Peter: Philippines
I was in the hospital with a spine-compressed fracture and paralyzed from the waist down. After a few days and still, I cannot empty my bladder.
One morning, I was praying, and the moment I closed my eyes, I saw Jesus' silhouette and very strong backlights of white and pink rays; then he moved closer to me then said, "RELEASE."
I immediately opened my eyes, then after 2 to 3 seconds, I felt my bladder open up (seems like a small stone had moved} then I began emptying my bladder.
Karl: Australia
Prophetic Healing Dream:
I am a born-again Christian and love Christ and the Father more than anything.
My daughter had got lukemia at three years old and went on to have it come back three more times in nine years. This year it came back, and after some early treatment, she had a small stroke and ended up in ICU.
I have always known Christ is with us thru these challenges. She was released from the ICU but could not move her left side or speak properly.
One night in the hospital, she told her mum Christ came to her that night in a dream and told her she would be fine and stronger.
He came thru some sort of portal glowing behind him and had a beard and Brown hair. He was wearing a white robe with a pure-like sash over his shoulder.
My daughter is still going thru treatment and is getting stronger.
My daughter is so matter-of-fact and gets sick of me asking about the dream. I love Christ so much.
Thank you.
Christian: United States
In the dream, I saw a Young African man sitting in a car about to turn right. He had blue eyes, but half of his face was disintegrated and even had flies flying around it.
I could sense that he was the type of person to praise God no matter what would happen to him.
Jesus is driving the weirdest car truck hybrid I've ever seen. I can best describe the car/truck as "humble." It was purple and had a crown and ladder logo on it.
Right, when the boy is about to turn, Jesus drives past him, and his face is instantly healed. Jesus cuts him off and turns left, and drives into the distance.
Jodie: United States
For a long time now, I have kept a dream journal. In it, I would record any dreams and visions I have had of Jesus. The very first one I received in my adolescence, He told me, "You need more faith."
However, the one I am submitting today is one of the more profound ones I wrote down. It happened on 6-4-2014.
In the dream, I was in another "place" or dimension with no walls. Angels were "floating" in waiting around the Son of God. There was a stream of people in various states of distress progressing toward Him.
They each lifted their right hand and touched it to His for healing. I witnessed a bright, intense beam of light project from His hand into the body of each person, causing them to collapse.
One angel knew I wanted to tell Jesus about my desperation and financial woes but sensed I was afraid. It was a somewhat frightening sight, seeing all those people struck down by this Divine and powerful Light.
The angel encouraged me to step forward and get in line, coaxing me along. I mustered up the courage and met Him in line straight on. As I "floated" toward Him, I instantly began to pour my heart out in supplication.
Before I could even finish, I was aware that He already knew what my needs were and had the solution and power to restore. I put out my hand to His, and a bright bolt of Light shot straight into my arm and all over my body.
I collapsed immediately and was enveloped with an electric, tingling sensation. The feeling I got was pure bliss. There was no pain, only an intense state of Oneness, sharpened awareness, and connection to the Divine.
The dream woke me up, and I still felt tingly for a while afterward. I remember thinking the rays of Light coming from Jesus' right hand reminded me of this passage in:
I can also attest to the fact that I am completely debt-free now. If you come to Jesus with a humble and contrite heart, He will answer your prayers according to His will.
Anitor: Uganda
I had a dream that I was in my village church giving testimony, and everyone was happy for me that I changed; I told them something, but I don't still remember the advice I gave them.
After I went to my seat, a lady with a young pregnant girl crying in pain came, and the whole church was really feeling bad for her. The church priest called us to gather at the altar, and we prayed for her.
But while the priest was getting ready to pray, I started praying in a very loud voice before the priest; then I saw myself in the compound of that girl praying, but the girl was ok then.
What does it mean?
Mmond: Sierra Leone
I had a dream this Monday, Nov 1st, at around 3 am. I dreamt of an old lady reading and explaining the Bible to me in our local dialect, and I understood perfectly.
As I was listening, I started experiencing excruciating pain in my stomach. I felt so much discomfort in the dream. I reached out my hand and touched something bulky in my stomach; I was worried and wanted to take it out immediately.
So I saw myself holding a blade in my right hand. I went to a private place to cut out whatever it was; then I heard voices shouting, stop her; she wants to kill herself. I saw a man walking towards me, asking me what I was doing. I told him I wanted to shave, so he left immediately.
I started cutting the part of my stomach that had the bulky something. I made a small incision and took out a device like Bluetooth to play music out of my belly.
I woke up still feeling the aftermath of the pain, but I knew immediately that Jehovah had taken away the cause of me not conceiving for the past two years. November 2021 is my month of double congratulations in Jesus Mighty Name Amen.
Nene: United States
I received a mammogram that came back showing what could be a Cancerous tumor. The night before, I took the test over and took a more extensive test that would give me the same results the same day. For some reason, my twin sister couldn’t sleep; She was restless up to four AM. I told her to sleep with me, she did, and we prayed and fell asleep.
An hour passed, and as I was watching, these two little ladies walked into my room with loud messages for my twin and me.
I was in between sleep and awake, and although I couldn’t see their faces, I touched their clothing, and they felt angelic.
After they massaged us, they started praying and throwing Orange dust around my room.
One left the room, and the other one began to do some surgery on the breast that had the cyst.
It hurt a bit, so I kept pushing the lady; as she sat on my back and doing the surgery on the side of the breast, she finally finished and gave me a warm pat on my back and left.
When my test came back negative, I wasn’t surprised because the Lord sent His Angels the night before. Amen!
Also on Prayer Testimonials
Just after waking up to pray in the middle of the night, I had a dream, and my bro was telling me, "we shall be meeting the minister" and bla bla bla! I then asked him when?
And well, he retorted, "eeeeii, you and your forgetfulness, what has gone wrong with your brain making it hard for your studies these days?"
Afterward, he continued, "receive it"...right there, I saw a real heavy gold coin rolled and pegged at my feet, I saw more coming in a faster rate, and while my eyes were still closed, I felt physically that, more of the coins were falling into my right hand, the hand became heavy that I must support with the left hand.
I woke up and, I saw my left hand tightly holding my right wrist and feels like heavy. Please, if someone can interpret this dream for me, I will be very glad.
The prayer I made that night was that God should heal me from dementia.
Jori: United States
I am female and 57 years old. I’ve been living with mental illness for as long as I can remember. As I get older, I feel more and more shameful and guilty for mistakes I’ve made in my life. I attempted suicide four times last year. I’m pretty much always sad and filled with guilt.
One night, not long ago, I dreamt I had a stroke and could not find my way home. Somehow I found myself in a pharmacy with trash bags of belongings.
The pharmacy was filled with people trying to get drugs: bad ppl and a crooked pharmacist. I was so confused. Suddenly a woman was sitting in front of me. She looked to be African. Very natural and wearing a white jacket with gold-threaded pinstripes. It looks pled second hand.
She asked me why I didn’t love myself. I didn’t know how to respond. She then said, ‘don’t you know how much I love you?’ Then she was gone, but I felt more loved than I felt in a long time. I’m sure it’s not popular to say my Jesus was African or a woman, but I felt that was who it was and it eases some of my pain
Raymond: United States
I have had pneumonia for four weeks. At 55, that can really wear you out. During one of my coughing spasms, I looked up to my ceiling, ready to give up! I saw a cloud floating from side to side with small lights floating downward! I reached up with my hand, and the tiny lights were attracted to my fingertips; I questioned the Lord about what they were, and he put into my head that they are prayers!! The lights continued for 15 minutes as I just laid back with tears in my eyes! God is good I am feeling better w t 2 days later!
A dream about healing that was from Jesus. The studies say smoking is a three-day addiction or seven days psychologically, but, with God, it is simply not true.
Gods Healing Power of Love is about a fantastic vision that brought total and instant healing and was instrumental in beginning a new ministry.
Why is it so difficult for our educators and society, in general, to understand that love and respect for one another taught from a young age can solve much of the world's hostility and social problems!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov 22:6).
Love is the answer!
True loyalty springs from the heart and is wrapped in love. It is often in our most private moments that true loyalty, or the lack of it, is made known.
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