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"Evola's Dream of the Rapture"

In my dream, I was at home with my family and kids. There was a knock at the door;  I opened it, and a small man gave me a gift that I opened, and it was hot tabasco sauce that I thought was wine.

It was dark outside, and when I heard another knock at the door, I thought it was my dad. I looked out the window, which was lower than the door and sidewalk; I saw that he was wearing a shiny black cape and pants made from plastic (costume). 

His energy felt dark and evil, and I had a feeling that it was not my father. I waited to answer, and then I was not afraid, so I went to answer, and it was the brother of the small guy who gave me the hot sauce, with his girlfriend dressed up in costume. He also gave me a small gift. I said you look like you are having fun or had fun. 

The brother and his girlfriend left, and I watched them get into their car. My family and I were still inside the house, not participating in whatever festivities other people were doing. I saw the girlfriend of the brother get out of the car and walk back towards my house. She stopped midway and looked into the dark sky. 

There was a rainbow even though it was night. I had an inner knowing that many people saw this rainbow and thought it was strange to see a bright rainbow in the midnight sky. It was a beautiful phenomenon to see it at night when it was so dark. The girlfriend commented how beautiful it was and was in awe. I felt like it was the day of the inauguration. 

Then I saw Jesus flash in front of my face. He was a huge figure sitting on a throne and floating in front of me. I saw his face (white, orange hair, blue and white garnet almost like what Mary wears in catholic pictures. Very humble, soft, and gentle). It was like a cutout of a church painting. 

All of a sudden, there was a huge burst of light and a vast circular red, yellow, and orange fireball that dropped on the earth; angels came shooting out from the outburst so fast right past me and all-around, flying. They had human faces, the color of bright white lights, and seemed happy but look like they had a job to be done. 

It was so bright, and I could feel their energy as they flew by me. I felt the burst of power and heat from the fireball and had to turn to shield my face from the blast and bright light. I excitedly screamed, "Jesus is here." 

I watched and yelled, please take me. I prayed and repented. I Saw verses to recite and read quickly, flipping in front of my face. There was a timer counting down, and I needed to read each verse in time. I heard, read Mark or Matthew 26, and uncrinkle it. 

I saw the Bible page as crinkled and unread and like the page was neglected or forgotten. The timer was counting down; I yelled, read what! And it stopped. I said, oh, sorry, and calmed down, and it restarted. 

I didn't hear the book clearly and which verse to read. I felt it was about repenting for anger and asking God to forgive me and read the Bible. The verses were going fast, and I was reading quickly. 

I was trying to text to let my family know and get the Kids to have them with me or check that they were still here vs. taken, but I couldn't cause I didn't want to miss reading the verses that were flashing so quickly in front of my face. 

I woke up and felt the heat on my head from the fireball and burst of light that I had just experienced in my dream. I never had a dream where I saw Jesus or Angels and still felt the dream upon awakening.

Enova: United States

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Evola's Dream of the Rapture

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Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

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