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"A Blinding Flash of Light"
My Dream of Jesus

I had a visit from the Lord Jesus when I was four years old. I am now 49. I am from Alabama; we lived deep in the country and were in church every time the door would open.

There were no kids around for me to play with, so I talked to Jesus just as I would have interacted with my friends at school. He was a real comfort for me. Even though I could not see him, I knew for a fact that he was there and could feel him around me.

Until one night getting ready for bed, I was returning to my bedroom after brushing my teeth. I opened my bedroom door, took one step inside the room, and a blinding flash of light came from the corner of the room. I looked and saw a huge flower bud that was closed, and it opened into a beautiful purple flower.

The Lord Jesus stepped out of that flower. He was beautiful. Love & power was coming off of him so strong that it took my breath away, and I thought my heart was about to explode. 

He reached out and held my hand; as soon as he did that, my heart went back down in my chest, and I could breathe again. I cried out, Jesus! He sat down on the floor and sat me on his knee. I was telling him how much I loved him and how thankful I was to see him. He said I know my child. 

I don't remember everything about the conversation, but we talked for few minutes. While we were talking, I remember that Jesus was writing on the 70's shag carpet with his finger. I asked him if he had just come from heaven. He said yes and that it was time for him to return. 

That devastated me, knowing he was leaving. I begged him to please take me with him, that I was ready to go right then. He said, my child, my child, I will return for you in a time and times and half a time. He turned and entered back through that purple flower and was gone.

All I could think to do was tell my parents what had happened. More importantly was to see if they knew when this time, times and half a time was.

I ran into their room and yelled, I just saw Jesus! When I told my mom Jesus said he would return for me in a time, times, and half a time, she started crying and praising the Lord. 

She grabbed her Bible, opened it up to Revelation 12:14, and showed it to dad and me. There it was in black and white. The exact words he had just spoken to me. I think the Lord was giving proof to my parents. 

All I know is that I can not wait until I see my Lord again. I pray that if you do not know him that you will seek him and come to know him. Just talk to him. He Listens!

Gregory: United States

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A Blinding Flash of Light

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802