I just woke up from a frightening dream. I don't know 100% the exact details and what to think, but I'd been praying to God not to miss the rapture before I went to sleep tonight.
I saw this black man warning people on a land that was burning, saying, "he told you, man, but now it's too late" - and I think I was on that land too.
Previously the land wasn't burning; it was a bit dark, though, and I was there, and I think I was your housemate.
Ages ago, I dreamed I would miss the rapture too - and it was because I visited a very worldly church. I visited that church yesterday - I don't think I should have.
I think I was burning in this dream, perhaps. My mum, too 💔
But I can't remember if I was or wasn't. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight, man."
Marion: United States
A few years back, I posted about a rapture dream I had 47 years ago. And now, a few weeks ago, on Easter Eve, I had an extraordinary dream.
First, there is a precursor to this dream:
35 years ago, I dreamed that a well-known Korean woman died and was on a funeral pyre dressed like an Egyptian goddess. I could see her deceased face, which was very beautiful, as she was beautiful in real life.
A voice said, "When this woman dies, the end will come." I did not know the meaning. In reality, she died four weeks ago at the age of 99.
Now, in a recent dream, I was walking to an airport of some sort with my husband, who has been deceased for 30 years. He seemed otherworldly, and we did not interact.
I realized we did not have our passports, tickets, or luggage. I heard a voice say that we might not need a passport and ticket. I wanted to go back and get them.
I looked up, and the bright sun was setting in the west at about 4 pm. The sky was eerily beautiful, and clouds were going in and out of the sun. We walked, and I looked again, and the sun was gone, but it was still light.
I was distressed and asked what happened to the sun then whipped around 150 degrees to the East, and the sun had turned into a silver-pearly, gray globe, far down a distant desert valley, directly in the East.
I was awestruck, and suddenly the letter V appeared over the entire face of the sun as it was. The letter was not a clean V but more of another language. I was
quite terrified and woke up.
I looked the letter up in Prof.Google's language class, and the letter V in Hebrew is layered with meaning and significance. I read Isaiah 22 for understanding and then John, where the scars of the nails could be seen and touched.
I don't understand the dream, but I believe it refers to Israel. Is the end of the Gentile world in wealth and power near? It is written that when the "last gentile" comes into the kingdom, the end will come.
Pray for discernment and protection under the blood of Christ.
Sergio: United States
This dream came to me when I was lost in sin but understood the consequences since I had walked away from Jesus twenty-three years prior.
I asked God to inflict fear in me so that I may be scared enough to run back to his Word.
I was at the place I grew up in Nyc, and people were out gathered in large craters full of water that appeared dark and dirty. Kids were playing, and adults were there just like you would see at a public pool, but this was at the center of project buildings.
I was suddenly sitting in a car when I heard a commotion outside. I heard chants in the sky and wondered what was happening as I looked out the car's sunroof.
When I got out of the car, I heard chants get louder as multiple of people lined up but circular ( like the rides at carnivals where people stand and the ride spins).
They were going higher and higher into the sky, and I could hear the tremble in their voices from the heights they were reaching but, at the same time, the triumph in their voices as they chanted in tongues.
I can still hear them as if I was standing by screaming people on a roller coaster when it rattles by.
Suddenly people on the ground started running around as small flakes of flames began falling. I remember feeling the burn when one touched me.
Then I saw several fireballs in the sky from far behind the 20-story building my parents lived in. When I began running towards the building for them, someone grabbed me and told me not to go in that direction.
I remember feeling empty because Jesus came for his people, and the days of choosing to accept him were gone forever; before my dream ended, it transitioned into that night, and people were gathered in groups by garbage cans of fire.
When I reached for my wallet, it was gone, which indicated to me that troubled times were ahead.
Desiree: United States
Last night I had a dream of our Lord and Saver.
I was in a hotel, and my family was there, and so was my ex-husband.
So I finally went to bed, but before I fell asleep, I turned around, and He walked close to me and whispered run! In my ear; then I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep for 2 hours.
I don't know what he was trying to warn me about, but I was scared and would like to know what is going on.
Jhosselin: United States
My depression was so bad I thought there was no way out. I chose to give God my life.
I said, God, please help me; I don’t know what to do, so here, take my life. Do whatever you want; just give me strength.
I choose what you want for me because I know that whatever you do is always something good for us. The year 2023, February 15, I was so sad that morning.
I got home, laid down, and started crying to God and praying.
I said, Lord, show me a sign that you are with me and that you will not fail me. I even asked him for a dream. I said, Lord, if you can give me a dream, I promise that I’ll be better, and I’ll keep my faith in you.
I remember going to sleep and dreaming about a zombie apocalypse. I was alone in one house, and as I looked back, there were windows, and through the windows, I saw one zombie popping up; I looked around, and more zombies were popping up, trying to get at me.
I started running for my life, and I ran to one room, and I opened it, and it seemed empty, so I went in there and locked the doors and closed all the windows. As I turned around, I saw one zombie lady. And I reacted quickly.
I ran for a knife and slit her throat, and she started crying. And I began to cry because I had just killed this zombie that had turned into a human being. So I told her sorry as she was fighting for her life. After she passed inside my arms, I heard chaos outside, so I ran quickly.
When I opened the door to go outside, I saw a lot of people trying to record something flying in the clouds. And they were saying, look, something is flying up there.
When I looked up, there was a figure of an Angel in the clouds. I was kind of scared. And as I tried to record it, a tunnel came down next to me. And inside the tunnel, clouds were coming out. They were so puffy.
As I was staring at this tunnel, I heard a voice saying, I am coming back again, watch! I woke up right away after I heard him speak🤍 I woke up in tears! I said to God, thank you, Lord, I love you with all my heart.
I told my parents and many others that God was actually trying to save us. We have to tell people about our message from God. He does not want anyone to get left behind 🥺❤️
Genesis: Country
On February 21st of, 2023
I was sleeping around 12 pm day. I had a vivid dream when out of nowhere, I was in a group of people of my age, around my 20s.
I didn't even know the people, but I was hanging out with them at a party, but then when we sat down at a table, we heard a noise. A very loud noise in our right ear was ringing loudly; they were saying, "what is that "what is that noise."
I don't know about the others because what came out of my mouth was, "IM READY," and I heard the trumpet so loud for a couple of seconds without the sound stopping, and I got raptured from where I was, and my body left the earth.
I knew not to be scared, but I saw Jesus sitting in his chair. I looked to the left, saw a scripture on his side, and looked at him, and the first thing he told me was, "don't worry, Jasira will be with you" (Jasira is my little sister).
When I tell you that I saw my little sister's name right under my name on the scripture right beside him;
Jesus said, you still need to answer one of my questions. I looked, and it was about pleasure to others.
I looked back at him and was confused.
He took me to the front of the line and gave me a view from the earth of random women dressed inappropriately. And that is when I woke up from my dream.
From my point of view, Jesus might be warning me that he's closer than ever and wants me to warn the others. Mainly something about my little sister because I didn't see her, but he wants me to save her, and that I will do.
Justin: United States
Just woke up; phew, what an intense dream!!!
It started out that I was with somebody; I don't know who, just a friend, I guess? We were hanging out and chilling.
We went to some places, I don't know where but I ended up in another part of town or city, and my friend was having like a seizure, so I held him and started praying in tongues outside.
Then an Angel came flying in, staying in the air holding the crown of thorns, and my friend came back, and the angel took off.
After that, immediately, I heard locusts, and like an army of flying angels started swooping down and taking out people. But my friend and I got away by running thru buildings.
One building looked like a mall; some deformed-looking angels started flying into the glass, and it started to crack. We kept going down, and lots of people were there. I warned everyone to get out something was coming, but no one came with us; they stayed.
We kept going and then went back up and ended up in another town in a house with random people, and the sound of locusts stopped. I looked outside and saw kids playing and people going on with their lives.
I was so scared that it woke me up. It was so vivid. It's now 3:58 am, and I'm shook. The first angel was perfect, and the ones that came after were very scary.
I believe in Jesus, the son of God and that he saved us all if we will believe he died and paid the price of our sins on the cross.
Ashley: United States
Warning of TV:
I had 3 separate dreams in a similar time frame of God warning me about TV. All 3 dreams were demonic. I'm not going to get into the details because a couple of them were kind of elaborate, but they all were demonic and had demons in them.
All 3 dreams had an old-fashioned TV that looked like Netflix when something was wrong (I mean that it had that old-fashioned buzzing as if the signal was out-along with being the old-fashioned TV with antennas).
At the end of the first or second dream, I saw Satan and his demons taping people's eyes open and forcing them to watch TV. I knew there were horrors on TV. Absolute horrors. I was scared, and luckily, I didn't have to see the gruesome horrors that people were forced to watch.
I also heard an old-fashioned cartoon screech (like when a cartoon is yelping for its life). At the end of the third dream, I saw people in the distance, all sitting in front of a TV. *Demons were around the entire time in all of these dreams.
Anyways, I see that they have magazine cutout eyes on each of their eyes. Once they were done watching what they were watching, the TV turned off, and they looked off into the distance, discombobulated.
The magazine cutout eyes were all topsy-turvey. Someone had a blue-colored magazine eye, and it was switched with someone's brown-colored magazine eye. Someone had a green cutout eye, and it was changed with another person's cutout eye and etc. They were like zombies.
I ran as fast as I could to my left and willingly jumped off a cliff with everything I had. As I was jumping off of the cliff, I yelled, "At least I'll be with Gooooodddddd!!!!!!...." That was the end of the 3rd dream.
Yadhira: United States
Today august 25, 2022, I had fallen asleep at about 4 am after working out at the gym. I remember falling asleep with my cross on my chest (necklace).
In my dream, I am driving with a friend somewhere, and all I can feel is the earth shaking. I see people get out of their cars and notice that some are not in theirs.
I look up at the sky and see people walking into the clouds and immediately know it is the rapture because I could see everyone following Jesus.
I immediately tell my friend that the rapture is happening, and he doesn’t believe me. He tells me that God isn’t real; then, he notices people walking in the sky.
I immediately started praying and telling God to take care of my family, hoping everything would be okay.
I turned around and saw goblins and demons trying to kill me. I managed to kill one. The 2nd demon I saw actually killed me cause it stabbed me in the chest; that is when I woke up.
The wild thing about it is that where he stabbed me is exactly where I was holding my cross when I woke up.
That was one real wake-up call from God.
Charlee: Country
While I was dreaming, I remember hanging out with my friends in this really tall parking lot in this big city, and you could see the other building plus the nature sights.
Well, we were just chilling when suddenly I saw a wave of water overtake the city. My friends panicked as well as everyone else, and a lot of people, even some of my friends, got pushed off the side of the building (parking garage).
And then buildings started to collapse, and people began to die, and then I started to repent, and I got killed by a building falling on me, but I accepted it.
When I died, I confessed my thoughts to god and Jesus before they said anything. Then I heard Jesus speak. He had handed me these golden necklaces that resembled good behavior rewards. I think these resembled the crowns you earn when you go to judgment day.
Anyway, as he speaks, I get a wave of happiness and relief. This feeling is way different than any human emotion I’ve ever felt in my whole life. I started crying in my sleep, and I was so happy. He opened the gates of heaven to me, and I was blessed.
But then, in my dream, I apparently came out of a trans, and my friends were recording me. I was having visions of the future in my dream that was in my dream. I saved a lot of lives in the 2nd chance I had to be alive at that moment.
I went around warning people that they must repent, for the world was gonna end soon. No one really believed me, but some people did better than none!
Bernadette: United States
Five yrs. ago I dreamt the Monongahela River (Pittsburgh, PA area) was rising rapidly. My house is high on the hill above the river.
The basement filled up with water, and my folks/large dog & I left. We climbed higher up the hill.
I'm a balanced thinking Christian who sensed this was a warning to all.
Kayla: United States
February 19, 2022
I don’t remember all what happened, what was said, or what went down afterwards, but in this dream, I can remember that it took place in which seemed to be an underground bunker or something of sorts.
It was me, a Tik-Toker that I follow that goes by the name Lexi Fountain, and a third person who wasn’t visible, but I knew and could sense was there; we were situated roundabout a table. I was sitting across from Lexi, and she was sitting across from me, and the other person was sitting off to the side on the right.
Vaguely, I can’t really recall whether something was said or broadcasted on the news, or you know, megaphone phone thing like the alarm sirens. However, I can’t remember what was told or said, but I know that afterwards, I was looking at Lexi, and I asked, “what will happen?”
And she responded, “We won’t change.” And started to weep soberly, then I began to think of my sister, her being off somewhere by herself, hoping she knew of the news and such. Then I asked a while afterwards something like, “should we go out, gather and store up food just in case?” And both Lexi and the other nodded their head in agreement.
So then the next part of the dream:
I was by myself outside in this big open field with a few gates right next to me and a sort of abandoned building.
Seeing imagines/vision or either I was picturing/thinking of tall grass plants that I could destroy and get seeds from, so I can use them to grow crops like in Minecraft and afterwards I was going to go find my sister so that we could be together.
The outside didn’t look any different though it looked the same: clear skies and everything intact aside from the fact that it was very empty and quiet, even still I knew the world was different even though there weren’t physical signs of changes.
(I inquired about this dream to the Lord earlier today, and then hours later, I went back to thinking about the dream and felt lightly in my spirit and heart that this dream could be about a famine in the land.) so a warning dream? I guess
Additionally, I would love to hear others’ opinions and thoughts, but I will still inquire about this with Lord.
I dreamed I was walking with a friend when what appeared to be far off was a snow avalanche coming towards us.
I was shocked to see this, but as it got closer and closer, we realized we needed to run.
When we turned to run the other way, a smaller avalanche was approaching fast towards us from behind, and we had no way of escape.
Then my phone rang and woke me up.
Jenni: Australia
I had a very strange dream at 4 am this morning. Everything was grey. People were lined up along the shores of this beach on an embankment that went for miles... everyone was looking out to the sea.
I was wondering what they were looking at and what they were waiting for. Then I heard a voice in the distance getting closer and closer to me saying, Repent! Repent! Repent!
The voice was behind the crowds of people making its way all along the beach. I felt an urgency that something big was about to happen.
I am not sure if the people were waiting for the tide to go out. I remember seeing a narrow path that led into the sea... I recall looking down from where I was standing, and there was a little worn-out pathway.
In the middle of this narrow pathway was a perfectly round white boulder about a metre high and a metre wide right in front of me... and I was about to walk around it when someone put their foot on the boulder, trying to roll it down the embankment.
Still, it would not budge when it could have easily done so, and I couldn't understand why it wouldn't budge...
Soon after, I heard crowds of people coming from behind those of us on the shore; they were breaking the silence and seemed to be panicked and stressed.
They couldn't get past those of us already standing there and were crying out, begging to join us, but they weren't able to. Then my dream ended...
I woke up feeling bewildered and a sense of loss and hopelessness. I wanted to help the people but couldn't.
I am still trying to work this dream out and don't understand the significance of that rock.
One thing though, I believe God is telling me to warn people and tell them time is almost up.
Caroline: United Kingdom
Is this a warning?
I had a dream of somebody cutting something with a sword so loudly it woke me up. I could physically hear it.
Bernadette: United States
2021 dream of seeing large, stockpiled
bombs near my USA home. In the dream it
was a warning those bombs were from another country in an attempt to destroy America.
Kaly: United States
I had a dream/vision on 12/22/2021 that my sister was telling me to go swim with this shark with her.
She said, he will teach you how to swim like a dolphin, perfectly! And she was so excited about it I thought it sounded cool too, so I went with her.
I stepped in the water, and the shark was there looking at me. It stuck out its teeth all the way... I said to her, how do you know it won't attack us when we are swimming? I don't trust that at all.
It looked like it was just waiting, I don't know how to explain it, but she seemed completely convinced it was all good.
I think it was a warning kind of dream? How the devil deceives us. Sometimes you are easily fooled.
Jerika: United States
I had a dream that everybody floated away, and I asked God if I go to heaven, and he said no. what does that mean?
Ma: Country
My dream started with me at my in-laws. We were getting ready to go to yard sales. My kids were in the truck with their grandmother.
My husband and his mom's boyfriend, and I were walking to the truck, and all of a sudden, a loud noise happened, and the sky turned dark.
A bright white beam of light came down and covered the truck, and at each wheel was a creature-looking thing. The light lasted for maybe 5 seconds, then the truck and creatures disappeared.
Then we started seeing these lights beam down and disappear everywhere. The ground shook, and I Started seeing red in the sky, and fire shot down like lightning bolts.
Then I heard growling; I looked to my left, and wolves were approaching us. The men ran inside, but I stayed to fight the wolves. When the first wolf got close enough to bite, I woke up.
Cheniera: United States
I had a dream that I was sitting on a rooftop, and I looked up at the clouds and Jesus' Face Appeared In the clouds, and he told me trouble is coming and to watch out.
So I turned around and asked my sister, did you see Jesus in the clouds, and she said no.
I started seeing people walking around like zombies. Something about my dream because I never dreamed about Jesus Before.
Jamie: United States
I was on some sort of lift, tied up and high in the air in this dark place, and I knew I was headed to be burned as a punishment.
As the lift moved forward, I kept looking up, hoping Jesus would come to get me before I touched the fire. I did this two times.
Then I got close enough to hear a lady screaming in agony as she was burned up, I couldn't see anything but darkness and cement, but I knew I was close to my end. I felt a moment of panic.
L.S: United States
I dreamt that I had a family gathering, so I wanted to take time out for myself and sit by the window. While I was looking out, I saw an enormous puffy dark grey cloud in the sky, and from the clouds, I saw demon-like shadow fingerings flying out of it.
I ran and warned my family about what I saw. Deep down, I was feeling bad because I was thinking of the children and what they’d have to endure. But I couldn’t find any kids; they were all gone.
I turned to all my family members and started telling them to pray!! Let’s pray!! I repeatedly said.
I woke up. I was scared; it felt real!!
I’ve never in my life dreamt something like this.
Prior to this dream, I had been praying for God to give me the spirit of discernment and to open my eye and see spiritually.
Gisselle: United States
Hello there, I just had a dream about this last night. I looked outside my window, and the sky was absolutely beautiful, and when I looked up, you could only see half of God’s body, and the rest was covered with the clouds.
The world seemed different, and it was like God was telling us that it’s not too late, you still got time but that he was coming back soon; he didn’t say it to me, but from what I saw in my dream, that’s what I got from it.
If anyone can tell me what this means, I’d love to hear more. I believe our dreams always have something to tell us.
Taryn: South Africa
This morning I had a dream that I and people I didn't recognize was standing at the beach watching the waves get stronger and stronger.
The ocean level got higher and higher; then it suddenly got high enough that it started to spread on the grass.
Next, I was at my daughter's school, holding her and running up to the school's second floor with many other people. Then I realized this school building had no chance against this hugh wave.
I knew that God was angry, he was angry at all of us, and he's going to reap throughout the world; it's time.
I then started to pray.
And I wrote on a window on the side the wave was going to hit; I wrote my daughters name, and then wrote Father please forgive us all, and then just as the wave was about to hit, it stopped as if there was a wall stopping it; but there was nothing there.
It just stopped, and the water was so high and stopped right there by the school, and the water was standing dead; still, it was so calm, and God forgave us all, and I woke up.
This dream had felt so real; He is returning, and the time for that is so near.
Jewelia: United States
I had a dream that my children and I were high up in a tall building I'd say about 15 floors there were explosions and a lot of commotion going on outside the news was on, and I was scared and worried and my three children where holding
Onto me crying. I didn't know what was going on, but I knew it was the end of the world. I just knew I was saying goodbye to my children for the last time.
As I looked out the big open sliding glass window, I see grey figures shooting up towards the sky I got really frightened as I saw one start to float towards the window.
It was a man all grey, and he just looked at me and smiled and said, "are you ready?" And then proceeded to fly upwards, I then woke up.
It was so real and emotional, but I took comfort hearing him say, "Am I ready," insinuating I was coming to, lol.
Jamie: United States
I was observing war starting in the USA. Explosions, planes, and soldiers.
*Last night before bed I was praying for confirmation about my dream of the USA being invaded by Russia.
Warning Dreams by Jamie: United States
I was laying in bed with my husband and looking out the window. There was a lady present too but not physically, maybe online since I was holding my phone.
The sun just went out, and it was suddenly dark. The lady repeated, "the sun just went out, it exploded!" in an exclaiming voice. There was a sense of fear. I remembered in the dream that I'd had a dream about night turning into day, and I thought, ok, where's the light? I saw bright flashes in the sky.
I heard a sound and saw silver canisters flying in the air, hundreds of them. They sounded like planes but looked more like barrels. My husband looked out to see them too. These were in a daytime sky strangely. I thought they were bombs.
I was in my Rv looking out the window, and it was daytime. I saw a huge wave coming my way, and our Rv seemed to be nearer to the ocean than it is in reality. I knew I could only trust God to protect me; there was nothing else that could be done.
I was observing a line of people being given authority to vaccinate others. There was a small group of people giving the orders to the line of people.
The first person was a lady in an old-style nurse uniform; she held a needle up in one hand and had a wide smile. She was being sent into the prisons to start on the inmate population.
The others are not clear; these people had an evil vibe about them. There was a great feeling of deception here.
Some huge earthquakes in California, as though it was going to be massive. I saw a cloud of dust hovering over the whole state from the shaking
Anthony: United States
I had a dream in 2019 about a house being on fire.
That very next day, an old friend of mine house caught on fire and burned everything.
Julie: United States
I had a dream that I was sleeping, and I heard the sound of the trumpet. I don't know if it was a vision, but I saw my soul leave my body.
Then I saw a beautiful Crystal light that looked like heaven. I saw angels in heaven. I saw my mom and me as angels.
Then I looked down, and many people had been left behind in shame. All the people that were left behind were crying to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior, but it was too late.
I guess Jesus was showing me time is running out.
Brook: United States
God started giving me visions around the age of 10. I grew up with my grandparents; I had these dreams for little over a month; he showed me my grandmother's house burning down. I can see the house burning over and over every night as I slept. It was the same dream. I would wake up in cold sweat crying; the day after we cleaned the house before we moved, the whole house went up into flames.
It started in the kitchen right next to my bedroom, where I slept. I thank god for allowing me to see that I told my grandmother, but she didn’t believe me till she had the same dream, and we moved. I’m glad she listened to me and saw the same vision; it was only God I still get visions and see events happen before it happens. It’s scary and frightening because you don’t know when it will happen, but you know it’s coming.
Makayla: United States
I was sitting down eating with 2 of my good friends and maybe some other people I couldn’t quite put a face to. We finished eating and got back in the car, and when we did, the sky turned dark.
I remember feeling this incredibly bright and warm light to my right and thinking, “This is Jesus He’s coming back right now!” I started praying and declaring Him as Lord of my life and asking him to forgive me and save my soul, but it was as if he didn’t hear me? I could feel him, but it felt like He ignored me?
My friends and I jumped out of the car, and kept walking forward. Jesus was on earth, taking people around us, but we couldn’t really see him only His bright light. He was so fast, and it was as if he was cutting other people down at the same time declaring they never knew Him.
I felt as if he told me, “I’ll give you one more day as another chance” It was surreal.
Sherrill: United Kingdom
I was in the street with my husband and teenage daughter (age 18). I looked up at the sky and the clouds were moving and shaping rapidly. I knew the rapture was about to begin.
I quickly asked Jesus to forgive me for my sins (my husband does this every night before bed) and I started to rise up in slow-motion towards the sky.
My husband looked at me and held out his hand which I grabbed. He was rising with me and we both looked down to see that my daughter remained on earth, she was facing in the opposite direction looking at others rising to heaven.
Then I awoke. The dream was really vivid and I felt sad about my daughter, as I am concerned about her salvation.
I had another dream around 5 years ago where there were thousands of locusts far up in the sky. As they drew closer to earth they were like thousands of army (dark grey) helicopters. It was scary but they were actually taking people to heaven. I was just about to be lifted up and then I awoke. It felt like a warning!
Sky: United States
So, when I was in college, I went to bed like any ordinary night.
I sometimes remember my dreams but not super often, but this one is clear about the return of Jesus.
I don't know where I was/the setting, but it was dark outside, and I was just walking somewhere.
All of a sudden, I just got this feeling and didn't know what it was.
Then everything goes foggy and darker, and I was scared at first because I didn't know what was happening, but I had a feeling it was Jesus.
Suddenly the sky breaks open with light and everyone, EVERYONE stops what they're doing and drops to their knees and stares in awe (i did at least). I had no words, just feeling.
There was no more confusion, He was here, and I felt so overwhelmed with love and feelings I can describe.
All I remember after that was my heart and mind begging him to take me.
I don't remember feeling lifted or like heading toward heaven, and that kind of scares me. Obviously, I want to be taken to heaven, so I'm going to take it as a warning I need to better myself and really connect with Him.
Sev: Philippines
When I was 18, I dream't vividly of the last judgment. I was in an area (looks like the narrow streets in Jerusalem), and I was queuing in line. When I reached the end, it seems like I was at the edge of a broken bridge, and there was a man in white standing there.
I asked, what is this? and he replied, "this is the last judgment." On the horizon, I saw a mountain with a throne at the top, and someone dressed in white was sitting on it. The clouds were dark like when a storm is coming.
I dream't this when I was still unsaved.
Recently, I dream't of my brother saying to me that the rapture is near. I asked him when and he wouldn't reply.
Eddie: South Africa
Please pray for me. I need to feel the presence of God in my life again. I am now 74.
When I was 17, I had a vivid vision. It was real; I woke up shaking and crying.
In the vision, a cloud of fire appeared, and the most beautiful voice spoke to me and said," Do not be afraid I am the Lord your God. Beware of change". I gave my heart to Jesus and have served Him from that time until now. But I have never really understood what God was warning me about. Lately, I can not stop contemplating and trying to understand the vision. Please pray that I can understand what God was telling me.
God bless you
Annie: Trinidad and Tobago
I dreamt that I was standing on a seashore with a relative and lots of people. We were all strangers there for no particular reason when suddenly, a bright light came from the grey sky.
It was like a flash except it stayed while words written in a language that looks like Aramaic were written. It was in lines, and it lasted for maybe a minute or more. Loud music was played that could be an organ.
When it ended, the words disappear, and the sea became rough as if a storm was coming. There was a long building that resembles one from Rome on the seashore. People moved away, and no one could understand what happened
Jayonnah: United States
I had a dream that I was with my family and the sky was turning red, and I looked at my grandmother, and she told me, "God is coming back," so I said goodbye and held my grandmother's hand.
It took us only seconds to die, and then I saw my grandmother and a voice said she was promised to go to heaven; then she went to heaven, and it was just me.
But people were asking questions, and I have felt that they were of the devil, and could sense this even without them telling me. It was crazy because they looked exactly like real human beings; then i woke up.
I think it was a sign of God telling me to straighten up my life.
Rachael: United States
I had my dream sometime back in 2012. I had a dream that I was walking down the street in downtown Fort Worth, Texas, but the sky was a bright color like the atmosphere itself was on fire. And it looked like everything around me had been melted with some heat coming from above. And there was no one else around that I could see.
I walked under the nearest Little Bus Station area, and I noticed a man sitting down laying his head sideways and in a black jacket of some kind with the hood over his head.
When I went to tap his shoulder, he turned to ashes and ashes fell out of his clothes and his clothes fell to the ground.
And as I stood up to run away, I turned and saw a giant tornado spiraling out of control. It was in a street that was in the middle of the city. There were many glowing eyes in the whirlwind, and they would fly out of the tornado and go and pick up other people that were wandering around. At the time I had that dream I wasn't saved, so I think that's what would happen to people that aren't saved. And I believe God was warning me.
I believe that's what will happen after the Rapture. For the unsaved that aren't already in hell.
Gabrielle: Country
I Had A Dream That It Was Raining Really Hard It Was A Staircase In Front Of Me. I Saw Gods Face And Turned Around And Saw A Person With A Black Cloak Over Them.
I Turned To God because He Was Yelling At Me, I Couldn't Move While I Was Sleep, nor even Cry Out.
But I Was Crying In The Dream, and He Kept Yelling, Change Your Life. Change Your Life I Will Help, I will Help You Change Your Life, He Yelled.
I Began To fall, and was Screaming, Help Me Help Me; Then I Woke Up Crying, Asking, What Does He Mean, Why Didn't He Ask Me To Pray! What Does This Mean?
Breanna: United States
Maybe it was a warning to me; I’m pretty sure it was.
My dream was of me standing in a building with other people, and then everything blanked out; no electricity and a huge rumble right afterward, so I thought it was just an earthquake.
Someone else kept saying, oh god please don’t end us now. Then the earth violently shook. As we were all running for cover, I look outside and see a huge tussle of smoke rising from the ground, then an explosion.
One hundred bound boulders were starting falling from the sky, hitting and killing everyone around me.
Tony: United States
I have been dealing with sin lately, and I have seen Jesus twice in my dreams, and in both dreams, he appeared to be the same. I see his blinding light, and as I look to him, I see him hovering over my head while I lay down in bed, and he says nothing. One of the dreams, he hovers towards the door and says, “You May Redeem Yourself,” then he leaves.
Well my dream was rather scary and simple. My friend, mom and I were sitting inside of our house. Suddenly my mom pointed out the window a little bit shocked and I looked outside.
The clouds swooped down to the earth for a moment and rose back into the sky right into the moon. The moon bounced around for a second, and there was a moment of silence before it exploded in front of our eyes.
I was terrified because I am quite gay and I was expecting to be sent to hell. A map appeared that basically showed hell and heaven.
I’d give more details but I’d have to think about it to really remember the whole story.
Leelee: Jamaica
I had a dream around four this morning that Jesus came. He was so tall, and came in the form of lightning, giving the world a part of his wrath through the light coming from his hands.
Jesus then disappeared, so I ran into a church to tell them all about what I had seen, and to show pictures.
Some believed, but some didn't; shortly after he came back and the people began to run away and hide. But I told them, there is no hiding place, the Lord knows all.
What is the meaning of this dream?
Kano: South Africa
A few years ago, I had a dream that I believe was divinely inspired by God.
I was amongst what seemed to be thousands of people from all over the world of different ethnicities and races. We were not in or outdoors (I can't explain exactly), but there was many of us, and we were walking towards Light.
We were steadily walking in an easterly direction, and darkness was following us. Just before it could overshadow me the picture faded, and I heard a voice say:
"Those who pursue darkness will be consumed by it."
I have not necessarily had a direct interpretation of this dream, but from some bible scripture, I come to at least understand what this means. ... God bless you.
Marilyn: United States
I was seeking answers about having a friend sleep over. I found the Spiritual Scriptures about sleeping in the same bed with someone without having sex is still a sin. He had come over after I knew it was wrong. I had told him not to come over, but he insisted.
As I closed my eyes to go to sleep I heard myself screaming in fear like I have never felt before. I woke up and jumped on top of the cover and covered up. It was the most terrifying feeling I have ever felt.
I thought, and still believe, that God spoke to me, Saying If you keep this up, you will be in danger of hell fire. Please explain to me what happened.
Ken Rom: Philippines
This is my second time for dreaming about God talking to me in my dream, and
I have a question; this second time I can't sleep very well because of thinking of what He told me in my dream.
He told of the things He will do for our world, and what chaos he will bring. He was angry with us and would release many flies with viruses all over the world.
Jennie: Australia
Prophecy and Warning:
It was a couple of months before 9/11. I dreamt that Jesus was standing beside a river holding a chalice filled with blood. He looked at me and said ‘blood will be spilled on the Hudson River. A couple of months after 9/11 I found out a friend of mine’s father was in the first plane.
Makoa: Canada
I had a dream last night at this vast looking forest outside somewhere, and it may or may not be somewhere on Earth. But considering that this was a dream, I was probably somewhere on the astral plane.
I don't really go to Church, but I have an incredible understanding of the universe, I used to meditate a lot, but now I can't even manage to balance out my school-fitness-spiritual life. Basically, there are 12 dimensions, and this is the 3rd one along with the 4th being time, anything beyond that goes beyond time.
I heard weird sounded birds and insects that don't sound like the birds and insects from our planet, and it sounded more or less like binaural beats. As soon as a holy white light exploded from the sky before I knew it, I was praying for something to come through.
I saw Jesus in a robe landing onto the middle of the forest with this huge open space at the center of it. He was speaking to me, but I am unable to hear him nor can I remember what he said from the dream.
Now I know my prayers are reaching God and the higher vibrations of light, but now I also know that I don't meditate enough to hear God's words. When I woke up, I was in another dream state in my room.
There was one white butterfly but several different kinds of moths, and when I startled them every single one except for the white butterfly turned into a wasp-like body structure with long deadly needles at the back, and I only touched them.
I had to defend myself and kill them all, but I did not want to hurt the white butterfly, I wonder what that part of the dream could mean.
Karen: Canada
I had a dream a few nights ago. First of all...last summer I was born again. Baptized in the river. I had this dream that I was with a group of people and a man who I did not know said that the world would end in 30 years and would be preempted by the world running out of oil
Miya: United States
Ok, last night (January 8, 2019) I had a dream that my mother and I were walking outside. All of a sudden I looked in the sky and the heavens begin to open in the sky. I instantly fell to my knees but when I started praying the heavens closed. I really don’t know what this dream means, but I’m going to infer that it meant that Jesus is coming back soon and when he comes back it’s going to be too late to repent.
Gabriella: United States
The Dream: My mother sent me to her car to grab something that she had forgotten. As I was walking back in, I looked at the sky (nighttime) and saw the moon. It was brighter and larger than usual. I walked into the living room with the rest of my family to try to tell them about the moon. But as soon I said, "Hey, guys-" I was cut off by my mom screaming an pointing out the window and into the sky, "Look!" We instantly turned and to the window to see a bright light about 20 feet off the ground in the middle of the street. We all stared. I was so frightened that I could not look away. I kept thinking 'Its finally happening." Suddenly, we were all outside (still staring). The bright light seemed to be Jesus or God with his arms wide open. Two angels were on each side of him. They were the most beautiful creatures I have ever seen! Everybody was standing on the sidewalks. Some were praying, crying, being joyful. They were making their way down the street. As they were doing this, people were rising only about 3 feet and gently being layed back down onto the ground and street. This was as if God was only taking their souls. God had passed me. I remember him taking my mother. For some reason, I couldn't find her body though. But I remember instantly dropping to my knees and crying out to Him, "God! I'm sorry! Please, God! Please!" Me and my siblings, as well as many others on the street, were praying and screaming to him as he continued down the street. The whole city was complete chaos. People were disappearing, and people were getting left behind. After screaming and crying to God, I woke up.
I told my mother what had happened as tears streamed down my face. She tells me that it's God speaking to me and I must listen. She says I must get right with God. And I really do, as well as others, for He is coming soon. We must be prepared. Amen
Armida: United States
A few months ago I had a dream that I was sitting in my mom's backyard on a beautiful sunny day. My mom had gone inside to use the bathroom, and I was sitting there with a tall can of beer in my hand. When I was about to take a drink, I saw the clouds moving and the sky opening up. I knew immediately it was Jesus coming. I got so happy and filled with joy. Thinking to myself, this is it; He is coming for us. At that point, I saw the beer in my hand, and my heart dropped and felt fear while I thought to myself, oh no am I going to make it up. Right after that, I woke up.
I woke up thinking was that a warning? I don't drink too much but will have a beer here and there.
Jayda: Country
It wasn't a dream, but I really think it was a sign that I needed to get my act together. I was in sin with a group of friends of mine, and I looked up, and we could see a person pushing someone in the mountains (the clouds looked like mountains), and I could honestly see something being pushed into the made-up mountains. It really stuck with me, and I feel like it was God's way of saying, your following, or something, I don't know.
Kenton: United States
In a dream. I was having a party, and I was in the shower getting ready for the party when all of a sudden people were in the restroom, and the party was going on.
I saw an old friend while I was still in the shower. I could see through the upper part of the curtain. We started talking about something, and I don't remember what it was.
Immediately I was dressed and walking around, and a girl grabs me. She pulls me close. We're face to face. I haven't ever been face to face with someone in a dream. We were so close I could see her eyes. They were brown, but with this fire glazing on the brown.
I don't experience this often. One time when I had a dream about the devil I could see eyes of fire.
This was different; she's yelling but not in anger. telling me, "Leave, or you will die." I asked why and I was asking other questions. She just repeated it.
I pulled from her and was worried, but seemed to ignore it though.
So again a little bit later, the same thing happened. At the end, the girl said, "meet me outside." I go outside, and she's there. Again, she grabs me and pulls me close and says the same thing, "Leave, or you will die." I ask what she means. She tells me "Don't you see, your friend is trying to kill you," it was the old friend from the beginning of the dream.
I woke up and immediately thought it was something from God. That night I had prayed to God to come in a dream or to send Jesus, or an Angel. I think it was him. I just need help interpreting.
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Message Of Jesus
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