KM: United States
During the sunset, I looked to the west with my door open and looked up for a bit. It was a triangular shape with an EYE blinking in the middle. I couldn't stop looking at it because I'd never seen it. I don't know what's happening, but something big is about to happen. And this was no dream.
Hakeem: United States
My name is Hakeem, and I am 27 years old. I saw a rainbow vision when I was a kid and grew up seeing them in visions. But I want to know what that means for me. And I always have dreams bout my mom. Can she be in heaven?
J: United States
I rarely remember my dreams, but I remember these three vividly.
1: As a kid, I dreamed I saw Jesus with a broom sweeping. It was a quick, simple dream.
2: In 2019, I had a dream in which my mom told me to put on a suit because we were going to a wedding. We walked into the church; then I remember a man saying Follow me. Then I ended up outside playing tennis for a few seconds (Which is weird cause I never play that), then other people and I were all digging in the ground for these round gold and bronze things. I don't know what they were. Then as I'm looking at the ground, I hear people screaming. I turned, and there was a man or woman with arms Spread open to the Sky, praying very loud. We looked at the sky, and it became dark, and then part of the sky started to part and opened up. The screaming continued, then I said the Rapture was about to happen. I woke up with my heart beating fast. I checked on my son to see if he was still in bed to make sure I did not miss the Rapture.
3: this year, I had one where I was looking through the window of a local building in my city, and I saw many people putting on white robes over their clothes.
Prince: Malaysia
March 28, 2020:
I had a vision of 5 countries that would be at war... I'm a little afraid now of what it would cause suffering to other countries. Has anyone had similar visions?
Finally: Philippines
Hi, Since entering 2020, there have been numerous times I have encountered/visions and peculiar dreams. I've listed them all because I want answers and wanted people to know if there has been a meaning. Here it goes:
Mid-January, 2020. Suffering severe depression and anxiety then, I isolated myself from my family. Slept through the night on the rooftop. Everything feels different; the wind is still, and mists are everywhere. Resilient- is what the word. I feel it coming, and I don't know what, but it is coming. I woke up, staring directly at the yellow Moon; the only word my mind could only utter was, "Jesus."
January 22, 2020. Dreaming in a pitch-black void, consciousness is active. I woke up at the sudden horn blasting. I don't know where the noise came from, and the residents here didn't hear it.
February 2, 2020. Dreamed about different colored coins scattered at the beach, floating and glowing against the light of the moon. While chased by a demon underground, I saw a man in a white robe. It was like I had known him for years, so I let him hit the chasing demon. When I get to where his position, he is gone. I noticed myself wearing a blue robe and having wings.
March 8, 2020. I'm feasting with my closest relatives, and though there are food shortages, all I can feel and think at that time is, "consume all you want while we wait for his coming." I go out to our rooftop, watching the pitch-black with dark blue hues swirling, rainbow-like shape, except it's just white. There are no stars and no moon. Everything is dark. I woke up with a thought, "redemption is near."
That's just it. For now, I hope this is not just a senseless dream and false hope. My soul is in chaos; we want to go home now. I hope he comes as soon as he can. :)
May God bless us all.
Bradley: United States
I saw something like a cannon of light being shot into the sky, opening the clouds, and everything underneath the cannon was being sucked into it. After a hand takes the cannon of light away, making it smaller leaving a pair of hands together cradled with a ball of light in the middle...
Kira: United States
I dreamed about purple snow falling from the sky and a voice that spoke to me.
According to Understanding the Dreams, You Dream" by Ira Milligan,
The color purple can mean: to rule, majestic, noble
Snow can mean pure, grace; covered, unrevealed; unfulfilled.
Ivan: Philippines
I have a dream blue light candle, and there's a tall unknown person with white clothes and curly hair to the shoulder and a stairway with an arc..what is the meaning of that?
Cristine: Philippines
I saw a light coming from the clouds, and I told the people, "Jesus is here, Jesus is here," but I could see no other people in that place, specifically in the mountain, and I felt like no one was listening to me.
In another dream, I saw lots of people dressed in white, standing facing the light from heaven, and I was hiding behind my mom's back. I remember the feeling of fear in me.
Another was when my mom and I were swimming in bloody water, then we rose and were at the top of the mountain with no other people.
Then the recent one is scary. On 5/1/19, I dreamed about asking my Tita what's time. Then she responded, saying it's already 11 and is near 12. I saw three clocks, water, and the people, including me, seem like celebrating, and something was falling from the clouds; I'm not sure if its a snow or what, but I'm pretty sure it was not raining. After that, I woke up because it felt like someone had touched my right pulse, but I was alone in my room that night.
Raymond: Philippines
A few months ago, I dreamed of becoming like our Lord Jesus. In the dream, a man was standing in front of me (there was a garden fence between that man and me). He told me.. "after three days, you will rise from the dead.." then, I had this thought that this man was telling me that I am Jesus. After he said those words, my vision turned white (all I could see was white light). Then, gradually, I could see a clearer picture of my surroundings, the sky and clouds around me. I felt like I was coming down from the sky to the earth; I felt like falling but slowly. Then, I thought, am I, Jesus? I've tried to prove that point by looking at my hands. Then, I looked into my two hands; I saw my hands were pierced. I looked below while coming down. I saw many people gathered, and they all looked up to me. I never saw their faces above, but I can see their inner-self. Their bodies are transparent, and I can see a burning fire inside them. I could see only two colors of the blazing fire, and that was black and white.
I saw mixed people with burning black or white fire on them. When I was about to reach the land, I saw an army waiting for me, and the soldiers were lined up two side by side, which lined up my path. Between the two lines of the military is a soldier (it seems like the general) waiting for me to land. When I landed, he escorted me to the tunnel. All I remember after that was the general leading me to the tunnel and inside the tunnel was a group of people seated around the table, which looked like they were waiting for me. (it seems like there is going to be a meeting, and they are waiting for me), then I woke up...
Wanda: United States
I dreamt that I was holding a small glass bottle of anointing oil. Suddenly, it exploded, and though there was a small amount of clear oil in the vial, it became a lot of thick oil that covered my whole right hand. It was a vibrant, electric blue color. I was shocked and didn't know how to get it off. Suddenly, lightning quick, it all absorbed into my right palm. I could see it right under the skin for a moment, and then it completely absorbed and was gone.
Kathy: United States
A dream about bridges.
Douglas: United States
The church was outside at night, and I couldn't see anybody in the darkness.
The only person I recognized in the spirit was when the church apostle walked past me down to a building. What does this dream mean? I can't forget it.
Pam: United States
A woman in the church is seen to meet in a hallway; we will not acknowledge each other, but I know her, and she chooses to be a rival. As we come to this room, I'm under the impression the apartment is mine. Our pastor comes out and says the bathroom is clean. I look from where he came & there's a bathroom; I continue to look around the room; there is a bed made up with a white-on-white chinchilla spread. Our pastor continues to another dark place, and I can't see anything in it; the lady follows the pastor through the door. As I proceed to follow, I look up above the bed is a circular white on the white ceiling. All of a sudden, the ceiling starts cracking. I look at it as the sister is on the other side of the door across the threshold of the dark room. I can't quite remember what I thought as the ceiling pieces started to drop. I remember looking from the roof to the door room to see the sister and wondering if O should follow my pastor.
Filip: Czech Republic
I had a strange dream about being small; then, in that dream walked a few steps into my room and opened the door. I looked at both palms of my hands and saw my own eyes in them; they winked, and I fell into darkness, paralyzed. I was trying to move physically but was paralyzed, seeing nothing, just dark and deaf. I will be very glad for every feedback that could help explain the meaning.
Joyce: United States
I had a dream back in biblical times; I was high in the air, and there was a crown tossed from below me, and it fell on my head almost like something magical like it was the perfect fit, like a crown of thrones, and I saw the gold specks when it landed on my head, but the specks vanished.
Marie: Australia
My name is Marie. I was reborn in Christ; God has talked to me since then, and I am very happy. He brings me joy and peace, I love him so much, and I have visions every time I pray. I would like to know what this means. My vision was about a gold lake, everything was shining, and the wall to the wall was white but very beautiful, just sparkling. Please, could you help me? God bless you, thank you.
Mk: United States
I have dreamed of the face of Mary Virgin Mary appearing in the sky.
Leigh: South Africa
I dreamt of a man standing beside my bed shining a bright light, and I couldn't see his face, and he breathed air into my body. What does this mean?
Felicia: United States
What do praying hands with a wedding ring and three falling rocks mean?
Carol: Canada
Early morning, sleeping in bed. Woke up - slowly opened my eyes. I saw - a very bright 'tube' or 'scroll' or 'portal' of light (perhaps 5 feet in length) running along the ceiling over top of the curtain rod (which was mounted very close to the ceiling). The light was NOT like sunlight - it was brighter. (Normally, the room would be dark with a blackout blind, not allowing much natural light to escape from the top of the curtain!) From the end of this 'tube' of light came something that appeared to reach/stretch towards me - it 'seemed' like perhaps an arm with a hand stretched out in my direction. It was ALL very bright and illuminated, and I couldn't make out any details. This took seconds only, and when I closed my eyes and opened them again - it was gone. Before this, I had been experiencing some feelings of deep depression and questioning the Lord regarding what we - as God's children - were to expect during Tribulation.
Silvia: Tanzania
I dreamt that the statue of Jesus Christ broke into my hands. What does it mean?
Interpretation, by Peter: Australia:
Jesus is not a statue.
He wants a relationship with you. Hands speak of 'grace.' He wants to 'break' into your life if you will allow him. Not only will He use you to bear fruit, *"the more grace you need, the more grace He will supply."
Scriptures: John 1:16
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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