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"Jesus, Nothing Can Take
His Place"
Shanesia's Christian Testimony

Reading time 5 min 37 sec

I just want to testify and give God Almighty the Glory for all He has done in my life and is still doing.

I want to shame the devil and be liberated by telling my truth about what Jesus Christ, the Lord of my life, has brought me out of as I continue to learn and experience Him through others and personal experiences.

My Childhood

I grew up in a broken home, as my dad & biological mother at the time had me very early in their career in the military. They were both 22 years old when they had me. I grew up with one brother who is 11 months apart in age from me.

I was born premature, and both parents did drugs and alcohol at the time. My father told me that my mother wanted to give me up for adoption and could no longer handle me and my brother. Their marriage lasted only six months, and she slowly revealed another side of jealousy towards my dad.

I knew she had grown up in an abusive home with other siblings and had an alcohol problem. So my dad took us. I grew up in a very unstable home as my dad had me and my brother be raised by other family members and friends.

I want to say that the Catholic religion was prominent on both sides of the family and part of my upbringing until I was 22 before I was converted to Christianity.

My paternal Grandmother had three children; my dad was the middle child and came from poverty while living in South America, and my dad came over to the USA at around 9.

My Grandmother did convert to Christianity before coming to the States. She was known to be the pillar of the family. My dad did dedicate me and my brother to God in Church with my Grandmother's leading, even though both parents did not serve the Lord.

My dad married four times after his one marriage. His last wife was the only Christian believer, with two more children from this marriage. Because my dad wasn't present many times, I was molested and raped as a child more than once throughout my childhood.

Searching for God

I grew up experimenting with heavy drugs, suffered from depression and suicide, drank alcohol, and was promiscuous. I saw witches and physics, did tarot card readings and astrology, and went clubbing. I searched for love and acceptance with the wrong people who influenced me in what the world offered.

I was searching for God desperately but did not know how to reach Him or if He even was listening to me. I complained and screamed at God, not knowing if He was real and did not know I was even praying to Him.

At 22, I was invited to a Spiritual Retreat that changed me forever, and the Theme was Called a Time to Change. It was with three churches in the Cabbins in Vero Beach, FL. I gave Jesus a chance after I heard who He was after preaching.

I said, Lord, if you are real as they say you are, I promise to leave everything behind and follow you, Jesus. God gave me a vision of placing my life on a movie screen, looking behind me as everything was dark.

The scenes of my life flashed before my eyes in seconds. In the same Vision, I looked to the front of me, which was All white and a bright white light silhouette like a person.

A hand reached out to me, speaking with understanding, saying, I know you do not know where you are going, but I promise you in your uncertainty of not knowing, I will always guide you as I placed my hand in His hand. I was assured of His stable guidance and protection.

The God of All Joy and Peace

After that, I went to the altar to cry but did not know why I was crying. The Preacher saw me and told me to go to his wife, who had the gift of revelation and prophecy on her, and ministered to me. God revealed deep secrets only He would know about me intimately.

Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, God spoke through this lady, telling me who He was, and that everything I experienced bad in my life did not come from Him, and that He was a God of All Joy and Peace.

He also said that all those times you were praying to me (complaining and screaming at Him with frustration and sadness, thinking He was too big to care about little me to listen), He had loved me Greatly.

He also rebuked me for going to the alter knowing I had sex with a person I met, and we were both drunk at the time as I had no value of myself in doing it. God said that I was His First Love and Husband and that my body was the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

When He first revealed this to me through the lady who ministered to me, I did not know what she was talking about. I asked God, and He quickly revealed a vision of me having sex and being caught in the act. That's when my mouth dropped with shock and awe at how all this was even possible.

I quickly realized that God was real and that He exists, and I started to cry out of relief from having hope in my state. I cried a lot, and the lady hugged me until I was done.

Then, He asked if I would like to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. At that time, I had no clue what that meant and said yes because of my current experience. The next day, we had church, and they asked if you wanted to be touched by God to come up for prayer.

I was the first to jump up and run to the front for prayer. I was surrendered by 80 people, more or less is what it felt like. When I prayed, the Holy Spirit gave me supernatural peace that had me dropped, and it felt like heaven as all the weight of oppression was lifted from me.

I did not want anyone to touch me. I got up with my hands supernaturally lifted, saying in Spanish, Santo, Santo, Santo, which was the Holy Spirit speaking through me, saying Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty who was, who is, and who is to come over and over again.

Then a women minister saw me and called me over to her and told me to grab the hand of a young woman on the floor already speaking in tongues, and she placed her hand on my heart and her other hand on my hand, praying for me.

Jesus, Nothing Can Take His Place

I started to speak in tongues. God filled me with His Glory as I allowed the Holy Spirit to fill me. A few ladies were guiding me and had someone grab my hand, and I felt God's power come through my right arm to the man who got knocked out by the power of God in a good way, which gave me instant relief.

My life has never been the same. I had such an Awesome Respect for God that I stopped drinking, drugs, and speaking bad words and sought Him passionately to learn to be intimate with Him as much as possible.

I was 22 then and am now 44. God is Faithful and True and a Promise Keeper. God has been with me through many difficulties in my life, even in times of crisis and near-death experiences, and my foundation is Built only on Him.

Nothing is impossible for God. I realize that none of us are perfect and all of us can fail, but God is the strength of our heart, mind, and flesh and our outward life. It's. This walk is Not easy, but I'm grateful I don't do it alone.

God has become my everything. Jesus is the Answer everyone seeks and needs. There is nothing and no one that can take His Place. He is Real, and Truth is who He is.

Shanesia Rosado, United States

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Samuel L Mills
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Maryville, TN 37802