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"On God's Time, Not Ours"
How My Life Was Changed Forever

Reading time 1 minute 54 seconds

Back in 2015, my son was diagnosed with epilepsy. Seizures appeared out of the blue. He would have up to 7-8 Seizures a day while finding medicine to work with his body. Fast forward a few months, and everything was on the right track. So we thought. We were so wrong.

That night, around 8, my husband, walking past our son's room, noticed he was seizing on the floor. This Seizure was different; he couldn't catch a breath. My child looked up at me for help when his eyes started rolling back, and every bit of color was gone from his face.

He took a gasp, and that was it. Code blue! At this point, all I could do was run. I'm not sure why, but I was running and praying at the same time. Mind you, at this time, I was doing stuff I knew I shouldn't have been doing.

I fell to my knees and prayed for God to give my child back and to please take me, not him. I Remember saying I'll be no good for anyone, Lord, Lord; please give me baby back. I'll stop everything. I will live for you and will never turn away.

While outside on my knees, Jesus appeared; he was holding my son, and his little legs were draped over his arms, and he handed him back to me. At that exact moment, my child's heartbeat was back! My son was 12 then but looked to be about 2 in God's arms.

They say when you enter the kingdom of heaven, you go to the age you were pure with no illness. I believe that is why my child looked so little in God's arms because that is the age when he was illness-free. That day, my life was forever changed!

They say you shouldn't have to see something in life to believe it because it should live in your heart! You know it; you feel it. You feel him within you every single step of the way.

God knew I was doing wrong, and I believe with every ounce of me God knew I was messing up, so He showed me whose children they really are and how we only have them for a short time, and when He is ready, He will call them home on His time, not ours!


Lisa: United States

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802