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"Healing Belongs to God"
His Power is Unlimited

I remembered that my Grandma had been working overnight the night before, so when he casually told me that she'd been taken to the hospital for breathing issues "again" and "as usual" there was no alarm set off within me. I knew that she would sometimes wheeze and deal with shortness of breath because of asthma. 

I jumped out of bed, called out of work and headed to the hospital with two glasses of water in my purse and my book called "God's Promises and Answers" in my purse, just in case she might have been thirsty, and that I might need something to read while waiting with her.

The Fear

I got to the hospital and found where she was, and the nurse walking me to her room was telling me she had to be intubated and asked me if I was already made aware of that. 

I didn't honestly know what that meant, but as fear started to kick in, her voice seemed to get lower and lower as we were walking until we finally arrived at Grandma's room. 

When I got to the room, my grandmother was asleep and was using a tube to breathe. There was fear again. This time, instead of my ears, it hit my knees and immediately caused my legs to start shaking. 

While I pieced together with the nurse how it all happened, I couldn't help but notice the way the nurse was speaking to me, very gently and as if for some reason she didn't expect much of anything to change. But I ignored that and said to myself, "we're children of the Most High God, and He's able to do anything." 

A nurse brought me a warm blanket, and I marveled at the various machines that had been hooked up to my grandmother. Before I sat in the chair next to her, I walked over and rubbed her arm and said: "Don't worry Grandma, God's got you."

I prayed hard for God to help me calm down, so fear would not overtake me. All I could think of was the verse that came to me days before; It said, "Peace I leave with you. My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" John 14:27.  I must have quoted that verse a hundred times or more. 

I finally felt like I was getting stronger. I was also reading verses to my Grandma, and although she wasn't responding, I figured she might be able to hear, and wanted her to be encouraged. I also gained enough strength to call my family and let them know what had been going on. 

I kept reading the Bible verses and thinking, this God that I serve, He's the one and ONLY true living God. He's ALWAYS with me; He healed me from depression, He changed my life, He delivered me from addiction, He parted the Red Sea, He created the entire universe and every star in the sky, He's the one who made man from dust, He can do anything. 

I just knew that since He had performed miracles in the Bible and my own life that He was not yet through performing miracles.

A Bubble of Peace and Strength

I went searching online for testimonies about deliverance from the ICU. I found a couple and had to ignore some negative stuff about elderly patients not surviving the ICU and things like that.

In addition to reading Bible verses about healing and deliverance in the book I had in my purse, I found a website on Bible verses about healing.

I followed all of the steps from that website; started singing hymns right in the ER, and praying HARD while we waited for 5 hours for my grandmother to be transferred to the ICU. I told God that I knew He heard me and loved me and was right there with me. 

Then suddenly, while singing hymnals, I felt a bubble of peace and strength come right to me! It was in my ribcage, beneath my breasts, and into my back. I was astounded! Never had I experienced that feeling before! 

I felt like when I did a trust fall as a kid, and someone had caught me, but even better.  Again, I knew for a fact that I wasn't alone! I am still amazed until this day.

Church Members Pray for My Grandma

My family called me back after that amazing experience and asked if I was still at the hospital alone. 

I eventually saw my grandmother begin to move around a bit and ignored the conversation I overheard between the ER nurse telling the ICU nurses that when my Grandma got to the hospital, her blood levels were "not pretty." 

I knew that my God created her lungs and could even give her new ones if He wanted to. I also fasted that day while praying and waiting on her, and before I knew it, we were on our way to the ICU.

  By that time, I had already reached out to church members, and everyone I knew who would pray and asked them to pray for my Grandma. When I got to the ICU, the nurses asked me to wait in the waiting room while she was bathed. 

After settling into the ICU, one nurse told us that her blood levels were excellent and we'd be able to get that tube out soon, and the doctor agreed. Eventually, the nurses allowed the sedation to wear off and wanted to give her the night to rest before they took it out. 

She eventually started to wake up, and I gave her a pen and paper so she could communicate with us. One huge thing I remember her saying was that God was good. She knew He had saved her life. I had to work the next day, so my family came up a few hours later and spent the night with her.

I came to see her right after work, and there was my Grandma, breathing without a tube! It was one of the most beautiful things I've ever laid my eyes on. She still had to use oxygen, but things were looking up!      

The nurses said she didn't need the ICU anymore and would be moved to recovery where she stayed for a few days. 

The only thing about that was that her oxygen levels weren't looking like they should have and the doctor thought she might have to go home with an oxygen tank.

A little history about my Grandma: At that time, she worked three jobs (taking care of three private patients) and is a retired entrepreneur. An oxygen tank simply doesn't fit into her lifestyle. 

After leaving the hospital that day, I rebuked the possibility of her going home with oxygen! She was back home the next day and with no oxygen tank. 

Thank you, God, thank you, Jesus, thank you, Holy Spirit! Miracles belong to you, and hope belong to you, you love us more than we can love ourselves and your power is unlimited. 

Thank you, LORD, for hearing our prayers and saving your daughter's life!

Anonymous: United States

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Healing Belongs to God

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

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True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802