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"Ari's Healing Experience"

This is my testimony about my healing experience with Jesus Christ.

In November 2015, I was diagnosed with Leukemia (cancer of the blood and bone marrow). I was 24 years old when I got diagnosed, so it seems the world falls apart in front of me. It is very nerve wrecking to see that one day you're still feeling fine, then the next day you were told you got cancer, and you need to be admitted into the hospital as soon as possible. 

I stayed in the hospital for almost a month. During my stay in the hospital, I see that God is faithful to me and He is in control of the circumstances that I faced. I'm not gonna lie, it is very tough to receive a daily dose of chemotherapy, and I was depressed about my condition. 

However, deep down inside, I know that God is aware of my struggle and He won't let me face this battle alone. One day, my white blood count was so high, the doctors are concerned with my condition, and they told me that you would need a different chemotherapy medication to keep my countdown. The side effects are supposedly much worse than the current medication that I take (including hair loss, nausea, etc.). 

That night, I pray to God, if it's your plan that I need to take the stronger chemo, so be it, because I can't and don't have control in my life. Amazingly, the next day, my white count was declining so much, that the doctors told me you don't have to get the stronger chemo. I Initially was perplexed, how come this happens? At that moment, I know God listens to our prayers. During my stay, I had very few issues with my condition. The doctors told me that I tolerate chemo very well compared to other patients. It is proof that God takes care of His children.

After I got out of the hospital, I still needed outpatient chemo treatment for seven months. It is tough, but the toughest part was in the hospital and has already passed. I know that I can handle this. 

I sometimes felt anxious and scared, and wondered, what if the treatment doesn't work. Any slight issue with my body, and I would become terrified and stressed. I constantly thought about giving up and ending my misery.

However, there were two special verses:  

Isaiah 53:5 tells us that by Jesus stripes we are already healed.

 1 John 4:4 tells us that Jesus, who is in us, is greater than anything in the world. 

Now when I experience doubt or feel scared, I remind myself of these 2 verses. 

During chemo treatment the immune system of the body is being attacked by the chemo and one could get sick easily.

More proof of God's goodness is that I didn't experience any sicknesses during the treatment  (cold, fever, etc.). I was able to work, travel, and hang out with friends and family, etc. Throughout this trying time, my life was normal.

Today, the doctor called to tell me that there is no trace of Leukemia in my blood and that I am cancer free!

Looking back, I regret that I did not have enough faith to believe that God would handle this situation for me. I now know that if I can trust Jesus fully, my life journey will be much better, and I will be stress-free.

My message to all of you is that God is faithful. Your circumstances might be difficult and tough, but never give up on your life, you must push on. God was able to overcome cancer for me, and I'm sure He can overcome whatever problem your life might have.

If I didn't have cancer, I'm sure that would not be having the great relationship that I now have with God. Sometimes, a bad and difficult winding road will lead to a better situation for you. God bless you all!

Ari: United States

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Charlotte: United States

I truly thank God for you sharing your healing testimony. I thank God for healing you and using you in such a way to help others to come to the knowledge of accepting, believing and trusting him for everything. May God continue to bless you beyond measure. God bless and stay ENCOURAGED.

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