To my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, with whom I have never been in person since I met Him through the Holy Spirit. He came to me to lead me to Him, to be in His presence, as He commanded.
I have spoken to no man since I have been in this beautiful place, where I still am, and it is from here that I write to you.
I pray that I understand His message correctly and that the words are not my own but His through me. Christ speaks for Himself as He has always done, and men do not speak for Him because we are only men.
I have no will of my own anymore; only His will is left in me. I write to you as a man whom I am no more and whom I cannot remember. I write to all men, and He knows my heart and my failings; this is the truth.
I bring good news for your weary souls, knowing you are surrounded by pain and much darkness. I know you think of Him all the time and are praying to Him all the time, as I am praying to Him now.
In desperation, you feel that He is far away from you and that you have been abandoned. I am here to bring you the truth, for He is the truth, and I belong to Him, as all men do.
I write to bring you courage in your moment of trial. You are searching for the truth, as Jesus wants all men to do. Now I understand that He has always been with me, even when I was blind and could not see Him.
And He has always been with you, and He will never leave you. Even if you try to turn your back on Him, He will not let go of you; it is all in vain. He revealed the truth to me about myself when I was alone in His presence, where I am now also.
Everything that you can think of is known to Him. All our thoughts and intentions are known to Him. He is the truth, do not doubt the love He has for you.
Do not forget this message of His love and forgiveness, as written in the scriptures by His prophets, which you once accepted as your first love before you drifted away from the light.
I write to you in great peace and love, not of my own making, but of His. I am surrounded by beauty and truth, and I cannot see or remember all my transgressions and the darkness that I let into my life.
I am at peace with Him, and I am at peace with myself, only through His forgiveness and love.
All men will be with God at the appointed time. The Holy Spirit filled you, and you pray to Him through the Holy Spirit, as Christ taught us to pray. Everything in your heart and your thoughts is known to Him.
Even those among you who commit the most despicable crimes will be forgiven through prayer to Him, as He has promised and paid for.
It is not because men have thoughts of darkness; it is because darkness has thoughts for men. God made us in His image and sent Christ to die for our sins.
Therefore there is the Christ, and there is no man that Christ does not love. He did not come only for some; he came for all, as is His will and is the Lord's plan with your life; This is the truth.
Weary men and women, tired from their long journeys through life, take respite in Him and gain a peace that transcends all understanding because there is only one truth: Him.
The Holy Spirit will reveal to you the character of peace, and the truth about yourself, when you are alone with Him through prayer. He leads you to be with Him from the darkness where He found you.
And only He knows the appointed time when He will reveal Himself to you, before you were born, in life, or after you have died. And it is not for men to know these things.
It is for men to be men, as He wills them to be. Because man has no greater purpose than to meet and serve God, and all men will bow down to Him, as it is written.
All are known to Him, the Holy Spirit, and with whom Christ sits, and they are one. And my words are not my own, and I pray it is His through me, and He is Christ, and I have not seen Him, but He is all around me, and I am in His presence.
From here, I am writing to you now, and I am like you, and that is how He found me. And I am with Him, as you will soon be. And you will have peace, as I have now.
In my love for all of you, and as the man,
Johannes Viljoen
South Africa
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Message Of Jesus
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Samuel L Mills
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