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"Dreams and Visions
of Jesus Page 39"

Betty. David: United States

I was ready for bed, and as always, I pray to God. My mind was like it was in a tunnel. I couldn’t see anything at first. Then I saw his heart .the meaning behind the heart is that he will be with me always, and I shouldn’t worry. I’m a single senior sp I do concern myself with problems and talk to God about them. I know from the vision that he will be with me always.

Maya: Bosnia and Herzegovina

I saw Jesus lifting his hand towards me in a quick vision. then he disappeared.

Helunda: South Africa

While my friend prayed for me, holding my hands, I saw a vision. It was my kids and me on a beach. Jesus was there too. He holds out his hand to me, as if he wants to pull me forward, but very softly and kindly. I couldn't see where the beach is going. The ocean's water touches my feet, just a little, now and then...and then he holds my hand and walked with me. He was so friendly!!!!

Kenneth: United States

I was going through hard times I was in jail looking at a 25-year sentence. 

I was wrongfully accused. I sat in jail fighting a case for nearly three years, and every day I was in there, I was reading the bible and studying. I was always in meditation with the word of God ..with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

One day, I was lying down and praying and went into a vision; immediately, I was standing by a storm cellar with all my family. I couldn't get in the cellar; it was like some force was holding it down. And a dark tornado appeared coming toward me, and I was scared and hopeless.

 Suddenly I remembered Jesus would protect you in a storm, and I started praying, and in my vision appeared, Jesus hovering beside the tornado and where Jesus went, the tornado went. I kept trusting and praying to him, and He kept the tornado away from me, and I was safe. Then I woke up and meditated on my vision.

 I met Jesus even though I was in jail, struggling to prove my innocence. He would be right beside me the whole time through my storms in my life, and if I continue to trust Him and pray He would set me free and to this day, I have my freedom.

He will help anyone in their storms of life, just trust in Him, and everything else will follow, according to his will Amen.

Luke: Australia

I was out fishing on the beach, and was lifted into the spirit; it almost felt like at this time that I had faith in God. I never denied Jesus walked the earth but didn't accept him as Lord and Savior; my faith was flakey and without any direct belief,

My vision once lifted up I saw Jesus sitting on a rock with a lamb that he directed to me, and the lamb came towards me, this was before I even knew about the meaning of the lamb of God,

After this, the lord pressed on me very directly to get baptized, so I followed his direction, and after the vision, I couldn't deny Jesus Christ as Massiah and my lord and Savior. I was baptised 24 November 2018 as it was put on me that I must be baptised,

I had many other Visions like the lord's sword that came down about five building high just his sword this sword destroyer the enemy that was surrounding me after ten years into new age meditation but always seeking the true God, and I have always sought truth, Jesus finally came to me and protected me and destroyed the Enemy around me

I also was under massive spiritual battles, and God's ark angel Michael descended upon me and touched his sword on my forehead with the words "anointed."

God was always protecting me, but after the vision of Jesus and lamb the lamb of God, I have no doubt Jesus is lord, and today although struggles I live my life for God in spirit and truth the best I can.

I'm a new Christian, and there are battles, but God's goodness and love outpouring and forgiveness almost bring me to my knees, I cannot stand I will fall to the ground or burst in tears when he Floods me with his love or forgiveness.

Praise the Lord Jesus Christ; I hope we can all get understanding from one another.

Axel: United States

I had a dream where my younger sister and I went out into a shed there. I saw a saint, and we started talking about Jesus, then all of a sudden, he faints. I hold him, so he doesn't fall.

Then I look up to see Jesus face staring at me with blue eyes and a straight face and hug him tight; then I left the shed with my little sister.

Kaito: Philippines

I had a dream when my family and I were hanging out on our terrace doing the usual stuff, when suddenly; A mighty earthquake so strong is happening that caused us to evacuate and exit our home. Then we looked up and saw bright lights on the sky (northern lights), but it was happening in the daytime.

All of a sudden the day turned into night, and the lights were brighter, and it became day again; still, the lights are dancing at the sky, and giant fiery balls were falling from the sky, and I saw Jesus coming down from heaven with his angels and I heard trumpets. Spirits are brought home from those who accepted him

John: United States

I dreamed a dream this morning that My Wife and I were walking in the yard holding hands like we always do. When all of a sudden, out of the eastern sky, a Shofar sounded, we instantly looked at each other with amazement, and with our next step, we were a mile or so from land. With the next step, we went higher and higher, until we were face to face with Jesus. The Face of God, I have often wondered how God would look. As I look into His eyes, I see completion; I see fullness, love, compassion. “Jesus my all in all “ I look to the sky, everything is so bright but yet no sun. Then I see Jesus. All of a sudden, my back hurts “ I’m laying in bed on a pillow to ease my back pain, the result of a wreck many years ago. When I wake up and begin telling my Wife about the dream “, I’m looking at the ceiling, and all I see is Jesus, anything I stare at for a second I see Jesus Face, “ then I began telling my Wife I see Jesus face everywhere. Jesus is in all and by all the things Jesus is.

B: United States

I was at work, but was going to endure a life-changing event that day after work; it could go horrible or wonderful. 

I sat with my eyes closed tight, praying for Jesus to walk with me through the doors. With my eyes closed, I saw a man reaching out with his hand. I knew in my mind exactly who it was, but his face was not clear; it kept changing almost as if I was looking at myself or someone I knew my whole life, as well as I, know myself. I felt complete peace and comfort; that moment truly changed my life.

Tonya: United States

Praise Jesus!

Jacqueline: United States

What is the name said he heard me came in my room I was sleep talking had my arms in here saying Jesus help me Jesus help me

Valerie: United States

I had a dream Jesus took his hands and placed them over my eyes.

Neethu: United States

I dreamt that I was in the middle of a problem that was becoming big, and then Jesus came in a white lining Cloth and gave out his hand. I took his hand, and we walked along an area that was half water and sandy land. After some time, I put my second hand in his hand, and we continued walking for a while. I admired his facial features. I had never seen such a handsome face. I was thinking of how calmly he walked. He was so majestic. Later he took me to another dimension, and we walked passed a table. He made me sit on a long narrow table at the other end of the throne seat. He then faced the table we passed by, it was circular, and there were a bunch of Jewish people speaking about power and conquering the world. He put a red thread around them, one of the men tried to escape, but his hands got stuck. I suddenly woke up after that

Wisani: South Africa

I've dreamed of Jesus hugging me and rub me, and at that moment, it was the end of time. He was big with a white dress is written heaven is coming.

K. Wendy: United States

I have seen many dreams and visions of Jesus. In the early 2000's I had about three dreams where I saw a man in a white robe in a mist above, and I called out in my dream Which is that and a voice answered It's Jesus. I typed on the internet to a pastor and explained my dream, and he said there would be more.

So I went to church to pray after 911 Special day of prayer, and I saw a vision where the feet of Jesus standing in the mist above and many souls (people) were with their hands up at his feet.

Then not long after, I was thin, very sick and so tired all the time and my hair was falling out. My friends at work were talking about Cancer; they thought I had it, I guess. I was working at a nuclear site. I got fired from work.

Then one morning, I woke up, and Jesus was in his white robe sitting next to me in my bed. I was having a vision. So I looked at his hair wavy black and his ear and beard and the thought, what does he want?

He didn't speak, and for 10 mins I was just wondering, so I thought I can see so sharp without my contacts in so I should be able to feel him (like all the senses working), so I touched his robe on his arm, and it all disappeared. Then my hair stopped falling out, and I was healed.

My life totally changed from this day on, and I received my Masters in Education, and everything was paid for amazingly. I have so many visions Jesus is helping me and others in my visions.

I'm going to write a book soon. He is coming visions my friends saw me go up, but at first, I was to die, but the path changed because I have been helping everyone I could.

Bacan: Philippines

I saw Jesus with the father in the sky, and I kneeled and asked forgiveness, and I pray the lord's prayer.

Mayra: United States

I had a vision of Jesus, I was sleeping in my bedroom, and He was standing next to my bed. The dream was so real; it's almost like I was awake. He was a bright light, but I could still see the image of a man. I felt peace at that moment, something unexplainable. I heard Him say to me, " do you want to follow me"? Then I woke up. But I could never get the vision out of my mind.

Nita: Namibia

The first time, I had a vision of Jesus, I saw a bright light, and I felt love and peace, and on my right-hand side, I saw Jesus' face with beautiful colors radiating through Him.

The second time, I saw the Holy Spirit descend on me as a Dove, and He opened up the Kingdom of God. Then I saw Jesus on the cross, between me and God the Father. Both were visions, fully awake, not dreams.

Stefanie: United States

I had a dream I was driving down a mountain, and there was a car coming towards me, the car was out of control and started driving itself. Cars were coming at me, but I wasn’t hitting them. 

I looked over to the right window and looked up and saw Jesus standing on a hill, he was holding something, but I couldn’t tell what it was. I felt at peace at that moment.

Eva: United States

In my dream a few days ago, I was lying in bed sleeping, and then Jesus suddenly appeared with a golden glow around him, and he bent down and hugged me while I was asleep.

It felt very real like I could feel that someone was actually hugging me. I still had this feeling when I woke up in the morning.

Lenetra: United States

I was in the bathtub, and Jesus appeared and told me that I am his bride, and before I could answer Him, I woke up.

Abigail: United Kingdom

I had a vision when I was young, I had just closed my eyes, and the vision appeared, I saw Jesus behind a window. He smiled at me and then laid his hand on the window. And just at that moment, the vision ended.

Anthony: United States

A man laid hands on me, and his head and shoulders begin to glow once he touches me, and in the sky, the lord appears. what does that mean?

Sylvinia: India

I saw Jesus Christ in my dream, and he took me to heaven, and from heaven, I saw the earth. On earth, there were many noises, people running around in different places. 

I don't know how it happened, but I suddenly came back to earth, and I thought to myself, what is happening and how did I came back to earth?. 

Also, I saw someone was trying to attack me or like to get me. But then, I screamed, "Lord, Jesus, please help me. " And again, I was taken back to heaven by Jesus Christ. I was saved by Jesus.

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Dreams and Visions of Jesus Page 39

"Lets Teach Our Children to Love"

Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).

Love is the answer!

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True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.

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