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"Kaitlyn's Dream of the Rapture"

All of these rapture dreams are causing fear in me because mine wasn’t so lovely. I saw the end of the world. I was pregnant nearly half a year back. I hadn’t been thinking of the end of the world in so long; I had so many other things I was worried about with my first pregnancy.

 I’ve always had vivid dreams my whole life nearly every night. A lot of the time, they carry emotion and feelings. This one was so incredibly scary, though. I’ve never been so scared of a dream in my entire life, and I’ve had my share of nightmares when I was living in abusive homes. I’m 20 years old and had my baby 3 1/2 months ago. Today is 9/14/2019.


I had a nightmare that there was an outbreak. People were running through stores because the infected were aggressively trying to harm them. The skin of those infected was falling apart, and they charged at any who came near them. It looks like someone poured acid on their face, there were holes all in their faces, and they had discolored faces too. 

People ran to hotels, but the government was using helicopters and lasers to search them and bomb anyone in hiding. There were women with crazy unkempt hair naked with black wings flying down from the sky screeching and attacking people. They were tearing people apart and breaking through windows.

Masses were slaughtered. We weren’t safe in churches, and we even tried boats. My daughter was born at this time, and I remember saving my brother when nobody else would after almost being exploded in a hotel.

I was Scared, so I Prayed

I woke up afraid to open my eyes. Afraid I’d wake up to destruction and chaos. The whole day I flinched at windows and was uncontrollably scared to walk outside. My heart would rapidly pound in my chest out of pure fear. 

I prayed the Lord would not cast his wrath down upon us. I prayed so hard because I only want for my daughter to live a happy, peaceful life& go to heaven. I was relieved when the day ended.

When I told my friend my dream, he said that it was written in the Bible. I had no idea that it was so similar as I’d never read it that far yet. I want to but still, haven’t

Kaitlyn: United States

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Kaitlyn's Dream of the Rapture

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