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"My Introduction to Jesus"
and My Christian Testimony

My encounters with Jesus began at the young age of seven.

I had rescued a Barbie Doll with a tangled ponytail from under my bed, named "Debo;" (after my nickname)  along with a black synthetic stallion that had four white stocking feet and a frizzed mane and tail that perfectly matched Barbie's ponytail.

After retrieved my playthings, I went into the living room and sat on the carpet in front of the television, and this is where my story begins.

Seeing nothing interesting on TV, I drifted into a child's world of paradise, adventure, and hidden treasures. It was a special place where adversaries were conquered, all hindrances removed, and nothing could harm me.

Then came a familiar voice, jolting me back to awareness, "Debo, Come with Me."

Instantly, reality was standing before me; just slightly over six feet, was the high tower of our family, the foundation of our integrity, and the teacher of Truth, known by the name of Daddy.

Slowly, I positioned my hand in his wondering what this was about. I hesitated for a moment, then asked the crucial question, am I in trouble again?

With a slight chuckle and a tender smile, Daddy's reassuring words brought peace to my backside as well as my spirit.

Bouncing into the next room, my long dark brown hair tossed with every jump generating even more tangles. After one last impressive bounce on the bed, Daddy gave the order to settle down.

I knew something important was about to happen; that was when I learned how our Lord Jesus, the Christ, conquered death, hell, and the grave for me, and this is what I have built upon and followed throughout the years.

Our Discussion

Daddy: "Do you know who Jesus is?"

Me: "Yes! He is the Son of God!"

Daddy: "Who is His mother?"

Me: "Mary"

Daddy: "Do you believe Jesus died on the cross?"

Me: "Yes, and rose from the grave."

Daddy: "Do you know Jesus wants to come and live inside of you?"

Me: Really, Daddy, He wants to live inside of me? Wow, How can He do that?"

Daddy: "You invite Him into your life, and He comes in. Would you like to invite Jesus into your heart to live forever?"

Me: "Yes, Daddy, Yes, I would!"

Daddy: "Then pray this prayer after me."

The Prayer:

  • "Lord Jesus Christ, I am a sinner. I ask you to forgive me of my sins, wash me clean, and make me as white as snow. Please come into my heart Lord Jesus and make me a child of the Most High God, Amen."

Opening the Treasures

After praying, I sprang to my feet, clapping my hands, and dashed to my mother, who was in the living room. Clasping her shirttail, I began tugging and pulling, demanding her attention.

My excitement was similar to opening the treasures beneath the Tree on Christmas morning. I told her everything I had just done without stopping or slowing down.

After talking with Momma, I had a long phone call with my grandmother, Mills, and told her everything. She was delighted, and the enthusiasm was obvious in her tone of voice.

Then I called some other relatives to tell them how Jesus had entered within me to live.

I was still euphoric when Momma and Daddy put me to bed that night. They kissed my cheek and said goodnight; we love you, and turned out the light. That night I had a Beautiful Dream About Jesus!

A few years later I reaffirmed my Salvation and was Baptized.

My Testimony Continues

To those who accept His Word, God is a Lamb, Father, Friend, and a Husband caring for his betrothed. He is  Lord of all and the Supreme love of our life.

However, Satan continues to persuade people to sin, causing them to be flushed out of the Kingdom of God.

God's Word of warning is being given but is shunned by those who refuse to believe in Jesus. Ohers profess Him as their Savior yet deny Him by their sinfulness. 

God deals with us on His terms. He chooses the paths we must follow. I cannot ignore this urgent drive to battle the enemy.

We Christians must let the unsaved world know that our Lord is returning soon, and advise them of the necessity of accepting and following Christ as their Savior. 

"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work among you will complete it by the day of Christ Jesus" (Phil 1:6).

Deborah Dixon

My Childhood Dream or Vision of Jesus

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My Introduction to Jesus

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802