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"Healed of COVID"


My father was critically ill due to COVID when the wave 2 was at its peak. He had a severe fever with weakness and palpitation. We rushed him to a nearby hospital emergency ward as he was finding difficulty in breathing.

Once the hospital had confirmed the diagnosis, we were advised to admit him in another hospital as there is a lack of beds in normal and ICU ward.

In the early Morning, around 2:30 AM, we were running across Chennai city to find a suitable hospital, but to our dismay, none of the hospitals were ready to admit him.

We prayed continuously for divine intervention, and finally, one doctor referred my dad to a good renowned hospital. We admitted our Dad to Rela hospital Chrompet, and he was hospitalised for nearly 14 days.

After the 5th day of admission, the doctor said that my dad's condition was turning worse, and the infection in his body was steadily increasing at a rapid rate.

The CRP, D-dimer and other vitals were showing some alarming results. My dad's lung got impacted more than 70%, and Doctor's lost all their hope as they tried all combinations of antibiotics, steroids, Remdesivir etc... but none were working.

During this time, our housemaid was also affected by COVID, and by God's grace, she recovered. God answered our prayers in healing our housemaid, and she was of great help during this period. I thank God for blessing our family by giving her to help us in all our turbulent times.

Myself my sister and my brother-in-law fervently prayed to Jesus and fasted for three days to uphold our Dad in our prayers.

Jesus Christ answered our prayer, and after three days, we received the good news from the doctor that the infection rate all of a sudden steadily decreased, and all other vitals were normal; moreover, he didn't need any oxygen support.

We were all joyful that our Lord Jesus blessed our dad by giving him good health and saving our him from the death bed. My dad is alive today only because of Christ's Mercy. Without his mercy, we are nothing.

I thank God for giving us a good hospital, helping in getting an ambulance to shift to another hospital, Providing us with the financial help, providing us with good people to support us in prayers, and providing good doctors and facilities.

During wave 2, there was a shortage in drugs and oxygen beds, but Jesus didn't let us down; all drugs and required oxygen were available.

God's mercy is endless. When we seek Lord through prayers, he will definitely help us. My dad is a living testimony of Christ's Mercy and his goodness.

Thank you, Jesus, for all your mercy and protection. I submit all glory and thanks to Lord Jesus Christ !!


Evelyn: India

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