Neil: Philippines
I had the strangest dream today! I re-applied with my previous company and got hired despite of my AWOL status. I fell in love with someone who’s blind during our training. And lastly, we both went to church, and I saw Jesus on his cross, madly screaming out on me like he wants me to leave. Oh my, can’t breathe. The growl on his voice was very scary!
Jo Ann: United States
I had the following vision from our Lord God on March 30, 2013, at 6:10 am:
I saw land across the bottom of the scene and the stars in the night sky above the horizon. A very large white cloud kept appearing in the center of the scene. I then saw for a moment the silhouettes of two upright wood poles on the land. I realized they were for crosses.
One wood pole was on the right side of the scene, and the other wood pole was on the left side. A bright golden light also appeared for a moment in the upper part of the night sky. I then heard Jesus Christ say, "He who knew me loves me." The vision ended.
"Then they said to Him, "Where is Your Father? Yeshua answered, "You know neither Me nor My Father. If you knew Me, you would know My Father also." (John 8:19)
Please know and accept Jesus Christ quickly. The only way to the Father in heaven is through Jesus Christ.
Thank You, Father God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit!
March 31, 2020
Deissy: United States
Okay, so since I’ve gotten pregnant, I began to get closer to God.
Mind you never had one of these dreams. So a few days back, I had this amazing dream that I will never forget..
I remember clearly that it was me and my mom fixing some tables outside, and I don’t remember where exactly, but we just there minded our business. When out of nowhere, I looked up in the sky where I saw these clouds, not these ordinary clouds we see every day.
The clouds looked like they were so low, but they were high up in the sky, and we were so amazed, just looking at them; they were moving wildly.
I will never forget that cloud that was shaped like a cross. Then I saw this figure, which looked like God walking down to the earth. I couldn’t see because he was so far up. I knew it was time, THAT TIME( the rapture time). Honestly, I can tell you that we didn’t feel scared at all.
I felt this peace come over my body. I didn’t ask questions, didn’t feel fear, and we didn’t even ask questions like where are my kids, which I love my kids. I just looked at my mom with this big smile on my face. Some tears because I was so happy to be experiencing this moment, even if it was just a dream.
Next thing I know, I saw this big ball of fire being thrown down to earth. I notice this bright light, super-bright white light as my mom and I were fading away, not because the fire hit us but because we were fading and going up with God. We didn’t look back; we were just fading away and felt like we were going up in the sky.
Unfortunately, I had to get up because pregnant ladies need to pee every 10 minutes. I did try to go back to that dream, but I couldn’t.
The night past and the next morning, I talked to God and told him how I felt. I told him and my whole family. I was so excited and blessed to have that dream.
I wish I could dream about it again
Cilla: Malaysia
It was noon when I dreamed of Jesus. In my dream, I was sitting next to a window as if waiting for dor someone. I saw my neighbors and friends are visiting their houses.
Then when all was quiet again, I saw someone walking down from my neighbor's house nearer to my home. At first, he was like transparent, the nearer he came lights are getting brighter, wind a-blowing, a rainbow of lights start appearing. The feeling of so much happiness came to me as he passes by. When he was near, I saw it was Jesus. He almost missed my house, but he came back.
He came straight to the altar. However, the altar was full of clothes, and it was covered. I quickly cleared those and arranged the altar. Jesus saw the altar was in a mess, and he didn't like it.
Then I woke up, but the feeling of happiness has remained in my heart after seeing him.
John Paul: United States
I dreamt about the world having a huge flood, like the end of the world. The water comes very fast, and I was trying to climb a high place, but then Jesus appeared and took me with him, and The other people around me were left. Jesus was flying as he took me, and we went flying together around everywhere, and we were saving other people from the high waterflood. That's all that I remember. I think there's a little bit more, but I can't remember it anymore.
I hope to know what this dream means.
This dream was a couple of years ago. This was my first dream about Jesus, and it never happened again. I wish I can have more dreams with him. The feeling is unexplainable. No words can describe.
Jerome: South Africa
Dreaming about having the heart of Jesus in my body.
Deborah: Country
On July 18th, 2016 Jesus appeared to me in a dream I was standing in the universe somewhere with no sun; although I didn't realize it to my right there seemed like a wall a partition and with arms stretched wide dressed in white and a smile so big the teeth were bright white.
His forehead narrow and his dark skin eyes were beautiful big but not bulging wide eyes the love was of nothing to measure against shall I say uninterrupted, and I didn't know who was soaring to who faster I said I am so happy to see you and we were soaring towards each other he responded telepathically thank you for the amount of love you put on earth, and I immediately responded with I can do it in my sleep you are worth it.
I also reflected in my mind that earth seemed like a thousand years ago and it was on assignment because where I was there was nothing to offset love it was an everlasting state as we soared with the most familiar love I ever experienced.
It was like he was the love of my life and the only man I ever loved and felt he loved me equally uninterrupted and when we vapor hugged into each other I felt as though he was my father..the love was loud and beautiful amen
Jo Ann: United States
I received the following vision from our Lord God on March 6, 2015, at 9:20 am:
I was staring at the right side of a man's body. He was lying down motionless on the ground. I was to the right of him about two feet above his waist. His dark hair was just above his shoulders, and he had no shirt. I was suddenly moving toward the area below his ribs on the right side of his body. I went underneath his skin, and I realized the man was Jesus Christ. I had gone into His wound on the right side. I could only see gray, white, and black inside His body. I did not see red. The vision ended.
Because Jesus shed His blood to save us! Thank You, Jesus, for dying on the cross for us! Thank You, Father God, for Your redemption plan!
"For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood. This sacrifice shows that God was being fair when he held back and did not punish those who sinned in times past." (Romans 3:25)
April 2, 2020
Meagan: Canada
So it started in the fields on my little reservation.
I was in the fields and saw lots of train tracks stacked up high in a square shape, and I was on top. I saw people falling and panicking to get down, and somehow I managed to get off, and started walking to the riverside and on the road.
I saw my ex, but I didn't speak to him cause he left me for another woman, and God knew cause I prayed to Him to heal me, and something told me to go to the forest. While I was walking there, I saw the river was beside the trees, and they were huge like evergreens.
So my sister and I went strolling down a big hall inside the bush hidden, I had seen bright a blue and a purple flower, I said to my sister "look your favorite colour," and we walked down the hall leading to a massive door and flying by the door there was a thing in a black cape.
It came flying fast up to my face, but I didn't get scared, it went away right after that. The doors opened, and there was a mall. People were walking around normally, then the sudden flood happened, we were getting pulled to the end of the hall, some celebrities were in dressing rooms not noticing the flood, and the people got taken in a straight line going into a dark room with a chair lined up.
My sister and two cousins took seats beside each other; I was going to sit by them, but my sis took my seat, so I sat in the back row alone, and she came to me saying something that I don't remember, but I said, "go sit down quick and hide before you get caught," and that thing in the black cape looked at me.
My dream switched to a big flood in the community, people were drowning and trying to swim, and I was above it all. I heard a loud voice say, "let the devil take them away," and then my dream switched to me in a castle.
I saw him, and I said, "Jesus, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, my lord, and Saviour," he was walking with a crowd of people. He looked up at me and smiled, but it's a kind of a blur, I was so happy to see him, praising his name is joy.
I'm blessed with this dream. I know he is protecting me and wanted to show me something cause before this, I said to my sister I was taking a nap. I was going to write down my dream when I got up, and I was praying to him when I was heartbroken. My problems are just like a flood, and only he can walk on water to save me.
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Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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