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"Joe's Witchcraft Experience and Our Amazing Father God"

Hello! Let me start by saying our "ABBA" (Father) is amazing!! He truly can and will forgive anyone that will forgive others. 

God said if we wanted to be forgiven for our sins, we must forgive others their sins. I never got too deep into it but, my ex-girlfriend was into Wicca/witchcraft, and I was a believer in God and Jesus.

My mom raised me to follow Jesus. But nevertheless, I started to get these red flags in my heart and gut Every time I was about to see her like Jesus was trying to warn or tell me something.

I started to forget about God and Jesus and began to follow her and her Wicca belief.

I Tried to Follow the Ritual

My girlfriend was not a hardcore Wiccan she was just lost like me trying to find her way, but this is when the struggles began!! 

I wanted to learn about witchcraft to impress her because I thought I loved her. (She warned me to stay away from dark stuff/ dark side of Wicca..) Well, of course, I was instantly hooked and reeled in.

I bought some candles and tried to do my first ritual because I was a dumb kid, and I had NO idea what I was doing. I tried the ritual, and as SOON as it was done, I got a sick, dizzy feeling and EVERYTHING started spinning so fast I thought I was going to puke and then die.

I ended up getting sick, and went to bed. I did not like how I felt after that, very off and sad... So I told her about it, and she was shocked. 

Dark Humanoid Creatures

I jumped head first into the darkness. My girlfriend was a little scared for me, but I never told her that I was a Christian. One night I had a dream about four black/brown shapes that looked like creatures of another world. 

My ex-girlfriend said they were called elemental spirit's. And when I awoke the four creature humanoids were all around my bed huddled like the four corners of the earth.

I immediately turned to God and started praying for forgiveness for what I had done and for betraying his love. I asked him to forgive my sins and my sinful nature, and then I got this message in my head to BURN ALL my Wiccan stuff, I believe it was Jesus.

So I obeyed and was terrified of my vision.. and burnt EVERYTHING!! As soon as I did, my spirit felt like a weight had lifted. 

The Black Mist

That night I woke up terrified as a black mist came out of me and floated on my ceiling. I prayed: "Our Father in heaven...", and it was instantly gone! Ever since that day I cling to scripture when I'm stressed tempted or worried. 

Right before my girlfriend and I broke up, I had a vision. When she walked up to me on the same exact day of the vision, I started crying because I knew she was leaving.

I believe having that dream right before the breakup up was proof that God was looking out for me. He showed me the future before it happened!! I believe now!!)

If you seek His kingdom "FIRST" you will find him.

Joe: United State

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Joe's Witchcraft Experience

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802