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"How God Provided Money for My International School Trip"

I hope this encourages someone on here because this was truly a miracle from God.

A few years back, I was supposed to go for my 7th-grade school trip to South Africa. I was excited and did everything required for the trip; the only thing was the money.

One day during June/July, my teacher asked us for our birth certificates and passports; he said only if you're sure you are going. So obviously, I wasn't sure even though my mum, my dad, and I had said a prayer of agreement multiple times.

So I went home and asked my mum, she said, let's take a leap of faith and gave me the documents to take. Then a few weeks later, my teacher said for those who haven't paid, tell your parents to pay at least K6500 to secure your ticket or K1000 every month to assure us.

My mom didn't have that money, obviously, and neither did my dad. Many times they expected money something came up; a few times, I cried but kept believing in God.

Finally, my graduation day came; the due date for paying passed, but my teacher still kept me a place. My graduation was two days before the SOUTH AFRICAN trip, and I still had faith.

On that day, I felt very sick, and my mum thought maybe that was a sign from God that it wasn't meant to be for me to go. My teacher approached my mum and told her if he should just cancel me because it was practically the last day, but she said no.

The next day, the final day, my dad called my mum to the bedroom and told her to call my teacher to tell him I'm not going anymore, but she felt in her spirit that she should wait a bit. So she did. He also told her to call me to tell me I wasn't going anymore, and they did. I cried and cried and cried.

He called my mum again to say his deal came through, but it wasn't enough to cover all the expenses and pay for my trip plus pocket money.

Then miraculously, he shouted for my mom after he received a phone call saying they're paying him double what they said they'd pay him, and that wasn't even part and parcel before, but they did, and they paid him that same day.

My mom rushed to my bedroom and told me you're going on your trip. Oh boy, you should've seen my face; even though that happened a while ago, that deal changed our lives even past my trip.

I'm still grateful to God because they weren't even suppose to pay him double. Later it came out that they paid him double because they made him wait for a long time.


And the next day, I went off to my trip with a bunch load of pocket money where I even met MR EAZI.

YAY, hope this encourages you because if with what they were going to pay him it wouldn't be enough because of other issues that came out which needed money of course.


Deborah: Zambia

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