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"God's Ways are Better
Than Our Ways"

God’s ways are better than our ways; his plans are better than ours says the Holy Bible. I write this testimony as a witness to the truly divine ways in which God guided my life and the result of it. It’s filled with interesting twists and turns so do give it a read! (there are miracles at each stage, and the best twist is in the last)

On the Shortlist

I work in one of the diplomatic missions of a foreign country. Just a few months back, two hands full of people from my office went for an interview with another foreign office. I was completely disinterested in it because it was a lateral movement and not exactly the kind of career improvement that I was expecting. I just saw everyone go for the interview taking permission for two hours.

By the close of play that day, I received a call in my office phone. Unassumingly I picked up the call to here one of those who went for the interview telling me that my name was shortlisted for the interview. I initially took it for a prank because I didn’t recall applying for the position. My colleagues told me that I missed a great opportunity for the pay hike. When I came home, I refreshed my Gmail to see that I had indeed received an interview call almost a week ago. For courtesy sake, replied that I am open for the interview. I was surprised to hear from them asking me if I could come the coming Monday (since embassies have strict protocols). Even more surprising factor is that I had for no reason applied for an annual leave that Monday and the interview fell exactly on the same day.

The Interview

Still disinterested in the position, I decided to give it a shot. When I reached the location, I realized that I took the copy of my govt id and not the original (both look similar), they asked me to go back and bring an original id. This is usually a serious miss in terms of a high-security office. That should be a big minus in my interview.

I made all the rounds on the same day, while others were waiting for their personal interview. All co-applicants had far greater experience than me In the field of immigration, and I stood little chance. Nevertheless, I finished the interview and came back. God kept telling me that this position is reserved for me.

Then, again on a day when I was on a leave, I received a call from the new office to come in and complete the formalities. I did not have to take permission and go. Everyone in my office was surprised that I got the job despite

  • Not going for the initial interview,
  • Goofing up with the ID
  • Lack of experience.

It was already nothing short of a miracle, but the best is yet to come.

The office usually calls for rigorous background checks. For the first time in the history of that office, I was asked to join without security and Background verification. Everyone was surprised because that office is known for its super strict security protocols. 

God's Choice

Despite all this, I was hesitating. I had to be sure it was God's choice.

My office called for a town hall meeting. The news was broken that this office is going to shut down in a few months. Everyone turned to look at me. Only another person and I had a job at hand currently.

Through this whole process, God kept reminding me of Jonah, Joseph and other characters from the Bible whom our heavenly father sent to places they disliked but turned out it was good for them. My story is no different. Just days after I drop my resignation the news was broken to us.

This is a story of how God saves us from all troubles that are yet to come, how his ways are better than our ways, how his plans for our lives are better than ours. How blessed are we that though being sinners, our heavenly father has compassion and mercy on us to guide each and every step of our life!

_____: India

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Gods Ways are Better than Our Ways

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

Loyalty and Faithfulness

True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802