Olayinka: Ireland
I had felt that something is pressing me and screamed so loud and called JESUS and woke up
Michelle: Country
I had a dream of a face with a fiery halo
Cynthia: United States
I dream I was weary a white bathrobe at church. I was giving God praises and dancing in a church. I couldn't stop giving God praises. Then I realize I had on a dress that was fitting with different colors, so I cover myself with this white bathrobe. Then I want back giving God praises. Then when stop of the sister at church said to me, she will give me a ride home.
Nell: United States
I was outside,cars were falling out the sky, cars didn't crash, and the people got out the car walking backwards, and I woke up.
Joscelyn: Bahrain
I keep seeing a road leading to an open horizon or clouds.....a woman with a child
Christopher: United States
I had a dream that my name wasn't in the book of Life there were several other people there with me I can't remember their faces nor could I remember the names that were in the book (though they were all short names there names only consisted of 3 to maybe 6 letters) many pages of the book were empty
Karen: United States
This morning right before 2 am sometime I had a dream that I was walking the streets of some biblical place with a woman. She wore some type of beige clothing and she had on sandals. The streets were very stone and I remembered that because it was like my feet hurt. She told me never to enter the temple barefoot. Then she took me up to a place where there was a ladder and then she disappeared but I sat there staring at a woman who was holding a baby but I couldn't see the infant. Later I realized it was Mary and Jesus. She took me back to the temple where I had to climb back down from the site where I saw her and the baby & then I awakened. First time I've ever had a dream that took me to a biblical place.
Lydia: United States
I dreamt twice about the "Book of John" saying twice with beautiful, unheard before, music from heaven.
Another one: I was inside of the person who preaches about the Book of John and saw so many people who looked joyful and praised His name over and over again. I wasn't sure if it was telling me that it will happen to me in the future, or perhaps be there with the crowd? What was it trying to tell me twice about the "Book of John"?
Partha : India
Two people son and father as actor rajbabbar is son AND father as actor prokash jh is father both on their mission, they are facing conflict of others, father is deprided at last father and son reached on the way, is retained to jail , others are trying to cut on them by axes, broke the gate and entered, all prossed the hits of axes to meet the trees as a statue of those who are watching during sleeping
Nerry : Australia
I had a dream where a cheerful young boy was showing 5 mansions, with huge gates and there were magnificent clouds and light in the background. It was very beautiful but I was only focused on one house. For some reason the number '5' resonated with me; there were 5 houses but also, the meaning of 5 days - which I did not understand. There was also a feeling within me where I thought it was a phase assessment before you entered the sky.
Nicole: Canada
I was praying with a group for healing the other day when someone had a vision of an old knife. Used for cutting. From days of old during bible times.
The sickness Im going thru has to do with something from my past and the knife had something to do with intercessory prayer but uncertain about that.could you shed light on that for me?
Bonita: United States
My dream was I walking down a side walk look at the sky and it opened up very beautiful people where walking back and forth and out of heavens comes these tall men placing tiki lamps on each side of me one by one then I saw a lot of gold light falling and then changing into white horses then I woke the place was so beautiful and peaceful to me
Rebecca: South Africa
I have been praying a lot lately,so last night when i sleep asked God to show me a sign that He hears my prayers or maybe there is something i do wrong.in my sleep i saw multitudes of people is if they are going some where,while i am asking myself what is going on to my surprise i lifted my head,i am someone who looks where she's at/around.i saw a huge cloud black,long hair,beard,nose,mouth and eyes,The face just said "come,come in a loud voice,after that instead of all this people to go to the voice then under the cloud appeared a man,this man was naked and all this people went to this man,he performed some kind of ritual,then i woke up,around 3 am
Charles: Nigeria
I saw the cloud open and a white car run down and to my place and when i check i saw greeting card but still don't know where it coming from
SONSHINE: United States
I dreamed that the choir was singing and I was sweeping leaves and dirt from in front of them. the more I swept, the worser it got
Shanyatta: United States
I was asleep and in my dream a calm rushed over me, and an amazing blessing happened. I WOKE UP BEFORE I SAW IT though. When I opened my eyes I had my hands raised shouting, "Thank You Jesus". I was doing this while sleep to and didn't know it.
Christine: China
I dreamt I was talking to my friend and she was not really listening,and she told me there is a super natural power on that corn
David: Kenya
I was sleeping then I saw this bright light ascending from the horizon at night and when it reached in the middle right above me it was so strong I could not stand it,later I found myself in a temple where I was looking at an old scroll, then I woke up shaking
Layna: United States
I dreamt of a fist and a rope coming through the clouds and I felt like God was taking me
What does that mean
Seanna: Jamaica
I was washing some clothes and a dog in a plastic basin at a park and the dog jumps out the basin and I run after to him to get him and clothes back into the water and two men one whom I know and the I'm not sure I recognize his face start coming toward me and I say stop and collect dog and clothes and headed back to basin but when I turned around they weren't there
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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Message Of Jesus
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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802