I had a dream last night of my first encounter with Jesus. It was on September 1, 2019.
Before the encounter, I was at a social gathering with lots of people that I knew! One of them was an old childhood buddy of mine. We had a conversation about something, but I am not too sure what it was.
I then realize that I was in an old steel building, which appeared to be an old warehouse. I was on the top floor of the building, and there was very little light; then a frightened little boy and girl ran to me from my left side, and they appeared to be running from someone. (keep in mind that I was never scared in this part of my dream).
There was a metal staircase in front of them, leading to the floor below. In the stairwell, was a red light giving the light to the stairs. The two kids ran down the stairs in fear.
Next, I saw what appeared to be an evil version of Samuel L Jackson. It was the weirdest thing, lol. He notices me standing there, but does nothing.
When he walked down the stairs, I realized he was the one the two kids were running from. He stopped halfway down the stairs; looked at me with an evil appearance, and said something before continuing to the floor below.
While he is walking down the stairs, Jesus appeared, and was standing next me to my left.
I immediately knew without a doubt that it was Jesus! A joyous sensation rushed through my body from just being in His presence!
(I had started vaping before this dream. I knew it wasn't right but continued to do it anyway). I dropped to my knees, thanking Him for everything. I then pull the vape out of my pocket and hold it out to Him, saying, "My Lord, take this away from me. Forgive me."
Jesus grabs the vape from my hand slightly shaking His head in disappointment! I vaguely remember him either tossing it or pointing to show me something in the other direction. I felt so ashamed of myself.
He, then, reached out His hand and I extended mine to meet His. A millisecond later, He lifted me through the roof of the building. I could feel every inch as if it were my actual body moving in real-life!
He lifted me, my body or "soul" entirely through the roof and out of the building. I passed through what seemed to be a very compact piece of matter that I imagined to be dirt from inside the earth. Next, I was immediately back in my bed, next to my wife!
As I lay there recapping what I had experienced, I was in awe of just being in the presence of Jesus Christ! But I also wondered why He never said anything to me in that out-of-body experience. If He did, unfortunately, I do not remember.
I remember that He had on oatmeal-colored clothes. His hair was brown and almost to his chin, and He had pretty eyes! It really is hard to remember any other specific details about his looks!
I am super grateful for this experience. I know I have wanted an experience to meet Jesus in my dream for quite some time!
I am not sure of the exact meaning of the dream, but I will surely pray to Him and ask that He will help me to understand it better!
Thank you guys for your time in reading this! I really appreciate it!
Kyle: United States
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Message Of Jesus
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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802