw the hill/mountain where the moon was over. Smoke rose as magma started oozing out of the hill about to spill over that place. We both fell to the ground...I felt very afraid because I knew I was not ready for the Rapture and would be left behind.
I look at the people who were there. I saw how they started to be very afraid. Few people had already disappeared. I knew it was the Rapture because human beings turned into little smokey rockets shooting to the sky towards that hill where the moon was.
Others were crying out to be taken.
Arching their chest forward in a way, looking like they wanted God to turn them into those shooting smokes rising to the heavens.
I saw many strange faces scattering.
I was afraid. Looking for my daughter, and one has called out to me, she disappeared with the others. I felt an ache in my heart. I thought about my daughter. I didn't say goodbye. But I also thought that she probably didn't want to think about us down here anymore; she was in a much better place. I missed her so much as I was also scampering around, clueless about what to do. A man I didn't know was with me...
We were going to look for familiar people.
I saw classrooms of children. Lines of adults in uniforms I was getting squashed in the midst of them. A familiar pastor was teaching one class of children and another pastor's wife (Ps Kavika) & Faletua Rosa on a megaphone, talking to the uniformed lines of people.
I distantly saw Vaina. (A deacon in our church)
In the midst of it all, I was scared. I knew now it would be very hard to get to heaven. But the other people looked very unaware that the Rapture had happened, and now someone else will rule over them.
I saw Losa and Kavika.... different from how it was before. They were screaming at the people and angry. Using force or some sort of intimidating tone on them. Everyone stopped the noise when she yelled and screamed.
And I was reminded that the holy spirit was not with us anymore. There was now no love, no peace, and soon there would be suffering, killing... no one will have a conscience. It was hurting me to know that. But others didn't look like they cared. They were now being gathered together.
I saw my son. Much younger. In Kavikas class. There was some sort of fear in his eyes. And he looked like no one takes care of him... he had scabs on his other eye. I was happy to see him yet worried for him and sad that he didn't go in the Rapture.
I didn't see my Nicia in the dream, but some strange girl reached out her hand to help me. But I got pulled away to the other line...
I woke up around that part of my dream. Cried a little.
DJ: United States
Vision 4/27/21. 1:20 am
I had a dream the rapture had taken place. Jesus split the skies open, and he descended and came for his people. Only a few people were lifted to the heavens with Jesus.
I saw a quick glimpse of his face and body when he ascended back to heaven; Jesus was dressed in a beautiful white robe, and His hair was long and combed perfectly. His face looked so smooth and beautiful. He looked so handsome.
I cried because I saw myself left behind. I began to look for my family to see if any of them were left behind. The people left behind continued to carry on with their everyday life as if nothing happened.
I tried preaching the gospel, but it was too late; no one wanted to hear. All of a sudden, things appeared to go dark.
God help us, and may he continue to have mercy on us.
Natalya: United Kingdom
Hi, may The LORD's peace and blessings be upon you! I had a dream on Sunday (11th April) about being left behind.
In the dream, I was in my house and saw a fireball come down from the sky and hit a house across the road. Then more fire came down from the sky, and we had to evacuate our house. Everyone was leaving their homes and escaping, and I remember asking my neighbor while escaping, "why is this happening" and "could this be the wrath of GOD?"
After that, I kept running, and then I awoke from my dream.
I'd also like to add that before I slept and had that dream, I remember thinking to myself if I was saved or if I was going to be left behind.
Mary: United States
Last night, I had a vivid dream about the rapture. My cousins and I were outside looking at the stars, and suddenly, we saw bright lights beaming down to earth.
At first, we thought about aliens but noticed everyone was going up except a select few, and I was one of the few.
Zenzile: Swaziland
In my dream, it was windy, and dust filled the air; then I saw dogs going up to the sky in that dust. After that, I saw different animals going up too. That's when I started noticing that it was the rapture.
I look around, and people started going up this time; then I shouted to my husband that Christ is here. To my surprise, we were still in bed but able to watch what was happening outside.
I woke up but still in the dream and tried to run towards where the people were being raptured. I fell off the bed and realized that I wouldn't make it; I was left behind.
Danny: Canada
I had a dream I was in a building, and it started shaking as if it was a war. People were running and screaming and scared.
After that, I was standing in my driveway alone, and I look up at the sky and saw airplanes flying, followed by jets fly by, and black clouds covered the sky after them.
I look to the right, and a portal opened. There was a bright light coming out of this portal and a rainbow on top of it.
All of a sudden, my dad is standing beside me, I look at him, and he says.. "it's done," and I started to scream and started crying, knowing I wasn't saved. I quickly woke up, scared.
No-name: United States
It appeared Jesus was coming, and the world separated into light and darkness. I could see land; to my left was a huge wave; beneath me was darkness.
I could hear people screaming the name of Jesus; then, all of a sudden, I was pulled down to the darkness. Then I woke up.
Naomi: United States
Okay, I just had this dream today, December 31, 2020 (Happy New Year, ya'll!) I think I need to share this.
Me my parents and older and younger brother and I were in the car going somewhere; I was a bit older, (I'm still a teenager); we were in the car, and this huge light beam was coming down out of the clouds, and there was an eerie sound coming from it.
My dad instantly knew it was the rapture, and my brothers and I got out of the car. This man was standing by a tree, but I couldn't see his face. He said something to my younger brother and took his hand, and my younger brother was gone. He did the same thing with my older brother, and he was gone.
The man came up to me and asked, "Are you ready?" I was super excited, waved at my parents sitting in the car, and said, "Yes" He took my hand, but I was still here (on earth).
The pain I felt in my heart was indescribable. I saw some of my school mates and a few of my friends go. My favorite Christian tik tokers were also gone.
I woke up and instantly prayed and repented.
That dream was a sign from God saying that I need to come back to Him because my relationship with Jesus hasn't been the greatest these past few months.
My new year resolves to get back to God and work on my relationship with Him :] You guys... Jesus is coming back very soon, and you don't want to be left behind.
Allie: United States
I had a dream that everything in my life was normal. I was at home having fun and eating, and then all of a sudden he was here.
I didn’t know, so I got down on the floor and started praying, but he didn’t take me. He took people around me. I was too late.
Ann: United States
I had the most amazing dream last night, and I want to share it with you guys.
I was outside and doing a job of some sort. As I looked up at the sky, it was doing weird things. I recall a pattern of what I think were leaves swirling high in The sky.
As it created a clockwise circle, the leaf patterns disappeared and became like a drawing of a funnel cloud, like a tornado. It began to widen and took on the appearance of a tunnel from the ground up.
Then I saw shadows/silhouettes of adults, children, and infants rising up through the tunnel. I knew instinctively; this was the rapture! I called out, saying, "Lord, please don't leave me behind. I was concerned. I said it several times and then started to sing a worship song!
I woke up singing!!! I don't recall what song, but it seemed familiar in my dream. Wow!
Andrew: United States
I feel the need to start by saying I am not religious, or I wasn't.
My dream was the rapture; everyone around me left; they were selected, and I was not. They were carried off by beams of light into the sky.
I remember it was really bad after everyone was gone. I tried praying, and no one answered. I was stuck in a living hell; no matter how hard I prayed, there was no light for me.
I think I saw the future, and I wasn't much older than I am now. I prayed today, and I will pray tomorrow because I now know God.
Gugu: South Africa
Oct 12, 2020
Left behind; a dream about the Rapture.
In my dream, it was a typical day in a large crowd; suddenly, there was an indescribable feeling that everyone there felt that God had left us.
In trying to understand, imagine that there was no trace of hope, faith, grace, love, or even a second chance.
I remember walking around, looking for people I knew with no sign. No one told the other, but everyone knew that the rapture had happened, and we were left behind.
I remember one thing so overwhelming was the feeling that God's presence was no longer with us. Even those who had not believed that God was real then knew that He is real but was no longer with Us. We were left alone.
I felt such a heavy indescribable feeling in my heart; I felt empty, and my stomach had the worst knot. I wanted and longed to feel God's presence again, but there was no second chance available; no pain or hurt compares to the feeling of being left by God.
We all gazed around at the worldly successes we had accumulated, and our eyes filled with disappointment. No one said anything, but we all knew how we focused on things that were basically nothing and shifted our focus away from THE ONE IMPORTANT THING IN LIFE, WHICH IS JESUS! We knew that we messed up, and the terror was that there was no second choice.
I wish I could explain the feeling of being left behind, nothing absolutely no pain or anguish compares to it. The human body can not handle it; it's worse than the most painful hurt. It's worse; there's no word for it. My heart was longing for a 2nd chance to choose right, but there was no hope or 2nd chance.
I suddenly woke up and realized it's a dream. I cried and was so thankful that I had gotten the second chance I wanted so badly.
I never want to experience that feeling again; it's incomparable and describable. I wish I could share it with others, and for them to realize just how solely important the matter of life and eternal death, and accepting Jesus is. Jesus is coming!
Xahria: Bahamas
I have recently had two dreams. The dreams were about a month apart. Here is the first.
I was looking in the sky; it was morning. I saw 2 faces, a black face and a light skin one. The black one said, you need to save your family; you are the only one who can. The other face said, hurry, time is running out, and that was it.
The second dream was this. First, I was in the sky. I think it was God and His Son Jesus, and they were in this clear shielding bubble. God had his hand on Jesus's shoulder like in a father and son picture; then I was in this room with people on the side of me in front of me and every where.
We were all in a shield-like bubble and started to go up into the sky. As we rose up, some people started to drop from their bubbles. When the people dropped to the ground, it was like they were stuck and couldn't get up, and I was one of them. Then someone said Xahria get up, get up, but I couldn't.
I HOPE THIS IS A SIGN FOR ME TO REPENT. GUYS, PLEASE REPENT REPENT!! No one knows the time or day. That's it.
I'm 12 even tho it says 16 or older. That just goes to say God speaks to anyone. It doesn't matter how small you are as long as you know and understand what you did wrong.
Aracely: United States
A little after 3:30 a.m. in December, I had a dream.
I dreamed I went to pick my two daughters from school, and one of them got in and we waited for my other daughter to come out for pick up.
While we waited, we heard what seemed to be thunder; we look up in the sky; it was blue, but with two lightning bolts staying still in the sky.
Then suddenly, I don't know if it was fire or people disappearing in the light going to the sky. I got scared and told my daughter to go look for your sister; she got out, and I saw her disappear.
I got off looking for them, crying, and that's when I understood what was happening. Everyone around me was in a panic. Then I woke up. I'm very confused.
Unknownnn: United States
It was night time in my dream, and a light was shining down from heaven, and the light wasn't on me.
I was jumping in lights to go to heaven, but they kept bringing me back down, and I also saw four of my friends that didn't make what does this scared. I pray eeeeevvveerrr night. I read my bible when I have time. But I haven't been to church in years.....
Lisa: United States
In my dream, my family and I were outside praying randomly around nature. I did something that my mom said was against the Bible, but I didn't think much about it because I never heard that in the Bible.
We went home, and then the rapture happened, and everyone left, but I was left behind, and my brother was sucked into a hole underground, and a voice said, "he needs to change."
I was left behind and was freaking out, then I remembered a video that said hide your Bible if the rapture happens, so I ran to get my Bible to read it, and then I hid it.
Suddenly everyone came back, except my brother. then a voice told me, "see how you were scared when you were left behind, don't worry, you won't be left behind."
I suddenly realized it was a rapture dream a few minutes later when I woke up, and my mom and brother were praying together with my dad on face time.
Keep in mind, I was praying for a Rapture dream for a long time, and I finally had one. I was also worried if I would be left behind before I had this dream.
Chelsea: Canada
Last night I had a dream about the rapture, it was a normal day, and everything was going fine until something Erie in the sky started to happen.
I called my mom in the dream and was telling her what was happening, and that is when she told me she thinks the rapture is about to come and had visions of her being at work, and then she came to be with me.
We were then driving, and we’re out in the middle of the field, and a voice came from the sky, and I do not remember what was said, but seconds later, my toddler daughter and others were being lifted up into the sky.
I remember seeing my daughter crying and me trying to reach up to grab her.
I then remember hearing the date June 21 over in my head. In reality, that date has no significance to me. Super Erie dream thought I would share
Jamie: United States
Left Behind
I was outside with others, and we were looking up into the sky at night. We saw people going up into the sky, led by a taller being. The ones who stayed on the ground saw what was like a series of bars like on a cell phone; the bars would be lit up from one to five depending on our standing with Jesus.
I had 4 out of 5 bars and felt extremely disappointed as I saw the people in the sky. When it was all over, the others went about their business. I knew this was a wake-up call to get it together.
⭐This is the dream that woke me up out of my slumber.
Jahmeal: Cayman Islands
I dreamed about Jesus, and it feels like it was real. I saw this giant Jesus in the sky, walking in slow motion coming towards me. Many people and all eyes beheld him in colour; he was orange looking with the crown of thorns around his head, and you could see that he had been crucified, and everyone was afraid.
I stood there, wondering and worrying about this judgment that is upon me, and then I began to cry and call upon him to help me.
Then I saw him come to me in human flesh and he looks exactly like in the movies. He began to speak to me like he was upset with me, and I began to say, please, lord help me, but he was still upset in the same way.
I saw some people beginning to disappear and saw my family looking up. I was saying to myself, it is judgment, and I am not going with the others. It was like the end of the world, so traumatizing, and then I woke up.
Christina: United States
I dreamed that we were all sleeping, the weather was really bad (where we live there were no sirens), and weather sirens were going off. I woke up and noticed branches hitting the side of the house, and kids screaming.
I went outside, and the neighbors say, "we have to take cover, and I suggest you do the same," and they left. I go back in, grab my sister's baby, and yell for all the kids to load up in the van. Part of the family left before we did.
When we get in a white van were driving next thing I know we're on a boat. I'm on the outside deck of the boat all of a sudden I see thick clouds rolling over the water. Then a faint light, the clouds separate, and I see two animals that I can't see exactly what they are, two bears and in the middle, I see the beautiful lion.
The second I meet eyes with the lion, this brightest light (hurt my eyes ) went up to the sky. I started to scream repent, repent the Lord is here. I tried calling my family to tell them, but I had no signal. I run inside the boat and say repent the Lord is here repent.
I woke up, not in fear, but sad because the other part is that my son was left behind in the rapture. Does this mean he is left behind? How can I save all my family friends' and enemies?
Jennifer: United States
My dream happened last night, a few days after my birthday.
I was at work with my boyfriend when there was a lighting. Half of the people were gone including my boyfriend, but not me. Everyone at work started to pray.
There was another phase. A tsunami came and hit us. I drowned in the water. The next thing I knew, God was putting a brown armor over my white gown.
As he was putting the armor over me, I asked him why wasn’t I taken in the first round. He didn’t answered me nor did I looked up to see his face. I woke up right afterwards.
Clara: United States
So I had many dreams of the rapture, but I'm going to submit my most recent one.
I remember I was hanging out with my family, like my cousins, uncles, siblings, etc. And my house was altered in some ways like things were missing. Anyway, I remember walking out to my front lawn and looking up in the sky.
What I saw was like a floating drum with nothing to hold it up, and it was brown with a native American man on the front. I knew exactly what was happening when I saw it. For some reason, my dreams like this are a little strange; in some ways, they weren't like it was in the bible.
Anyway, I remember looking over at my brother in law because we always talk about that day where God came back, and we were cheering because we would be with God.
I went up to the road, and the drum turned into a blue balloon with something attached to it. I went up and tried to catch it when my brother in law who somehow turned into one of my cousins told me to let it float and so I did.
After a couple of minutes, my cousin grabbed it, and it fell open, and I caught of glimpse of what looked like a gum package filled with gum. He put it back together and let it float again. It floated to me, and I grabbed the balloon and accidentally popped it.
I opened the gum package, and it was empty. I felt my stomach drop, and I remember feeling so scared because, for some reason, it meant I was going to hell. I looked over at my cousin and said, "You...know what this means, right?" and I remember a scary smile on his face as he said to me, "Deja vu sucks, doesn't it?"
Zodwa: South Africa
Last night, I dreamt I was asleep, and all of a sudden, I was awake, and I got out of the house. It was dark, but I could see the sky heavy with what looked like a blanket of souls being lifted up. At that moment, I knew it was the rapture happening, and I was left behind.
I started crying and asking God for mercy, but it was too late, and I knew it then. The anguish and fear and pain I felt at that moment, I cannot even explain. There was so much chaos after that, and people were running around, screaming and weeping loudly. I, too, was full of deep sorrow because I know what was going to happen next, and I was filled with inexplicable dread.
I felt in my spirit that I tell should the people running what was happening because they had to know and be ready for the tribulation period, which was going to come upon. I knew that incredible evil was going to be released upon the earth, and there was going to be so much pain and suffering because the Holy Spirit would have left the earth. It was simply horrid.
May we be found ready for our Lord and King, and let us not shy away from proclaiming the truth with love to all, in season and out of season. Let us pray for boldness, and that the Lord will not come and find us completely taken and absorbed by the cares and passions of this world.
God bless you all.
Carolyn: Jamaica
I dreamed of people ascending in heaven, and there was a very hot area that was taking in some people. But before that, we all thought God was coming, and I was there asking for mercies and forgiveness of sins known and unknown. I wasn't taken in any of the two, and I had regrets that I wasn't.
Daryl: United States
So, we had some friends over for a BBQ, and all of the sudden weird cloud formations began, and beautiful colored lights behind the clouds appeared. We were in awe of the sights; in the sky appeared biblical quotes. There was also a timer counting down like a big digital clock readout for everyone to see.
Many people rejoiced as they looked at the sky, and I was scared. I began frantically calling family to tell them I loved them because when the timer ran out, the rapture would begin. When the timer hit 0, numerous people, including my wife, disappeared.
After a bit of time, I realized I was staying on earth while others were gone. Earthquakes began, and the government started rounding up people, I woke up when demons came to my door trying to get me to leave my house
Karsta: Mozambique
I had a dream about the rapture.
Everybody had already been taken, but I was still here, I wasn't surprised I was left behind but was terrified, and my heart ached.
It seemed like the people who were left behind had made a choice to stay; they wanted to stay and be "free" to live as they pleased. Everybody seemed happy, smiley, and calm as if drugged and dreaming, but I was awake and very conscious, even scared of what was coming. The atmosphere was filled with "profligacy," and those on earth loved it. You could no longer feel the Holy Spirit.
Now, this part I can't seem to know if it was part of the dream or if I was half awake, but I was with a young girl, telling her not to believe that everything is OK, but to prepare and learn to defend herself because havoc would be released, and she believed me. She was awake too, and I was left behind to preach to those who were left, but I could feel no certainty that I would one day go up also.
It was soul disturbing.
John: Kenya
Dreamed of being left behind..
YVETTE: United States
I heard the loudest trumpet sound that played for 5 minutes extremely loud. The sound made the whole earth tremble, and I held my hands over my ears to bear the sound. After the sound stopped, I was shocked in disbelief because I knew what happened and wondered why I wasn't taken.
I ran to the window and saw different piles of clothes lying all over the streets. It felt so real I thought it was a dream. I lay back screaming to myself, wake up, this is a dream. Only to discover I was left behind.
Ayvah: United States
I was walking with my friends, on a sunny and cloudy day. All of a sudden, the clouds parted, and I heard trumpets playing. As I looked up, the people around me were disappearing and going up or down.
I saw Jesus, and the angels surrounding him were playing the trumpets. I was scared... as soon as I felt scared, I went down, to hell.. and then I woke up.
Nickie: United States
So my dream was about five years ago, but I remember it well. I know there was suddenly lots of commotion, and the bathroom was flooded and a giant whale in there.
When I fled with someone, not sure who, to the streets, there were broken pipes and water spraying in the air, and people were running and screaming and falling into cracks in the earth. Then, at nightfall, I saw the Lord with a shepherds staff with two others following him, and I hit my knees and cried and said, Lord, forgive me. He says I never Knew you and walks past.
Then crying in pain, I gather up my children. There are five or more large tents around, and black swirling darkness was coming, and I try to get into the one. I knew I needed to be in to be safe, but they will not allow me, so my children and I had no other choice than to take cover in one of the tents that I knew would be destroyed.
So I hold them and cried and watched the darkness coming for us; then I woke up, and to this day, I remember my dream.
Lillian: United States
I grew up in a Christian home but was always turned away by the thought of having to be Christian to go to heaven. I’ve met so many people that are so kind that I feel like don’t deserve to go to hell and honestly I don’t think I deserve too either.
I’ve been asking God a lot lately “show me you are there”.... “please I want to know”.... and the craziest thing happened. Last night I had a dream that I was at the pool with my fiancé and friends, all of a sudden a big shadow came across the sky, and in my dream, I could feel complete shock and confusion. I said to my self, “oh my gosh, Christianity is true the rapture is happening.”
All of a sudden, my fiancé was being pulled up to heaven, and I saw him leave. I stood there watching thousands of other people being pulled up to heaven while I was left there wondering why I wasn’t going too. I felt very sad and full of despair and confusion.
Suddenly, I was being pulled up, and I started to feel the happiest I ever felt until it stopped, and I started being dragged down to hell. Angels surrounded me and started discussing do I deserve heaven or hell. That was when I was woken up, and my dream ended ...
Dare: Nigeria
I just had a dream right now about the rapture, September 13th,2019.
I slept around 12 mid-night, it all started,
I saw myself in school with my mates I think we were getting prepared for our exams, so to cut them short. We were all going to God to check if we are to go to heaven or not, as for me, I got a word, "Receive I forbid you sinner."
That was how I woke up from sleep
Nikklus: United States
Here are two, in the first one I am in a moving vehicle of some kind (can’t tell from where I am) everything outside of the car is white except for the sky which is grey.
I had my face pressed up against the window. As we went over an overpass, we made a hard right and went off of the bridge (still in the dream).
I wake up in the middle section and see the vehicle on the other side, smoking. Then I feel a big rumbling and look up to see two blood moons smashing into each other then the people around me and I start going up then I wake up.
In the second dream, I am at a family friends house, but it was new, sort of futuristic, very round and sleek with colors of beige, green, brown and blue ( solar panels). We were in their small pool/ Jacuzzi, and it was my parents and me, our family friends and two of their friends ( a middle-aged bald man and a surly woman in her 80-90s), and she never got into the pool but stayed inside the whole time.
We were just sitting and making small talk, and the bald man went inside to change and left the rest of us in the pool.
Then I looked up and saw a giant storm-head building above us. When everyone else looked up nearly half a dozen funnel clouds came halfway down and then back up, going through that cycle several times; it finally stopped, but the cloud remained.
Then in the distance at a big lake an ENORMOUS like I can’t stress how abnormally large it was, a giant Darth Vader RED lightning bolt struck the surface of the water and sent out like a nuclear shock-wave and just a giant wall of fire, but before it got to us my family and I went up.
The dream continued if only for a short time, I don’t know what happened to the family friends or the old lady, but I saw the bald man, and he was horrified because he knew what had happened and that he was left behind. I could see him wandering through the devastation of the lightning bolt; I started to go up, and then I woke.
Lauren: United States
I had a dream the other night, and all I remember is a beautiful sound of music. I was sleeping and was pulled from my body and floated up with other people.
We got to this bright light and were singing songs of his praise; we were all so happy and full of love we just grabbed each other's hands and thanked Jesus for coming.
But something was holding me back. I kept looking for my boyfriend, and he wasn't with me. So I ended up going back to my body.
I feel like it was a warning that if I don't help guide him to our Lord, he will be left behind. But I can't wait from him to return to be blessed enough to experience such a dream. Thank you, Lord. Thank you.
Pandora: United States
May 7, 2019, I was out of work, but I think the Lord for the work that he gave me and everything and everyone in it.
I was trying to take care of some personal business and finally got tired enough to go to sleep, but when I went to sleep, I dreamed I was running and that I heard a horn blow.
Then I saw everybody going up, and I fell to my knees and started crying for Him to take me. All I remember is that I was left behind. I wanted to know the meaning of the dream and why does it bother me so much?...
Coraly: United States
I dreamed that the people and I around here were waiting to be raptured. Once the moment came they were getting taking up, and I said, Jesus, please take me too, and all of a sudden I find myself in the sky going up. And all of a sudden I fall and everyone that was going up watched me as I was falling and I fall someone dark ... what could this mean.
Patricia: United States
I had a rapture dream in 1988, and it was so real and so impactful that I could not shake it for over an hour. I can't stress that enough about this dream. I've had dreams where I was disturbed afterward but not anything like this.
The dream starts with an angel floating across the sky with white fluffy clouds. The angel blows a very loud elongated trumpet, and everything shook. Then Jesus floats across the sky, and I know in my heart its the rapture.
What happens next has disturbed me all these years. I was then back down in my life at the time, and I was frantically packing a suitcase with the idea that I will flee to the caves or something. Then I wake up. I was left behind! It was so disturbing. I was so upset and ashamed. I never told anyone for at least 20 years.
I was saved, but I struggled in my walk at times.
I want to know if others have had this dream and maybe find more info to help me process this.
I am saved and surrendered fully. I am not worried about missing it now but what a dream!
Finding some peace about this dream would be good.
Amy: United States
Two nights ago I had a dream about four trumpets sounds and God appearing in the sky. The trumpet sounded in 1 long progressively louder deafening sound. I went outside and knew immediately what was happening. I saw people frantically running around, trying to escape, confused, panicked. I just stood there watching and thinking how sad it was to see everyone scared and confused. The second trumpet sounded, and my oldest son appeared next to me. My three younger children were not there, and I had the feeling they had already been taken. I talked calmly to my son and told him ill see him when I get there. The 3rd trumpet sounded, but it seemed to be a much longer time in between the 2nd and 3rd trumpet call. And during that time, many people calmed down and went about their day like it was a false alarm, and were shocked with disbelief at the 3rd trumpet. The sky began swirling and cracked wide open, and Gods face filled the massive void of sky. He looked down at all of the people running. He was angry, but there was also such sadness and disappointment in his eyes for all of us. I felt like he was sad that we had all ignored his word, and lived in our flesh and doubted his second coming. He was sad to punish us in such a way, but I felt like we deserved what we were going through. Without speaking, I said to God that I'm sorry I lived in sin and contributed to his sorrow, and to please let me come to heaven. But my heart knew that wasn't enough. My son cried and said he didn't want to go without me. I said he must; he is called to go. That I have work to do before I'm allowed to join him. The 4th trumpet sounded, my son was gone, and I woke up.
Andrea: United States
I woke up from what I believe was a warning to myself from God that the second coming of Christ is near. In my dream I was driving and then all of a sudden, The sky opened up and transparent beings "the dead" was rising from out of the ground to meet the Lord in the air. Jesus was standing at the very top of the clouds, and there was a massive door behind him that glowed brighter than the sun. Jesus appeared to be Bright himself like transparent Gold in color, but the texture of waves like that of sand from the desert. All the dead in Christ was meeting him above the clouds, and all stood before him. Then the sky closed up, and I knew right then I had been left behind. I woke up and begun crying out Jesus' name begging forgiveness. There's still time. Ask forgiveness, allow him to be number one in your life again. Your soul will love you for it.
Timothy: Philippines
I had a dream, I was in a mall with my friends, and it was a regular day. My friends and I went to the 4th floor to watch a concert by a local artist; he was singing greatly until he ended his song and started dissing another local artist. Everyone watching was cheering and laughing. I even told my friends that I knew who the local artist was referring to. I took out my phone to take a video until suddenly each one of them starts to disappear including the artist that was spreading hate. The sound of disappearance sounded like wind blowing towards a sheet or blanket, each time a person disappears. I was witnessing an event, for a second I thought it was a stunt when all of a sudden, all of my friends started to disappear as well. That time I knew it was the Rapture and I feared I'd be left behind. I closed my eyes panting and praying “Lord this is real, take me to your kingdom. I am sorry.” I was in doubt and shaking. My eyes were still shut and my feet on the ground, I hear the sound of falling as if I was being transcended to the clouds. I was still in doubt as I can’t see the light when I started to open and squint my eyes. It was just a dream, but it felt like reality. I was panting, and I began to pray and ask for forgiveness. It is a calling, and its time to repent and live like Christ.
Something reminds me that this is not just an ordinary dream, but a real vision of what’s to come.
That time when I woke up, I asked God to give me time, so I can prepare myself and start revering Him once again.
Jennifer: United States
(10/10/18 @ 7:11)
The sky was dark, super dark. And the clouds roared with red cracks in them, almost like lava trails but had a darker tone of red. It looked like the start of the rapture.
I ran outside, but it was night time, and all I could think was "Jesus is coming! This is the rapture!" I looked at the other people outside witnessing the sky, and said to them "we are going home! Bothers and sisters we are going home!" Everyone was making sure to keep track of one another; I was so excited, and then I heard the sound of a trumpet.
I closed my eyes and listened carefully; I was excited and waited to be taken. After the trumpet sound, I looked around and realized I was still on earth. Then a car, blasting music, came to the side of the street, and I ran inside the house. I kept thinking, "I cannot wait to have Jesus teach me everything, we will have eternity together after all!"
And then I had a vision of being in heaven with Jesus and being next to him with multiple people, and I knew I was there learning from him. The vision was blurry, but Jesus had so much love, and I was so happy.
I then opened the front door to the house. I was on the street walking up it, and there were cops with a lot of people walking together like a community. The dogs were also gathered together. The sky started to have flower looking fireworks; huge and bright. I believe these were meant to be a distraction to what was actually going on. People around me were looking up at the fireworks and only paying attention to them.
I got back to my house and started to think that Jesus did not take me to heaven with him, and my heart felt heavy. This was when I woke up.
Jasmine: United States
I found this site by trying to figure out what my dreams mean. I usually don't recall my dreams, but this week I had 2 very vivid dreams. Both very short brief dreams. The first happened a few days earlier. I dreamed of a pure white horse running seemed towards me at first in an open field, but then it went across the field. Then what seemed an angel appeared (no wings) long dark hair and long flowing blue dress. The angel looked at me, then I woke up. Last night I had a second dream. Before I fell asleep, it was storming with heat lightning outside. I had gone out to see because it was causing a weird flickering light inside. I have seen heat lightning before, but this was different in appearance. I came inside and fell asleep. I had the most vivid dream as if I were really awake. I went outside at night because in my dream I was awoken with lights like aurora boreal and I looked up with my dad, and we saw a huge white cross lit up across a field and all these beautiful colors of light were flying around it and I saw huge displays of the shape of DNA. I immediately became scared and thought this is the rapture, and I ran to find my kids and pets. For some reason, I was yelling for them to go to the basement as if that would protect us from something. My youngest child asked mom whats going on? I said its the rapture. Then immediately I thought were still here! Why are we still here? And I wanted to cry. Then I woke up. If anyone knows what this means let me know as I am new to this. Thanks.
Rojas: United States
I dream not once but several times each one different from working in the field to going home I can not explain what or why I dream all I know that at the end of the day a trumpet sounds off and I'm alone, and my loves are gone. I have even dreamed of the underworld as well as inline in heaven and falling.
Gabriela: Country
I had a rapture dream last night and it was intense so much so, I woke up in tears and talking to God asking him to seek my heart and to forgive me for any trespasses.
It was a sunny day and the sky started turning dark and it started doing some very weird things.. I kept watching it wondering what it could be, my husband jumped in the shower and told me that it’s nothing and carried on with a shower. I was just in awe watching the sky as it was doing things that I would never imagine it would do. After several minutes of watching, I went back to grab my husband to show him and when we were walking back our son that was asleep on the couch was raptured leaving behind his little clothes. We started pacing back and forth asking each other what we did wrong and then I woke up in tears... so real and it was definitely from the Lord
Michele: United States
I had a dream that I, an old friend of mine and her older brother were sitting in a little room with a candle, there were posters on the wall, but it all looked like it was almost ashy... I don’t remember a lot about what we were talking about but all of a sudden I said to them both, “I don’t understand how we’ve been left behind, our father has forsaken us” I woke up and sat up immediately, crying. I had a very unsettling feeling with me for the rest of that day.
Max: United States
I was asleep when I was awoken by a loud trumpet, at first my thought was the reason. I believed it was the "sky trumpet phenomenon" but when I took a look outside my window the sky was a purple storm, and I saw people going up to the sky to join with the lord. That's when I understood I was awoken by the seven trumpets and I realized, I was not saved. What pained me the most of all is that I saw my mother in the room beside me, nothing happened, she was not saved.
Then I have realized I have lived my entire life up until then without asking forgiveness from our Lord and Savior; he had not saved me because I have refused to follow him and beg for his forgiveness. When I realized this, I tried to fall to my knees and beg for forgiveness, but I could not.
Vanessa: United States
My dream started off with me sitting beside my boyfriend, and my kids in the living room and I then hear a horn and looked up at the sky, and it turned very golden and bright. The house sorta turned invisible like, and my boyfriend and I was holding hands stood up and began to walk towards a field toward that light, and it was like I had no control over my movement. I began to look around and panic because i didn't see my kids, and I kept saying where my babies Lord I want my babies, and I was panicking cause I didn't see them. then the dream ended immediately after I asked where they were and I was then awake. My heart was pounding cause I was kinda scared, to be honest, and now I'm sitting here trying to figure out what all these means and I'm still worrying I don't know what to think and that scares me.
We Missed the Rapture:
We Missed the Rapture is a dream about a husband and wife who were left behind in the Rapture as submitted to the Trusting in Jesus website.
Abigael: Kenya
I had a dream about the rapture, and it was terrifying. And in that dream, the Lord had already told me that he was coming. Nervously I prayed so hard and yes!!everyone was going up, and then the Lord took me up a bit then brought me down, I felt so sad,...the ones who left including me were so didn’t seem like home anymore...
Could anyone possibly be able to interpret this for me?
Pedro: Canada
I was sleeping in my SUV and was dreaming that I was sleeping in that same spot and meteor start falling, and an iron ball fell from the sky and hit my SUV right on the motor area keeping me from fleeing the area. I immediately thought was that the rapture had occurred and I was left behind, my second thought was the dragon tale trow 1/3 of the stars to the earth than I woke up
The dream started off with some sports game we were all at a stadium. The sun or light of the world flickered off once but only half... if that makes sense while the other half still lit but it was just for a quick second where I thought it was just me. But then again half of the earth went dark and a second after the other half went dark. And immediately as it was pitch black, I began to rise. Honestly, I was terrified thinking “oh man I don’t know if I’m ready” so I raised my hands and just began to “worship” and call out to Jesus... the whole time still rising. I tried to look down cause I wanted to see where my son was but my eyes couldn’t see anything, and it made me sad. There was some song or ringing happening. I could still hear the sound of a basketball dribbling (I’m sure it was just the tv) After a while of rising I felt a hand touch mine and immediately felt relief thinking it was Jesus. But the hand grabbed one of mine and then one of the legs and flipped me and threw me down. The scariest thing to ever feel. I cried out to Jesus, but it was too late. Then I was forced to wake up.
Abigael: Kenya
I had a dream about the rapture ,,,it was so terrifying...And in that dream the lord had already told me that he was coming,,,Nervously I prayed so hard and yes!!everyone was going up and then the lord took me up abit then brought me down,,,I felt so sad ,...the ones who left including me were sooo didn’t seem like home anymore...
Could anyone possibly be able to interpret this for me?
Dreams of being Left Behind
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
Sharing the
Message Of Jesus
Cindy's Dream: Left Behind at the Rapture
Draven's Left Behind Dream of Fear, Shock, and Dread
Steve's Dream of being Left Behind at the Rapture
Tyler's Rapture Dream and call to the Ministry
Breanna's Dream of Being Left Behind
Tommy's Dream of Missing the Rapture
Mar 23, 25 02:48 PM
Mar 17, 25 10:27 AM
Mar 13, 25 04:14 PM
Mar 06, 25 03:52 PM
Mar 06, 25 03:46 PM
Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802